travis deployment script for django applications to heroku

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showing results for - "travis deployment script for django applications to heroku"
08 Sep 2017
1language: python
3  provider: heroku
4  buildpack: python
5  api_key:
6    secure: very_long_encrypted_token
7  strategy: git
8  app: glucosetracker-demo
9  on:
10    repo: jcalazan/glucose-tracker
11  run:
12    - "python glucosetracker/ syncdb --noinput --settings=settings.heroku"
13    - "python glucosetracker/ migrate --all --settings=settings.heroku"
14    - "python glucosetracker/ load_random_glucose_data jsmith --settings=settings.heroku"
15    - restart
16script: "coverage run --source=. glucosetracker/ test -v 2"