torch max pytorch

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María Camila
17 May 2019
1>>> a = torch.randn(4, 4)
2>>> a
3tensor([[-1.2360, -0.2942, -0.1222,  0.8475],
4        [ 1.1949, -1.1127, -2.2379, -0.6702],
5        [ 1.5717, -0.9207,  0.1297, -1.8768],
6        [-0.6172,  1.0036, -0.6060, -0.2432]])
7#torch.max(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) 
8>>> torch.max(a, 1)
9torch.return_types.max(values=tensor([0.8475, 1.1949, 1.5717, 1.0036]), indices=tensor([3, 0, 0, 1]))