showing results for - "ternary operator"
21 Feb 2017
1// (condition) ? (if true, do this) : (otherwise, do this)
2const hasAccount = true
3// let userDisplayMessage
4// if (hasAccount) {
5//   userDisplayMessage = 'Welcome Back'
6// } else {
7//   userDisplayMessage = 'Please Sign Up'
8// }
9const userDisplayMessage = hasAccount ? 'Welcome Back' : 'Please Sign Up'
26 May 2019
1// It is bascially an if else statement but is an operator
2// Heres a program to get the largest of 3 numbers
3import java.util.Scanner; 
5  public class Program_19{ 
6  static void main(){ 
8    Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 
10    System.out.println("Enter Number 1 [int]: "); 
12    int num1 = sc.nextInt(); 
14    System.out.println("Enter Number 2 [int]: "); 
16    int num2 = sc.nextInt(); 
18    System.out.println("Enter Number 3 [int]: "); 
20    int num3 = sc.nextInt(); 
22    int largest = (num1>num2)? ((num1>num3)?num1:num3) : ((num2>num3)? num2:num3); 
24    System.out.println(largest+" is the largest among the 3 numbers"); 
26  } 
12 Feb 2020
1condition ? expression-if-true : expression-if-false;
3function findGreater(a, b) {
4  return a > b ? "a is greater" : "b is greater";
18 Jun 2020
1// syntax:
2condition ? console.log("true") : console.log("false");
3// e.g:
4let n = 15;
5n % 2 === 0 ? console.log("even number") : console.log("odd number");
02 Sep 2020
1double sinc(double x) => x != 0.0 ? Math.Sin(x) / x : 1;
5// Output:
6// 0.998334166468282
7// 1
06 May 2019
1isMember ? '$2.00' : '$10.00'
2// isMember true =>  output: "$2.00"
4// isMember false =>  output: "$10.00"
6// isMember null =>  output: "$10.00"
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ternary operatorjs ternary 3f advanced javascript ternary operatorconditional operator javascriptturnary operator c 23ternary if operator c 23c 23 ternary operator return boolean 3f 3f ternaryjs ternary chainternery opetion in c3 3f 3f in ternary operatorc 23 guarded command tenery expressionwhat is the ternary operatorternary chain in javascriptternary 3f 3acsharp ternary expressionternary operatorsternary operatofternary operator c 23 exampleconditional ternary operatorand condition in ternary operatorternary operatoryterneary operatorsoperator ternaryternary operataorternary c 23csharp ternary operatorwhat are ternary operatorsor condition in ternary operatorternary operta in c 23c 23 ternary operator in string ternary operaterc 23 chaining ternary operatorsternary operator example in c 23ternary functionternary operator if statementw 2fo ternary operatorreturn statement in ternary operator c 23operator in c 23 for if elseternary operator csharphow to use the ternary operator 3fterminator operatorternary in a ternarynetcore or ternaryinline if else cc 23 inline if statement exampleis 26 26 considered a ternary operator 7c 7c in ternaryternary defall ways to write ternary operatorwhat is a ternary operator 3fshort ternary operator 26 26ternary operator three conditionshow do ternary operators workternary operator usesc sharp ternary operatorshow to use ternary operator windows forms c 23ternary operator c 23 3f ternary operatorconditional operator c 23ternary operatprternary condition in c 23syntax of ternaryhow do you use a ternary operator 3f conditional 28ternary 29 operatorternaryternary statementsternary jsternary operator allc 23 ternary operator online validatorternary conditionalternary operat c3 b6r c3 bc nedir c 23ternar operatorslogical operators in ternary operatorternary c 23 booleantest ternaire javascripthow will you use the ternary operatorc 23 string to ternary operatorexpress contains ternary jsc 23 ternary operator string c 23 ternary operator no elsewhat does ternary meantjavascript ternary operator wich es versionternary operator inside ternary operatortrinity operator in c 23ternary opertor c 23which symbol is used for ternary operatorternaire alternative ecmascript 6int 3f ternary exampleternary operationc 23 ternaryternary operator within ternary operatprternary operator c 23 in executereader exampleternary operator ternary operator with or what is a ternary operator on javascriptternary operator js infoternary operator c 23 formatexpression ternaire anshorthand for only if check in c 23ternary operator for only if condition c 23how to use 7c 7c in ternary operatorternary operator formatternary meansc 23 what is the 3f in the ternary operator 3fternaire javascriptc 23 ternary else ifwhich of the following is ternary operator 3fternary expression c 23what is a terniary operator node jsternary in jsternary operator in ternary operatorwhat is ternary operatorreturn ternary operator c 23tenary operatorshow to use if else in one line in c 23ternary if statementternary operatorcternary operator c 23 w3schoolswhat is a ternary operator with examplewhat we call switch statements and terinary operatorsturnary statements c 23itinerary if c 23c 23 therneryternary operator newwhat does a ternary operator doternary operators in c 23use ternary operatoroperations conditioons in c 23ternary operatirtrunary expression c 23trnary operatorsternary logical operator 3fternary operator in c 23 5bcondition 28 29 5d c 232 operation thernary operatorshort if in cshould you use the ternary operatorternary stertiary c 23c sharp ternaryconditional statement c 23 ternary to accommodate 3 statementternary operator 3d 3d 3d valueternary syntaxcondition in ternary operatorc 23 turneryuses of ternary operator ternary operator void methods c 23ternary operator in c sharpternary if statement c 23ternary operator jsternary operator with logical operatorturnery c 23ternary operator ores6 ternaryc 23 turnaryternary operator with 3f 3foperateur ternaire condition map es6two times ternary operator c 23in ternary operatorternary numberternary opretorlogical or in ternary operatorternary operator 5cconditional operators mvc c 23ternary operator in if else c 23ternary operator 7c 7cternary operator in return statement c 23writing operator c 23asp ternary operatorternary operator with integerswhy ot use ternary operatorternary if c 23in c 23 ternary operatorternary condition syntaxvalue conditional affectation javascriptif else opartor c 23if statement assignment c 23conditional 28ternary 29 operatorternary inside ternaryternary operator c 23ternary operator in exampleternary operators is ahow to create the ternary operator in c 23c 23 ternary operator for string which operator is called ternary operator ternary conditionturnery statementsif else greater than or equal to 0 using turneryc 23 ternary method 3f 3a c 23how does a ternary operator workc 23 ernary conditional operatorop c3 a9rateur ternaire javascriptc 23 nested ternary expressionternary operator versc 23 ternary conditional operatorcan you use or operator with ternaryternary opratercan you have ternary operators inside ternary operatorcondition ternaire javascriptwhat is 3f in ternaryternary operator 26 26if else ternary operator c 23ternary operator or conditional operatorternary operator in c3assign ternary operator c 23ternary operator 3fc 23 inline if on stringternary operator with and conditionc 23 tri statementhow use ternary operatorasp net elvis operatoruse of ternary operatorturnery operator c 23 3f ternaryternary operator functionternary operator c 23 in stringexample of ternary operatorternary operator javascript namecan i use ternary operatorsyntax for the ternary operatorsternary operator c 23 no elseprint values conditionally from a variable in c 23ternary operator 3f 3ac 23 syntax question markjavascript ternary exampletristate operator cdo something in ternary operatorjs ternaire with equalc 23 ternary operator exampleexpression in ternary c 23teranary operators in c 23complex example for an ternary operatorsingle line if else if c 23ternary seternary expression with value c 23ternary operator boolean c 23ternary operator condition if else if elsecondition ternaire jshow to create a ternary in c 23how ternary operator worksthree arguments operator c 23function definition with ternary operatoror statement in ternaryhow to use ternary operator in c 23javascript ternary operator wternary operator for 3 conditions 26 26 ternary operatorternary operator in a functionwhat is ternary operator with example 3fternary operator 2cternary js containsternary programmingc 23 3f 3f conditional operatorternary operatoreternary comparaison jshow to write a ternary operator in c 23ternary opearatorternary operator block statementternary operator c 23 with return statementternary operator 3f 3ause ternary operator in c 23 list modeldefine ternaryc 23 operatorjavascript conditionally run code through ternary operatorwhy ternary operators are known as ternary operatoror statement in ternary operatorternary condition operatorfunction ternaireternary elvis operatorjs return ternaryternary operationsternary operator with functionnested ternary operator c 23if short wothout else syntax in cc 23 ternary operatorternary operator in if statementwhich of the following operators represents a ternary conditional operator in c 23ternary operator syntaxternary ifternary operatorif ternary operator in modeljsternary returnc 23 itinerary operatorand ternary operatorc 23 turnary operatorternary in ternaryif expression notationc 23 terniary ifternary opeartorshow to use ternary operator to complete this task in javascriptc 23 ternary ifternary meaningternary trong c 23ternary operator in c 23c 23 ternary statementternary operators c 23ternary oeratorblock in ternary operatorc 23 ternary operator as statementexpression condition jssyntax of conditional statementternary if operator 28ternary 29 operatorternary operator explainedternary operator examplejavascript conditional operatorternary expressionsternary operator with 26 26can we use or condition in ternary operator 3fassign value in ternary operator c 23js ternaireternary expersioon c 23if ternary operatorthe ternary operatorusing ternary operatoruse ternary operator in c 23what does used 3f 3f in ternary conditon in c 23ternary javascriptternary operator 3c 25ternary operatic 23 conditional operatorjs conditionnal operatorexplain ternary operator with examples 3fexecute ternary operator c 23ternary definitionelse if in ternary operator c 23 3f 3f ternary operatorternary expressiongreater than or equal to 0 using turneryternary operator for array in c sharpternary operatotternary conditional operator c 23c 23 ternary 3f 3ftennary operator in c 23ternary 29ternary operation c 23ternary operator 3a 3fternary oprewhat is the use of ternary operatorwhich of the following is a ternary operator 3fternary operator iin c 23what is ternaryternary operatorwhat ternary operatorc 23 using ternary operator with exceptionternary or operatorwhich one of the following is an ternary operator 3aternary operator expressionternary oper c3 a1torokwhat is ternary operator in codingifd value 3d 3dnull ternary operator in c 23ternary operator