string palindrome in python

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showing results for - "string palindrome in python"
16 Jul 2019
1n = input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome: ") #check palindrome
2if n == n[::-1]:
3    print("This word is palindrome")
5    print("This word is not palindrome")
08 Sep 2016
1def palindrome(a):
2    return a == a[::-1]
4palindrome('radar') 		# True
22 Jan 2017
1mes=input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome ")
2if mes==mes[::-1]:
3    print("This word is palindrome")
5    print("This word is not palindrome")
16 Jun 2020
1number=int(input("Enter any number :"))
2#store a copy of this number
4#calculate reverse of this number
7    #extract last digit of this number
8    digit=number%10
9    #append this digit in reveresed number
10    reverse_num=reverse_num*10+digit
11    #floor divide the number leave out the last digit from number
12    number=number//10
13#compare reverse to original number
15    print("The number is palindrome!")
17    print("Not a palindrome!")
27 Mar 2016
1#A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward.
2#Ex: madam or racecar.
3def is_palindrome(w):
4	if w==w[::-1]: # w[::-1] it will reverse the given string value.
5		print("Given String is palindrome")
6	else:
7		print("Given String is not palindrome")
15 Jul 2017
1checking palindrone program
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