sum of the array elements in php

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showing results for - "sum of the array elements in php"
22 Aug 2019
2$items = [
3    ['label' => 'cake', 'name' => 'Cake', 'price' => 150],
4    ['label' => 'pizza', 'name' => 'Pizza', 'price' => 250],
5    ['label' => 'puff', 'name' => 'Veg Puff', 'price' => 20],
6    ['label' => 'samosa', 'name' => 'Samosa', 'price' => 14]
9$arrSum = array_sum(array_column($items, 'price', 'name'));
10print "Sum of Array : ".$arrSum."<br/>";
26 Oct 2017
1Return the sum of all the values in the array (5+15+25):
5echo array_sum($a);
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