typescript get current timestamp

Solutions on MaxInterview for typescript get current timestamp by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "typescript get current timestamp"
06 Oct 2016
1Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) // in seconds
30 May 2017
1Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
16 Jul 2017
1// A unary operator like plus triggers the valueOf method in the Date object
2// and it returns the timestamp (without any alteration).
3+ new Date()
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timestamp now in secondsjavascript get current epoch timejavascript unixformat js into current timestampget unix timestamp nodecureent epoch millisecond in javascriptes6 get epochepoch time current date 1 javascripttimestamp in epochepoch to timestamp nodejsset the epoch date jsjavascript get current epoch time millisecondsjavascript time since epochnode js get unixhow to instantiate a timestamp in typescripthow to get unix time node jsepoch unix time jsunix epoch timestamp javascriptunix time node jsnodejs current timestampjs date get seconds since epochdate now to timestamp jsjs date to epochgetunixtime in node jsjs date in epochepoch milliseconds javascriptjs date get epochtypescript get current date timestampget unix jsjs date at epoch startget current time in epoch javascriptjs format epoch as date 2ftimedate get timestamp javascriptjs get epoch timestampjs unix timestampjs get epochjavascript get current timestamp in secondsget unix time date javascriptjavascript daytime 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default date nowjavascript date as epochget current epoch time jsnew date timestampjs get timestamp from date objectepoch time nodejsjs get unix timestampangular current timestamptime stamo jsnod js get unix timejs current unix timestampjs check timestamp of functionjavascript new timestamphow to get milliseconds since epoch javascriptjs epoch timecan you use operand 22 3e 22 for timestamps in javascript 3fconverting epoch time to date jsunix time jsunix timestamp now javascriptnode js current unix epoch timereading nodejs timestampjs get the current time in unix timestamptypescript timestamptimestamp nodejs dates before unix epochunix date to integer javascriptget current time epoch javascriptjavascript get timestampjs get epoch ttypescript get current timestamp