scaling features to a range

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11 May 2018
1# Scaling features to a range using MinMaxScaler
3X_train = np.array([[ 1., -1.,  2.],
4                    [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
5                    [ 0.,  1., -1.]])
7min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
8X_train_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
10# array([[0.5		, 0.		, 1.	    ],
11#        [1.		, 0.5		, 0.33333333],
12#        [0.		, 1.		, 0.		]])
14X_test = np.array([[-3., -1.,  4.]])
15X_test_minmax = min_max_scaler.transform(X_test)
17# array([[-1.5		,	0.		, 	1.66666667]])
20# array([0.5       , 0.5       , 0.33...])
23# array([0.       , 0.5       , 0.33...])
05 Aug 2017
1# Scaling features to a range using MaxAbsScaler
3X_train = np.array([[ 1., -1.,  2.],
4                    [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
5                    [ 0.,  1., -1.]])
7max_abs_scaler = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler()
8X_train_maxabs = max_abs_scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
10# array([[ 0.5, -1.,  1. ],
11#        [ 1. ,  0. ,  0. ],
12#        [ 0. ,  1. , -0.5]])
13X_test = np.array([[ -3., -1.,  4.]])
14X_test_maxabs = max_abs_scaler.transform(X_test)
16# array([[-1.5, -1. ,  2. ]])
18# array([2.,  1.,  2.])
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