svg text

Solutions on MaxInterview for svg text by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "svg text"
10 Sep 2017
1<svg viewBox="0 0 240 80" xmlns="">
2  <style>
3    .small { font: italic 13px sans-serif; }
4    .heavy { font: bold 30px sans-serif; }
6    /* Note that the color of the text is set with the    *
7     * fill property, the color property is for HTML only */
8    .Rrrrr { font: italic 40px serif; fill: red; }
9  </style>
11  <text x="20" y="35" class="small">My</text>
12  <text x="40" y="35" class="heavy">cat</text>
13  <text x="55" y="55" class="small">is</text>
14  <text x="65" y="55" class="Rrrrr">Grumpy!</text>
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