swap case python

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showing results for - "swap case python"
23 Jul 2018
3for i in range (len(s)):
4    if s[i].isupper():
5        new_str+=s[i].lower()
6    elif s[i].islower():
7        new_str+=s[i].upper()
8    else:
9        new_str+=s[i]
02 Nov 2020
1str_swapcase = "what was that about?".swapcase()
05 Nov 2016
1a = 10
2b = 20
3print("not swiped value of a is",a)
4print("not swiped value of b is",b)
5stored_value = a
6a = b
7b = stored_value
8print("swiped value of a is",a)
9print("swiped value of b is",b)
24 Jan 2016
1def swap0(s1, s2):
2    assert type(s1) == list and type(s2) == list
3    tmp = s1[:]
4    s1[:] = s2
5    s2[:] = tmp
7# However, the easier and better way to do a swap in Python is simply:
8s1, s2 = s2, s1
08 Jan 2020
1def swap_string():
2	s=input()
3	swapped_string=""
4	swapped_string+=s.swapcase()
5    return swapped_string
26 Mar 2019
1t = "Mr.Brown"
2nt = t.swapcase()
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