sql server 3a concatinate column value without trailing or leading comma

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08 Aug 2020
1DECLARE @x TABLE(Id INT, City VARCHAR(32), Province VARCHAR(32), Country VARCHAR(32));
3INSERT @x(Id, City, Province, Country) VALUES
4(1,'Vancouver','British Columbia','Canada'),
5(2,'New York' , null             , null   ),
6(3, null      ,'Adama'           , null   ),
7(4, null      , null             ,'France'),
8(5,'Winnepeg' ,'Manitoba'        , null   ),
9(6, null      ,'Quebec'          ,'Canada'),
10(7,'Seattle'  , null             ,'USA'   );
12SELECT Id, Location = STUFF(
13      COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(City),     '') 
14    + COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(Province), '') 
15    + COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(Country),  '')
16    , 1, 2, '')
17  FROM @x;