typescript object to array

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showing results for - "typescript object to array"
22 Jan 2019
1const persons = { 
2    john: { age: 23, year:2010},
3    jack: { age: 22, year:2011},
4    jenny: { age: 21, year:2012}
6const resultArray = Object.keys(persons).map(index => {
7    let person = persons[index];
8    return person;
30 Jul 2020
1//Supposing fooObj to be an object
3fooArray = Object.entries(fooObj);
5fooArray.forEach(([key, value]) => {
6  console.log(key); // 'one'
7  console.log(value); // 1
12 Mar 2019
1var resultArray = Object.keys(persons).map(function(personNamedIndex){
2    let person = persons[personNamedIndex];
3    // do something with person
4    return person;
7// you have resultArray having iterated objects 
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