telegram chat bot using flask

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28 Jul 2016
1import re
2from flask import Flask, request
3import telegram
4from telebot.credentials import bot_token, bot_user_name,URL
7global bot
8global TOKEN
9TOKEN = bot_token
10bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN)
12app = Flask(__name__)
14@app.route('/{}'.format(TOKEN), methods=['POST'])
15def respond():
16   # retrieve the message in JSON and then transform it to Telegram object
17   update = telegram.Update.de_json(request.get_json(force=True), bot)
19   chat_id =
20   msg_id = update.message.message_id
22   # Telegram understands UTF-8, so encode text for unicode compatibility
23   text = update.message.text.encode('utf-8').decode()
24   # for debugging purposes only
25   print("got text message :", text)
26   # the first time you chat with the bot AKA the welcoming message
27   if text == "/start":
28       # print the welcoming message
29       bot_welcome = """
30       Welcome to coolAvatar bot, the bot is using the service from to generate cool looking avatars based on the name you enter so please enter a name and the bot will reply with an avatar for your name.
31       """
32       # send the welcoming message
33       bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=bot_welcome, reply_to_message_id=msg_id)
36   else:
37       try:
38           # clear the message we got from any non alphabets
39           text = re.sub(r"\W", "_", text)
40           # create the api link for the avatar based on
41           url = "{}.png".format(text.strip())
42           # reply with a photo to the name the user sent,
43           # note that you can send photos by url and telegram will fetch it for you
44           bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=chat_id, photo=url, reply_to_message_id=msg_id)
45       except Exception:
46           # if things went wrong
47           bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text="There was a problem in the name you used, please enter different name", reply_to_message_id=msg_id)
49   return 'ok'
51@app.route('/set_webhook', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
52def set_webhook():
53   s = bot.setWebhook('{URL}{HOOK}'.format(URL=URL, HOOK=TOKEN))
54   if s:
55       return "webhook setup ok"
56   else:
57       return "webhook setup failed"
60def index():
61   return '.'
64if __name__ == '__main__':
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