subtr oracle 3f

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17 Jul 2019
1-- ORACLE substr(string, start, [, length ])
2SELECT substr('Hello World', 4, 5) FROM DUAL;       -- lo Wo
3SELECT substr('Hello World', 4) FROM DUAL;          -- lo World
4SELECT substr('Hello World', -3) FROM DUAL;         -- rld
5SELECT substr('Hello World', -3, 2) FROM DUAL;      -- rl
11 Apr 2018
1/*Using SUBSTR in Oracle (Example from */
3/*Simple select query...*/ 
5FROM station 
7/*Using WHERE and SUBSTR to find (distinct) cities in station table that begin 
8as well as end with a vowel.*/ 
9WHERE SUBSTR(city,1,1) IN ('A','E','I','O','U') 
10	AND substr(city,-1) IN ('a','e','i','o','u'); 
12/*Parameters for SUBSTR (Substring) in order are as follows: 
13String, Start, Length.*/ 
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