type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type

Solutions on MaxInterview for type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type"
28 Apr 2017
1let name1:string = person.name as string;
21 Sep 2016
1this.property.Name = data?.Name || '{}';
26 Mar 2019
1let tempPrio = priorities.find(priority => priority.id == taskFormData.value.priority_id)
2selectedPriority.value = tempPrio || Object.assign({})
13 Jul 2020
1let name1:string = person.name!; 
2//                            ^ note the exclamation mark here  
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undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27environmentvariables 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 22string 22type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27boolean 27type 27string 7c number 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27type undefined is not assignable to typetype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 reacttypescript type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string undefined 27 error stack type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 argument of type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c concatarray 3cstring 3etype 27user 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27user 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27user 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 htmlargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 7c 28 28 29 3d 3e string 29 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 270 7c 1 7c undefined 27 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27argument of type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of typetype 27string 7c string 27 is not assignable to type 27color 7c undefined 27 type 27employee 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27employee 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27employee 27 102 this editemployee 3d employee 3btype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27genre 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27string is not assignable to type type or undefinedts2322 3a type 27string 7c number 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c null 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 28 28val 3a string 29 3d 3e string 7c boolean 29 7c undefinedtypescript type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27not assignable to type undefinedts2345 3a argument of type 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27 28 29 3d 3e string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b 7d 27 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ttype 27true 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27true 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27setstateaction 3cstring 3etype 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 22key 22 7c 22body 22 7c react nativetypescript argument of type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5dtype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27veffect 7c undefinedundefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27false 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29typescript is not assignable to type 27symboltypescript 2021 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27stringtype 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27object undefined 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27t 27type 7b 7d is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27androidmode 7c undefined 27type 27 28element 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27element 5b 5d 27 type 27element 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27element 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27reactelement 3cany 2c any 3e 27 ts 282322 29typescript type undefined is not assignabletype string undefined is not assignable to type string i n angulartype 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 argument of type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27string 7c undefined is not assignable to type stringtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27file 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 5b 7b type 3a string 3b 7d 5d 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 argument of type 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27number 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c set 3cstring 3e 7c 7b 5bklass 3a string 5d 3a any 3b 7d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27placement 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 apiargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 on htmltype undefined is not assignable to type stringtype 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 classname react 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type string undefined is not assignable to type stringtype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 5c 27template argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27type 27object 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 7c blob 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c blob 27 ts 282345 29type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 stricttype 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27htmlelement 7c undefined 27ype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27stringtype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27numberundefined is not assignable to type fortype 27string null 27 is not assignable to type 27string undefined 27type 27true 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27textalign 7c undefined 27 ts2322type 27true 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts2322type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27chksubjects 27 ts 282345 29type 27object 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27basecategoriesresponse 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to typeerror ts2322 3a type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27undefined is not assignable to type stringtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27element 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 error stacktype 27user 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27user 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27user 7c undefined 27 typescript 28property 29 pgresponsedata orderamount 3f 3a string 7c undefined type 27string 7c 0 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 270 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27string 7c number 7c symbol 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c undefined 27 on 3akeytype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27type 27string 7c number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27bank 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 22type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefinedtype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27numbertype 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to typetypescript not assignable to typetype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 tstype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 7c undefined 27 env string 7cundefined undefined not assignable to type stringtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27reactelement 3cany 2c any 3etype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27maybe 3cstring 3e 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 typescript type 2a is not assignable to type 5b 5dtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b title 3a string 3b 7d 27 ype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27ype 27number 27 is not assignable to type 270 7c 1 7c undefined 27type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27secrettypetype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27setstateaction 3cstring 3e 27type 27string undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 typescripttype 27void 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 ts 282322 29type 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27error 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type type 27string 27 is not assignable to typeargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27undefined is not assignable to typetype 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27react undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c number 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 5b 5d 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27student 27 ts 282345 29type is not assignable to type 27 22string 22type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 process env type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27true 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27error 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 c2 a0 c2 a0type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27reactelement 3cany 2c any 3e 7c undefinedtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type objecttype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27type 27maybe 3cstring 3e 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27url 27 type 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27error 7c null 7c undefined 27 type 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27error 27 ts 282322 29 try catchis not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 270 7c 1 7c undefined 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefinedtype 27 7b 22 22 3a undefined 3b 7d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type string is not assignable to type string 7c undefinedtype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27argument of type 27 2a 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27 2a 27 property 27login 27 of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to string index type 27string 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c 28 28 29 3d 3e string 29 7c undefined 27 type 27t 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c symbol 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 22success 22 7c 22info 22 7c 22warning 22 7c 22error 22 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27null 27 27undefined 27 is not assignable to typeangular type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27element 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27 22 22 27 is not assignable to type 27 22string 22 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 22 22 27argument of type 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27number 27 type number is not assignable to type undefinedargument of type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282345 29type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27date 27 ts 282322 29typescript type 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27ype 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype string undefined is not assignabletype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27key 7c null 7c undefined 27 type 27 28element 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27element 5b 5d 27 type 27element 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27element 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27reactelement 3cany 2c any 3e 27 ts error type 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 28string 7c element 29 5b 5d 27 type string undefined is not assignable to type string in angulartype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 27type 27 7b 7d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b 7d 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27keyoftypescript type 2a is not assignable to typetype 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27color 7c undefined 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27maybe 3cstring 3e 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 undefined is not assignable to type string typescripttype 27string 27 is not assignable to type type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 mitttype 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 angular 12firebase auth angular type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29 uidof type 27string 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to 27string 27 index type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c set 3cstring 3e 7c 7b 5bklass 3a string 5d 3a any 3b 7d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c set 3cstring 3e 7c 7b 5bklass 3a string 5d 3a any 3b type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27null 7c undefined 27 reacttype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27number 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 ts 282769 29type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 22string 22 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27null 7c undefined 27angular 11 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282345 29 is not assignable to type 27symbol 7c undefined 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c buffer 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27string 7c arraybuffer 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29type 27maybe 3cstring 3e 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 27 angulartype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27textalign 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27htmldivelement 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c element 7c undefined 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27date 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 273 7c 1 7c undefined 27 type 27icontextualmenuprops 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 27type 27string 7c 28string 7c null 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27reactelement 3cany 2c any 3e 27ts2322 3a type 27htmlelement 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27htmlelement 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27htmlelement 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 angulartype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 7ctype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29promise 3cusers 7c undefined 3e 27 is not assignable to type 27 3cusers 3e 28 29 3d 3e any 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27htmlimageelement 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27maybeundefined 3cstring 3e 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 7c 28 28 29 3d 3e string 29 27 type 27object 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27object 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27objecttype 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 27 ts 282322 29 index with paddingtop reactnativetype 27user 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27user 27 error ts2322 3a type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 in objecttype error 3a type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c staticimport 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type undefined is not assignable to type numbertype 27string 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 type 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27element 7c null 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 typescript objectargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts2345undefined 27 is not assignable to type 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 5b 5dargument of type string undefined is not assignablejs type string is not assignable to type undefinedtype undefined is not assignable to type object reacttype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27color 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type is not assignable to type 5c undefinedtype 27element 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 tstype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 react type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27string undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type 27 28string 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to typeargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 error ts2322 3a type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27 28 29 3d 3e string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27t 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 angulartype 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 22body 22 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type arrayargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ttype 27date 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 typescriptargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c 28 28 29 3d 3e string 29 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27 28 29 3d 3e number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c undefined 27 type 27 28 29 3d 3e number 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 ts 282322 29type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27null 7c undefined 27 type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts 282344 29type 27any 5b 5d 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c 22 22 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 typescript configtype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c null 27 typescript type 27string undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 27type 27element 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27 react typescripttypescript type undefined is not assignable to stringtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27never 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5dtype 27unknown 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27number 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c any 5b 5d 7c null 7c undefined 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27object 27event 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27booktype 7c undefined 27type 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 ts 282322 29type 27 7b access 3a string 3b status 3f 3a undefined 3b device 3f 3a undefined 3b 7d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 argument of type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27element 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c string 5b 5d 27 type 27number undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27 typescripttype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27elementtype 3cany 3e 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c null 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 typescript undefined is assignable to type stringtype 27 28e 3a any 29 3d 3e undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 28 29 3d 3e void 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 7c readonly string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 type string undefined is not assignable to type stringtype 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 22string 22type 27 7b id 3a string 3b name 3a string 3b 7d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to typetype 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 string null undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string undefined 27argument of type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282345 29type 27promise 3cstring 7c undefined 3e 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27null 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27null 27 ts 282322 29argument of type 27 28 29 3d 3e false 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27effectcallback 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27undefined is not assignable to its type angulartype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b 5bk 3a string 5d 3a any 3b 7d 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27 7b 7d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type void is not assignable to undefinedtype is not assignable to type 27stringtype 27 7b 7d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27argument of type 27number 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27number 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 27is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27 5b 7b type 3a string 3b 7d 5dargument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 when loading env filestype 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c boolean 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27false 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27false 7c 22step number 22 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27false 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to typetype 27string 27 is not assignable to type string type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type typescripttype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 22key 22 7c 22body 22 7cangular type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27ts2322 3a type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27stringtype 27object 27 is not assignable to type 27undefined 27type 27string 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 27 typescript is not assignable to typetype 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27number 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 ts 282322 29type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27stringtype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27 type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27method 7c undefined 27 angular window type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27null is not assignable to type 27experience 7c undefined 27 type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c propsfunc 3c 7b 7d 2c string 7c undefined 3e 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c propsfunc 3c 7b 7d 2c string 7c undefined 3e 7c undefined 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignabletype undefined is not assignable to type string idtype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282345 29type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c null 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c null 27 ts 282322 29arument of type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 27element 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282322 29 firebasetype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27null 7c undefinedtype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c number 27 ts2345typescript undefined is not assignable to type stringpasrseint type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c blob 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 ts 282345 29type 27string 27 is not assignable to type valuetype 27 7b 7d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b 7d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27 7b 7d 27type 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27ttype 27string 27 is not assignable to type 27textalign 7c undefinedtype 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 5cn 22type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 ts2322type 27string 7c null 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 error ts2322 3a type 27string 7c boolean 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 5b19 3a36 3a01 5d type 27false 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 argument of type 27any 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27any 5b 5d 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27any 5b 5d 27 argument of type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 7c blob 27type 27object 5b 5d 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27reasonobject 5b 5d 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27number 7c undefined 27the type undefined is not assignable to the type objecttype 27 28 28 28 29 3d 3e string 29 7c undefined 29 5b 5d 27 is not assignable to type 27string 5b 5d 27 type 27string 7c undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 type 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type 27string 27 tsargument of type 27string 7c null 27 is not assignable to parameter of type 27string 7c undefined 27 type 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 type undefined is not assignabletype 27null 27 is not assignable to type 27string 7c undefined 27 typescripttype 27undefined 27 is not assignable to type