turtle meaning

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16 Jun 2017
1# .clear(#turtle) clears whole screen, if turtle provide then only turtle input
2# .goto(x,y) Sends turtle to specified location
3# .home() Returns to (0,0)
4# .setx(x) Sends turtle to specified location keeping current y
5# .sety(y) Sends turtle to specified location keeping current x
6# .distance(x, y) Returns own distance from specified location.
7# .towards(x,y) Returns angle of in degrees to turn to target
8# .penup() Stop marking
9# .pendown() Start marking
10# .isdown() returns bool to see if pen is marking
11# .speed() turtle speed from fastest to slowest(0, 10, 6, 3, 1)
12# .Showturtle() show
13# .Hideturtle() hide
14# .isvisible() is visible
15# .pen() shows all current data of a turtle
03 Jan 2021
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