simple game with python

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showing results for - "simple game with python"
02 Mar 2018
1# 1 - Import library
2import pygame
3from pygame.locals import *
5# 2 - Initialize the game
7width, height = 640, 480
8screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
10# 3 - Load images
11player = pygame.image.load("resources/images/dude.png")
13# 4 - keep looping through
14while 1:
15    # 5 - clear the screen before drawing it again
16    screen.fill(0)
17    # 6 - draw the screen elements
18    screen.blit(player, (100,100))
19    # 7 - update the screen
20    pygame.display.flip()
21    # 8 - loop through the events
22    for event in pygame.event.get():
23        # check if the event is the X button 
24        if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
25            # if it is quit the game
26            pygame.quit() 
27            exit(0) 
25 Jan 2019
1#Easy game in python
3import random
4import time
6Passwordlist = ['abc123', '1234', '123456', 'QWERT', 'ASFDJKL;', '0102', '0', '100', '1000', '10000', '123', '2048', '1024', 'JSON', '1234567890']
8ans = input('Enter an account name: ')
11print('Finding the password for it...')
13print(random.choice(Passwordlist)+ ' is the password')
17 Jan 2018
1# Snake Game
3import turtle
4import random
5import time
7score = 0
9# screen
10screen = turtle.Screen()
12screen.title("Snake Game By Atharva")
15# Snake
16snake = turtle.Turtle()
20snake_pos = "None"
22# apple
23apple = turtle.Turtle()
27apple.goto(0, 100)
29# classes
32class SnakeMovements:
33  y = 0
34  x = 0
35  snpos = snake_pos
37  snpos = None
38	def main(self):
39      if self.snpos == "up":
40        self.y = snake.ycor()
41        snake.sety(self.y + 15)
43      if self.snpos == "down":
44        self.y = snake.ycor()
45        snake.sety(self.y - 15)
47      if self.snpos == "right":
48        self.x = snake.xcor()
49        snake.setx(self.x + 15)
51      if self.snpos == "left":
52        self.x = snake.xcor()
53        snake.setx(self.x - 15)
55    def SnakeUp(self):
56      self.snpos = "up"
58    def SnakeDown(self):
59      self.snpos = "down"
61    def SnakeRight(self):
62      self.snpos = "right"
64    def SnakeLeft(self):
65      self.snpos = "left"
67instanceVar = SnakeMovements()
69# Keyboard Binding
72screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeUp, "Up")
73screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeDown, "Down")
74screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeRight, "Right")
75screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeLeft, "Left")
77# Mainloop of the game
79while True:
80  if snake.distance(apple) < 20:
81    score += 1
82    print(score)
83    applex = random.randint(-290, 290)
84    appley = random.randint(-290, 290)
85    apple.goto(applex, appley)
87    time.sleep(0.1)
89  instanceVar.main()
90  screen.update()
30 Feb 2017
1# Snake Game
3import turtle
4import random
5import time
7score = 0
9# screen
10screen = turtle.Screen()
12screen.title("Snake Game By Atharva")
15# Snake
16snake = turtle.Turtle()
20snake_pos = "None"
22# apple
23apple = turtle.Turtle()
27apple.goto(0, 100)
29# classes
32class SnakeMovements:
33  y = 0
34  x = 0
35  snpos = snake_pos
37  snpos = None
38	def main(self):
39      if self.snpos == "up":
40        self.y = snake.ycor()
41        snake.sety(self.y + 15)
43      if self.snpos == "down":
44        self.y = snake.ycor()
45        snake.sety(self.y - 15)
47      if self.snpos == "right":
48        self.x = snake.xcor()
49        snake.setx(self.x + 15)
51      if self.snpos == "left":
52        self.x = snake.xcor()
53        snake.setx(self.x - 15)
55    def SnakeUp(self):
56      self.snpos = "up"
58    def SnakeDown(self):
59      self.snpos = "down"
61    def SnakeRight(self):
62      self.snpos = "right"
64    def SnakeLeft(self):
65      self.snpos = "left"
67instanceVar = SnakeMovements()
69# Keyboard Binding
72screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeUp, "Up")
73screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeDown, "Down")
74screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeRight, "Right")
75screen.onkeypress(instanceVar.SnakeLeft, "Left")
77# Mainloop of the game
79while True:
80  if snake.distance(apple) < 20:
81    score += 1
82    print(score)
83    applex = random.randint(-290, 290)
84    appley = random.randint(-290, 290)
85    apple.goto(applex, appley)
87    time.sleep(0.1)
89  instanceVar.main()
90  screen.update()
91 ++
17 Mar 2019
1#modules required - time and random
2#Game 1
3#Password game
4import time
5import random
7Password = ['1', '2', 'a', 'G', '5', '89']
9answer = input('Guess the password')
10print(random.choice(Password)+' is the password')
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