spigot chat color with symbol

Solutions on MaxInterview for spigot chat color with symbol by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "spigot chat color with symbol"
18 May 2018
1	You can use symbol '§' to select ChatColor inside a String.
2	For example 
3'§bYour §3Castle§b is a safe space'
4	equals 
5ChatColor.AQUA+"Your "+ChatColor.DARK_AQUA+"Castle"
6      +ChatColor.AQUA+" is a safe space"
8	Valid colors:
90: black
101: dark.blue
112: green
123: dark.aqua
134: red
145: purple
156: gold
167: grey
178: dark.grey
189: blue
19a: light.green
20b: aqua
21c: light.red
22d: magenta
23e: yellow
24f: white
25	Valid Modifiers:
26k: obfuscated
27l: bold
28m: strikethrough
29n: underlined
30o: italic