toupper in c

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showing results for - "toupper in c"
11 Apr 2019
1For those of you who want to uppercase a string and store it in a variable (that was what I was looking for when I read these answers).
3#include <stdio.h>  //<-- You need this to use printf.
4#include <string.h>  //<-- You need this to use string and strlen() function.
5#include <ctype.h>  //<-- You need this to use toupper() function.
7int main(void)
9    string s = "I want to cast this";  //<-- Or you can ask to the user for a string.
11    unsigned long int s_len = strlen(s); //<-- getting the length of 's'.  
13    //Defining an array of the same length as 's' to, temporarily, store the case change.
14    char s_up[s_len]; 
16    // Iterate over the source string (i.e. s) and cast the case changing.
17    for (int a = 0; a < s_len; a++)
18    {
19        // Storing the change: Use the temp array while casting to uppercase.  
20        s_up[a] = toupper(s[a]); 
21    }
23    // Assign the new array to your first variable name if you want to use the same as at the beginning
24    s = s_up;
26    printf("%s \n", s_up);  //<-- If you want to see the change made.
28//If you want to lowercase a string instead, change toupper(s[a]) to tolower(s[a]).
03 Aug 2019
1int result = toupper(charecterVariable);// return the int that corresponding upper case char
2//if there is none then it will return the int for the original input.
3//can convert int to char after
4char result2 = (char)toupper(variableChar);
30 Jun 2017
1#include <ctype.h> // For function below
29 Jan 2018
1int toupper( int arg );
queries leading to this page
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