subplots matplotlib

Solutions on MaxInterview for subplots matplotlib by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "subplots matplotlib"
26 Feb 2016
1# First create some toy data:
2x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
3y = np.sin(x**2)
5# Create just a figure and only one subplot
6fig, ax = plt.subplots()
7ax.plot(x, y)
8ax.set_title('Simple plot')
10# Create two subplots and unpack the output array immediately
11f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
12ax1.plot(x, y)
13ax1.set_title('Sharing Y axis')
14ax2.scatter(x, y)
16# Create four polar axes and access them through the returned array
17fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
18axs[0, 0].plot(x, y)
19axs[1, 1].scatter(x, y)
21# Share a X axis with each column of subplots
22plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col')
24# Share a Y axis with each row of subplots
25plt.subplots(2, 2, sharey='row')
27# Share both X and Y axes with all subplots
28plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all')
30# Note that this is the same as
31plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
33# Create figure number 10 with a single subplot
34# and clears it if it already exists.
35fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=10, clear=True)
12 Sep 2018
1fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,2,figsize=(25,10),)
3i,j = 0,0
4for each in list_of_images:
5    img = cv.imread(
6    ax[i,j].imshow(img)
9    if j == 1:
10        j = 0
11        if i != 2:
12            i += 1
13    else:
14        j += 1
29 Oct 2018
2ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
3ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex = ax1)
09 Mar 2018
1# using the variable ax for single a Axes
2fig, ax = plt.subplots()
4# using the variable axs for multiple Axes
5fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)
7# using tuple unpacking for multiple Axes
8fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplot(1, 2)
9fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplot(2, 2)
29 Nov 2017
1# First create some toy data:
2x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
3y = np.sin(x**2)
5# Creates just a figure and only one subplot
6fig, ax = plt.subplots()
7ax.plot(x, y)
8ax.set_title('Simple plot')
10# Creates two subplots and unpacks the output array immediately
11f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
12ax1.plot(x, y)
13ax1.set_title('Sharing Y axis')
14ax2.scatter(x, y)
16# Creates four polar axes, and accesses them through the returned array
17fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
18axes[0, 0].plot(x, y)
19axes[1, 1].scatter(x, y)
21# Share a X axis with each column of subplots
22plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col')
24# Share a Y axis with each row of subplots
25plt.subplots(2, 2, sharey='row')
27# Share both X and Y axes with all subplots
28plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all')
30# Note that this is the same as
31plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
33# Creates figure number 10 with a single subplot
34# and clears it if it already exists.
35fig, ax=plt.subplots(num=10, clear=True)
25 Jan 2018
1fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2)
2fig.suptitle('Vertically stacked subplots')
3ax1.plot(x, y)
4ax2.plot(x, -y)
6fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) #in lines
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matplotlib add subplotssharex plt subplotssubplot in matplotlib notebooksubplot 28 29 matplotlibmatplotlib subplots showhow do i make axes subplots in pythonmatplotlib subplot 4what is subplot in pythonplot 4 subplots python 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot syntacsubplots in subplots matplotlibmatpltolib figure subplotsplt subl c2 b4plotssubplot matplotlibplots python subplotssubplots python 27subplots matplotlib ylabels pythonmatplotlib subfigurepython plt subplotmatplotlib pyplot subplotspython fig ax 3d plt subplots 28 294 panel plot pythonaxes subplotmatplotlib subplot ylimplt subplot 28 plt subplotpyplot subplots documentationplotting subplots matplotlibsubplot plotshow axes on all subplots matplotlibhow to plot subplots matplotlibsubplot showax subplotdo subplots matplotlibhow to make 3 subplots in matplotlibfig 2c axs 3d plt subplots 282 2c1 29subplot python matplotlibfig 2c ax1 3d plt subplots 28how to use subplot in matplotlibplt imshow subplotswhat is plt subplot in pythonhow to display subplots in matplotlib pythonmatplotlib 2 subplotssubplot pythonmatplotlib axes sharexhow t make subplotsin pythonsubplots in matplotlib 3 1how to make subplots in pythonplot subplot matplotwhat is the use of subplot 28 29 method in matplotlib 3fsubplot tutorialsubplots matplotlibstacked subplots matplotlibinset plots for subplots matplotlibplt subplot 27what is matplotlib axes subplots axessubplotmatplotlib schared x axissubplots axes as list matplotlibformat x axis matplotlibmatplotlib 4 subplotsplt subplots 28ncols 3dsubfigures pythonpyplot subplots 28 29pandas subplotsplt subpllotsmatplotlib subplots framesubpot pythonfig axes 3d plt subplotssubplot in matplotlibmaking subplots in pythonhow to use subplot pythonlegends subplots matplotlibpython figure subplotmatplotlib subplot python2 7plt u 3dsubplots plt sub ploteach subplot axes matplotlibhow to modify x axis matplotlibplt subplots exampleplt subplots in pythonin matplotlib creating subplots with legendsmatplotlib subplot 28123plt subplots python docssubplots text matplotlibfig plt subplotmatplotlib subplots different ylimplt subplots fig axmatplotlib subblotsubplots hydrostats in pythonfig 2c axes 3d plt subplotsmatplotlib pyplot subplotsmatlibplot subplotpyplot add subfiguresubplot within subplot matplotlibsubplot numpyput an axes in subplot matplotlibsubplots with matplotlibsubplots 28 29 pythonylabel in subplots pythonmatplotlib pyplot subplots 22true 22plt subplots 281 2c 2 29fig ax 3d plt subplots 281 1 293 in 4 subplots matplotlibplt show 28 29 shows subplots and all plots subplotlib matplotlibsubplot functions matplotlibsubplot s matplotlibmatplotlib subplots pythonmatplotlib figure create subplotpyplot subplots 28matplotlib subploatsplt subplots 284 2c 5 29plt subplot 3matplotlib plt subplot documatplotlib subplot graphhow to make subplots in matplotlibcreate 4 subplots matplotlibconfigure subplots matplotlibpython subplots in subplotsubplot matplotlib axesset up grid of plots matplotlibmatplotlib subplots axes legendsplotly subplotssubplots pythoncreate subplots matplotlibmatplotlib plt subplots 28 29subplot matplotlib codematplotlib sublpot examplesave subplots matplotlibnumpy subplot examplecreate subplots in pythonplt subplot matplotlibsubplot from function matplot exampleplot 3 subplots pythonfigure subplotssubplot show what 27s a subplot definition in matplotlib matplotlib pyplot subplotmatplotlib subplotsmatplotlib subplots explainedsubplots in pythonuse subplot matplotlib 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x7ff76dab6710 3eplt figure subplotpython pyplot subplotspyplot python subplotssubplots of data pythonsubplot documentation matplotlibsubplot method pythonmatplotlib figure add subplotsplt subplots showmatplotlib ax 3d plt subplotfig ax 3d plt subplotspython plt subplotpyplot share x axisusing subplots in pythonpyplot subplots syntaxsubfigures matplotlibplt subplots pythonplt subplots explanationplt subplots 28 29 explainedmatplotlib subplot showmatplotlib 2 subplot in one plot sharepyplot 2x2 subplotpython matplotlib 3 subplotshow to show plt subplotsmatplotlib share axis matplot lib sub plotcreate subplots python plt subplotsmatplotlib plot axes subplotplt subplot matplotlibhow to create subplots plt figure4 subplots matplotlibcreate a figure and add multiple subplotsax figureplt subplots nrowssublot matplotlibplt subplots 284 2c1 29plt figure subplotmatplotlib share axis labelpython subplots gridspec kwfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 28 29subplot matplotlib examplesubplots with plotfig 3d plt figure 28 29 plt subplot 281 2c2 2c1 29plt subplot exampleplots subplots pythonmake subplots in matplotlibmatplotlib 4 subplotsubplot matplotlib python examplesubplot image in matplotlibshow subplot matplotlibsubplot configuration matplotlibplt share y axisfig 2c ax 3d plt subplotsax pltplot subplotfour subplotsmatplotlib assign axes to subplotplt subplots example matplotlibplt subplot in pythonmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot showplt subp subplothow to use set subplotspec matplotlibplt subplot 281 2c 2 2c 1 29python matlibplot subplotplot subplotshow to do subplots in pythonfig subplots pythonpython subplot in plot 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x7f5991bdb150 3e 3esubplot by matplotlibmatplotlib labeling subplotsplt subplots 3 python python plt subplotssubplot method example pythonmatplot lib subplotfigure subplots matplotlibmatplotlib subplot how to workspyplot share y axisplot subplot in pythonmatplotlib figure subplotaccess subplots matplotlibsubplot matplomake subplot matplotlibhow to mark x and y axis in matplotlibpyplot subplot examplematplotlib plot to subplotsubplots in python matplotlibwhen using subplot in python plotlibfig 2cax pythonhaving subplots matplotlibsubplots in pltmatplot lib subplotsplot subplot in matplotlibmatplotlib subplot in figsubplot 2x2 matplotlibsubplots matplotlib apcematplotlib subtitle subplotmatplotlib plot subplotsfigure matplotlib subplotplt subplot 28 29plt subplot 2 by 2python matlibplot subplotsplot subplotsubplot matplolibplt subplotshow plt subplot function works 3fmatplotlib plot 4 subplotsplt axes subplotsmatplotlib subplotsubplot ploltymatplotlib subplot plotsubplots pltmatplotlib 1 5 1 subplotsubplot in matplotlib pythonmatplotlib plt subplotscreate figure with subplots matplotlibplt axes subplothow to have subplots in pythonmatplotlib subplots exampleplt subplots parametersmake subplot from axessubplots with titles matplotlibpython subplot arraymatplotlib subplots docsubplots i plt3 subplot pythonplt subplots python put data inmaking subplots matlabpython subplotsplotting subplots in matplotlib 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x2257271a358 3ehow to show subplots in pythonmatplotlib fig 2c ax 3d subplotmatplotlib subtitlenp subplotfig axs 3d plt subplotssubplot value in plothow to make subplot in matplotlibsubplot labels matplotlibboxplots matplot libhow to do subplot pythonfig 2ca 3d plt subplots 283 2c3 29matplotlib subplot subtitlematplotlib sub 5bplotsubplots using matplotlibplt subplots 284 2c1 29 exmaplegraphing subplots pythonplt subplot 28 29fig 2c ax 3d plt subplot pythondolfin plots within matplotlib subplotssubplots en pythonwhat is subplot in python matplotlibplot subplots pythonsub plot in pythonplot a using subplots in matplotlibmatplotlib subplot tutorialsubplot syntax in pythonsubplot matplotlib documentationmatplotlib subplots 3 plotssub plots plt 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0xb99fc50 3ematplotlib subplots 28 29create multiple subplots matplotlibmatplotlib subplot 28123 29matplotlib create subplotsmatplotlib add subplotsplt plot subplotmatplotlib subplot 4 plotsplot subplotsmatplolib subplotsubplots examples matplotlibshare y axis matplotlibmatploblib subplotwhat does the pyplot method 2c subplots returnfig subplothow to make plt figure with subplotshow to subplot in matplotlibimage subplots matplotlibsubplot pythonplt subplot 1matplotlib subplot documentationmatplotlib subplot axsplt subplots 28 29subplot in matplotlib exampleplot matplotlib 3 plots subplotsmatplotlib subplot figplot axes subplots pythonplot subplots pythonsubplots labels matplotlibmatplotlib x axis labelmatplotlib 7 subplotssubplots in matplotlib 3 2plotting subplots in pythonplt subplot pythonuse subplots matplotlibuse plt subplotsaxes subplot matplotlibsubplot lmplotmatplotlib subplot 28 5bsubplot share x axishow to define figure and subplot in pyplotmatplotlib subplots in subplotsplt subplots 282 2c1 29matplotlib plt subplotmatplotlib subplot imageseparate subplots matplotlibplt imshow different subplotsshare x axis matplotlibsubplot with matplotlibfig ax 3dplt subplotsplt subplots axespyplot subplot typeadd subplot function in python examplehow to plot in subplotsmatplotlib figure subplotswhat does plt subplots 28 29 returnf 2c 28ax1 2c ax2 29 3d plt subplots 281 2c 2 2c sharey 3dtrue 29how to subplot pythonsubplots function in pythonplt 2 subplotsplt subplot 281 2c3 29adding subplots matplotlib3 x 2 subplot pythonplt subplots don 27t show subplotsplt subplots pythonmake subplots matplotlib plot subplotsubplots position matplotlibmatplotlib how to plot subplotsmatplot lib subplot namepython return plt subplotssubplot importhow to draw subplots in matplotlibsubplot example in pythonsubplot matplotlib pythonfigure subplot matplotlibpython plt show subplotplt subplot 28 29 in pythonsubplotts matplotlibmatplotlib plot subplotsubplot matplotlib argumentsax1 plotusing subplots in matplotlibpython several subplotshow to subplotplt subplot 282 2c2 2ci 29label x axis matplotlibsubplot matplpplt sublotssubplot plot matplotlibax 3d plt subplotaxxes subplotsubplots and figureuse matplotlib pyplot to create a figure with 3 subplots 3 rows 1 columnpython pyplot subplot subplots pythonmatplotlib share x axismatplotlib subplot from figurematplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x7import matplotlib subplotplt create subplotsmatplotlib pyplot subplotsmatplotlib fig add subplot examplesubplot matplpobicreating subplots pltmatplotlib matrix subplotsget subplots in matplotlibwhat is subplots matplotlibplt subplots barplotmatplotlib fig axmatplotlib subbarplotset subplotspec matplotlib examplematplotlib barplotsmatplotlib subplot of subplot3d subplots matplotlib with plt subplotmatplotlib share y axisplt subplots 28 29 python4 plot subplot python6 subplots matplotlibsubplots bar chart pythonsubplot inside subplot matplotlibaxes subplotmatplotlib make multiple subplotssubplots in matplotlib pythonpython figure add subplot 2 subplotsmaptplotib subplotplot in subplotsubplot in matplot pyplotsubplot 282 2c2 2c1 29 pythonmatplotlib subplots 28 29matplotlib tutoril subplotnumpy subplotmatplotlib subplots figurematplotlib ax subplotmatplotlib sublpotssubplot pyathonhow to make subplots python matplotlibplt subplot in matplotlibpyplot plot on subplotplt subplots 282 29matplotlib 6 subplotswhat can you do with matplotlib axes subplots axessubplothow to make a subplot in pythondf 2cplots 3d plt subplotsplt subplot fig axsubplot in pythonmatplotlib link axes subplotsmatplotlib subplot x values 22plt subplot 22 pythonmatplotlib three digit subplot codematplotlib 3 subplotssub plots pythonmatplotlib pyplot subplots examplefive subplots in matplotlib pythonsubplots matplotlib examplematplotlib subplot4 subplots in matplotlibhow to use plt subplotshare axis matplotlibplt subplot pythonplt subplots 28nrows 3d2 2c ncols 3d1 29subplot in opythonmatplotlib subplots labelspytohn subplotmatplotlib subplots axis pythonmatplotlib documentation subplotmatplotlib subplots 2python subplots explainedpyplot subplots examplematplotlib subplots argumentshow to use subplot in pythonplt subplots 3 plotswhat are subplots in matplotlibsubplot im matplotlibmatplotlib sub plotsmatplotlib subplots examplesmatplotlib subplot in 1 figureplt subplot of subplotsubplotsubplots python matplotlibsubploting matplot libhow to display subplots using matplotlibpython 4 subplotspandas subplotmatplotlib subplots forx axis values matplotlibhow to define subplots in python2x2 subplot matplotlibbarplot in subplotwhat is matplotlib subplotsubplot help matplotlibpyplot figure with subplotsipython subplotsmatplotlib pyplot subplot objectmatplotlib subplots in a subplotmatplotlib sub plotsubplot matplotlib specify subplotsubplot in pythonpandas subplots with matplotlibmatplotlib axes subplotpython subplothow to plot subplot with the subplot python plt subplots matplotlibmatplotlib subplot matrixaxes subplots axessubplot in pythonmatplotlib subplots index parametersfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 281 2c 3 29subplotting matplotlibplt subplot 7eplt subplots syntaxmatplotlib subplot ylimitdataframe matplotlib subplotmatplotlib subplots5 subplots matplotlibmatplotlib figures and subplotssubplot in matplotlib pyplothow to share y axis in matplotlib based on specified plotmatplotlib subplotsubplot with pandasfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 28how to plot subplots in matplotlibmatplotlib subplot axis plots and subplots matplotlibsubplots matplotlib pythonmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot savehow to do a subplot in pythonmatplotlib table subplotmatplotlib subplotsf 2cax 3d plt subplotswhat is subplots in pythonsubplot using pltsubplot pyplotsubplots 28 29plt sublpotssubplot matplotlinpyplot subplots returnpython plot subplots 4matplotlib subpltosplot subplot function pythonplot subplots in pythonpython subplot examplesubplot xyz matplotlibsubplot matplotmatplotlib plot subfigureshow to plot four subplots in pythonplt subplot python exampleplot in subplot matplotlibpython subplot explainedplt subplots subplotsubplots suptitlepython subplot axismatplotlib multiple subplotsmatplotlib pyplot subplotsubplots documentationplot subplot matplotlibget subplot index matplotlibpyplot subplot pythonsubplot in pythomatplotplib subplotmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplothow to use subplots in python python subplotplt subplot create a figure with subplots in pythonmatplotlib subplot setsubplot figure pltpython subplots examplewhat does plt subplots returnmatplot subplotdifferent ways of subplots in matplotlib in pythonhow to create subplots in pythonsubplots in matplotlibhow to give x 2cy to subplots matplotlibsubplots in matplotlib in which versionnumpy subplotsfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 28 29 i pythonplt subfigure plotmatplotlib sublotssunplot matplotlibmake subplots pythonmatplotlib subplot with 3 plotspyplot subplot 28 29pyplot subplots each subplot axes matplotplt subplottinghow to use plt subplotspython subplot and plot in functionsubplot python examplepyplot subplotcomo funciona subplot matplotlib pythonhow to create subplot using matplotlib from dataframehow to add subplot in pythonmatplotlib pyplot subplotsub figure matplotlibplt subplots fig 2c axfour subplots plt subplotplot subplot matplot exampleplot matplotlib subplotpython matplotlib subplotfig 2cax 3d plt subplotspython subplots pltmatplotlib axes subplots axes3dsubplotsubplots in figure matplotlibplt subplotwhy subplotfig subplotspython subplot plotsubplot for plotsget list of plot subplots axesplt subplots 282 2c 4 29how to add subplots in matplotlib 22matplotlib 22 22subplots 22 add values3 subplots matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot subplot 28x 2cy 2cz 29subplots inside subplots matplotlibpython plot subplotsubplots of subplots pythonsub plot pythonsubplot text matplotlibmultiplle subplotes pythonmatplotlib 9 subplotsset 2 subplots matplotlibpython matplotlib figure and subplotsmatlibplot python subplotmatplotlib add subplotplt subplot 28 29 pythonmatplotlib subplots documentationhow to use subplot in matplot libwhat is matplotlib subplotsplt sub subplotsmatplot boxpllot subplotplt ax subplothow to sub plot graphs in pythonmatplotlib pyplot plt subplotssubplot bar plot matplotlibpython creating subplotscreate figure and subplot in matplotlibcreating subplots in matplotlibsubplot and subplotspyplot subfigurematplotlib subplot examplesubplot functionsubplot pythonsubplot of subplot matplotlibhow to use subplots matplotlibplt subplot syntaxhow to code subplot in pythonmatplotlib subplot in plot matplotlib share y axis labelsubplots plt matplotlibhow to use matplotlib sublotssimple subplot pythonplot subplot pythonwhat are subplots in pythonmatplotlib subplots using fig 2c axes plt subplotsubplots exampleplt subplot pandasporque usar subplots in matplotlibplt subplothow to get current subplot in matplotlibsubplots plt plotsmatplotlib reference subplotscreate subplots matplotlib pythonmatplotlib subplot indexsubpolts in python3x3 subplot matplotlibuse of subplot in matplotlibsubplots ylim pythonpyplot plt subplots return what does plt subplotsfig subplot pythonplt subplots 28 29 in pythonsubplot python codematplotlib subplots placesmatplotlib python subplotsalign subplots matplotlibhow to show sub plot in matplotlibshare axes matplotlibwhat is subplot in matplotlibhow to do plt subplots in python 282 2c2 2c2 29 matplotlib add subplotsubplot in figure matplotlibsubplot in python matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot subplotsub plot mathplotlibmatplotlib subplot pandas plotfig ax 3d plt subplots 28 29matplotlib subplot below 22 subplot 22 pythonplt subplots 28plt subplotplt subplot meaningsubplots showaxes 3d plt subplotssubplot 282 2c1 2c1 29 pythonmake a pyplot axes using the subplots 28 29 function matplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x1176a7da0plt subplots matplotlibpython subfiguresplt plot subplotsvisualize subplots pyplorplot subplot pythingmatplotlib 10 subplotsplt subpotshow to subplot in pythonplot in sub plots axesfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 281 2c 4 29how to do subplots in matplotlibpython plot subplotsplt subpllotmatplotlib pyplot as plt sub dataframematplotlib pyplot subplot 28x 2cy 2cz 29 z is plt subfigureplt subplots with displotplot subplots in matplotlibsubplots sine graph matplotlibmatplotlib subplot graphhow to create subplot in matplotlib pythosubplot pythongpython subplots axespython subplots plot one by onesubplots matplotlib xlimsubplot matplot libsubplot subplots matplotlibplt subplots examplewhat does plt subplot 28 29 return 3cmatplotlib axes subplots axessubplot at 0x7f9cb44c84a8 3epython matplotlib figure with subplotsplt subfigurespython show subplotswhat is plt subplotsfour subplots matplotlibadd subplots to figure matplotlibsubplots matplotlib catplotplt subplotssubplots matplotlib with labelsplt subplots matplotlib clorsubplot 3d matplotlibfig ax subplotspython pyplot subplot examplehow to create a grid of plots in matplotlibcreate figure subplot matplotplt subplot examplematplotlib subplots axesfigure add subplot and subplotswill subplot takes the pandas plotplot subplots matplotlibpython matplotlib subplotsaxes subplot pythonmatplotlib replot subplotmatplotlib subplot 2 x 3how to use subplots in matplotlibsubplots matplot libmatplotlib plt subplothow to create subplots in matplotlibplt subplots python exampleuse subplot pythonmaptplotlib 2c subplots 2c examplematplotlib axes subplots axessubplot in pythonfig 2c ax 3d plt subplots 28 29 pythonsubplot stacked plots matplotlibsubplot in matplotmatplotlib subplot propertiesmatplotlib plt subplotsplt sublot 28x 2cy 2ci 2b1 29plot figure with subplots pythonmatplotlib pyplot subplotplot9 subplots pythonplt subplots 281 2c 2 29 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5cfigure subplotscreating subplots in python4 subplot pythonplt plot subplotsname subplots matplotlibmatplolib axes subplot to plotpython subplot in subplotplt subplots 281 2c2 2c1 29python plt plot subplotfig subplot multi axswhat is plt subplotmatplitlib subplothow to plot subplots in pythonsubplotshow to save subplots in matplotlibwhich plot has more subplots 3fpyplot subplotx axis label matplotlibpython subplots showpython subplot 2 by 1python matplotlib plt subplotspython sublpotpython panel ploty figmatplotlib figure share axissubplot of pandas matplotlibmatplotlib figure subplotsplt subplotplt subplots matplotlib meansmatplotlib reference subplotsubplots in matplotlib examplecomo hacer subplots matplotlibplot python subplotplt subplot 28 29plot subplot 3 pythonsubplot pltsubplot using matplotlibsubplots matplotlib