tkinter make window scrollable

Solutions on MaxInterview for tkinter make window scrollable by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "tkinter make window scrollable"
29 May 2020
1from tkinter import *
2class ScrollBar:
3    def __init__(self):
4        root = Tk()
5        h = Scrollbar(root, orient = 'horizontal')
6        h.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X)
7        v = Scrollbar(root)
8        v.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
9        t = Text(root, width = 15, height = 15, wrap = NONE,
10                 xscrollcommand = h.set,
11                 yscrollcommand = v.set)
12        for i in range(20):
13            t.insert(END,"this is some text\n")
14        t.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
15        h.config(command=t.xview)
16        v.config(command=t.yview)
17        root.mainloop()
18s = ScrollBar()