student class in c 2b 2b

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03 Aug 2019
1class Date {
2       unsigned int day;
3       unsigned int month;
4       unsigned int year;
5       public:
6              Date(void)                                       
7                  {
8                            cout << "Default Date" << endl;
9                  }
11                  Date(int d, int m, int y)
12                  {
13                           if( d > 31 ){
14                               cout << "invalid date" << endl;
15                               getchar();
16                               exit(0);
17                           }
18                           day = d;
19                           month = m;
20                           year = y;
21                           cout << "Constructor Date" << endl;
22                  }
23                  ~Date()
24                  {
25                         cout << "Destructor Date" << endl;
26                  }
27              void print(void)
28              {
29                         cout << day << "/" << month << "/" << year << endl;
30              } 
32       };
34class student{
35          char *name;
36          char *family;
37          char *stdNo;
38          unsigned int year;
39          Date birthday;
41      public:
42             student(char n[]="",char f[]="",char no[]="0",unsigned int y=1300,Date b=Date(1,1,1300))
43             {
44                    name = new char[strlen(n)+1];      
45                    strcpy(name,n);
46                    family = new char [strlen(f)+1];
47                    strcpy(family,f);
48                    stdNo = new char [strlen(no)+1];
49                    strcpy(stdNo,no);
50                    year = y;
51                    birthday = b;
52                    cout << "Constructor student" << endl;
53             }
54             ~student(void)
55             {
56                       delete [] name;
57                       delete [] family;
58                       delete [] stdNo;
59                       cout << "destructor student" << endl;
60             }    
61             Date get_date(void)
62             {
63                    return birthday;
64             }        
65             void show()
66             {
67                  cout << name << " " << family << endl;
68                  cout << "Student Number: " << stdNo << endl;
69                  cout << "Entrance year: " << year << endl;
70                  cout << "Birthday: " ;
71                  birthday.print();
72             }
73      };