showing results for - "vscode react cannot find moudle when import image"
12 Apr 2016
1create global.d.ts file in folder src,and add this line
3declare module "*.jpg" {
4  export default "" as string;
6declare module "*.png" {
7  export default "" as string;
queries leading to this page
cannot find module 27assets 2fbuild assets 2ficon png 27 or its corresponding type declarations cannot import an image in react typescriptcannot find module png typescript reactcannot find module image assets typescriptcoud not fins module image file reactimport image in react typescripttypescript cannot find module imagecannot find module 27react 27 or its corresponding type declarations imgreact ts import imagescode ts for imagevscode react cannot find moudle when import imagets2307 3a cannot find module 27 7e 2fassets 2fimages 2finitial image png 27 or its corresponding type declarations cannot find module 27 2f 2f 2fassets 2fgoogle png 27 or its corresponding type declarations absolute imports cannot find module 27assets 2fbuild assets 2ficon png 27 or its corresponding type declarations treact native typescript can 27t import png filecannot find module 27 2fpublic 2faccount photo placeholder png 27 or its corresponding type declarationscannot find module 27 2fimages 2fblog categories 2faging in place jpg 27 or its corresponding type declarations react import image typescriptgatsby typescript error cannot find module img jpg or its corresponding type declarationsimport image in typescript reactcannot find module 27 2fimages 2fmyimage jpg 27 or its corresponding type declarations cannot find module 27 2f 2f 2fassets 2fadd vehicle png 27 from 27cardnew tsx 27cannot find module image typescript react nativecannot find module when importing imageimport images in typescript reacttypescript react import imageimport jpg typescript reactreact ts import filecannot find module or its corresponding type declarations imagetypescript why can i import image but not pdfcannot find module 27 2fassets 2fimages 2fstripes svg 27 or its corresponding type declarationscannot find module 27 2fmedia 2fdemo mp4 27 or its corresponding type declarations using require to import images says can 27t find moduletypescript react native import png doesn 27t workcannot find module 27 2fimages 2fdemo mp4 27 cannot find module 27 2f 2f 2fassets 2fvideo 2freact typescript assets pathcannot find module 27assets 2fimages 2fimage import cant find modlue in reactcannot find module when importing assets into reactgatsby typescript error cannot find module img jpg or its corresponding type declarations site 3astackoverflow commodule cannot be found react jpgcannot find module 27 2f 2fassets 2fhorror movie png 27 or its corresponding type declarationsimport images typescript reactcant find module image assets typescripthow to add image into react tsreact how to add image tstypescript cannot find module for import imagecannot find module 27src 2fimages 2fportrait jpg 27 or its corresponding type declarations react import image cannot find moduleimport image react typehow to imports images with typescript react nativereact native import image typescripttypescript cant import png filereact typescript import imagecouldn find module png typescript reactts 2307 can 27t find jpgimport images react typescripttypescript cannot find module pngcannot find module 27 2f 2fassets 2ficons 2fchat png 27 typescript react nativefiles setting for images typescriptcannot find module image typescriptimport image react typescriptcannot find module 22 2fassets reactcannot find module 27 2fassets 2fimages 2fuser default png 27 or its corresponding type declarationsvscode react cannot find moudle when import image