scale css

Solutions on MaxInterview for scale css by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "scale css"
20 Sep 2016
1.grow { transition: all .2s ease-in-out; }
2.grow:hover { transform: scale(1.1); }
02 Aug 2019
2div {
3  width: 80px;
4  height: 80px;
5  background-color: skyblue;
7.rotated {
8  transform: rotate(45deg);
9  background-color: pink;
13/* In body of html doc */
15<div class="rotated">Rotated</div>
15 Sep 2016
1transform: scale(2, 0.5); /* Equal to scaleX(2) scaleY(0.5) */
14 Jun 2016
1transform: matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
2transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
3transform: translate(120px, 50%);
4transform: scale(2, 0.5);
5transform: rotate(0.5turn);
6transform: skew(30deg, 20deg);
7transform: scale(0.5) translate(-100%, -100%);
8transform: perspective(17px);
21 Jan 2017
1<!DOCTYPE html>
5div.a {
6  width: 150px;
7  height: 80px;
8  background-color: yellow;
9  -ms-transform: rotate(20deg); /* IE 9 */
10  transform: rotate(20deg);
13div.b {
14  width: 150px;
15  height: 80px;
16  background-color: yellow;
17  -ms-transform: skewY(20deg); /* IE 9 */
18  transform: skewY(20deg);
21div.c {
22  width: 150px;
23  height: 80px;
24  background-color: yellow;
25  -ms-transform: scaleY(1.5); /* IE 9 */
26  transform: scaleY(1.5);
32<h1>The transform Property</h1>
34<h2>transform: rotate(20deg):</h2>
35<div class="a">Hello World!</div>
38<h2>transform: skewY(20deg):</h2>
39<div class="b">Hello World!</div>
42<h2>transform: scaleY(1.5):</h2>
43<div class="c">Hello World!</div>
03 Oct 2018
1scale=For a two dimentional animation
queries leading to this page
rotate in bootstrap 4transform sacle cssrotate object csscss rotateerotate 45 degrees css and cover entire pagecss style transformif i put rotate i cant translate transform cssincrease size on hover animation csscss transformationrotate 45 27 with csscss tranlatew3schools transformcss transform will change scaletransform scale pixelsscale rotate translate csscss rootatecss rotate 180 degtransform 3a rotatez csstransform 3a scale 280 1 29 3b 7dcss3 transformcss on hover scalehow to use rotate csshtml div scalehow to rotate and skew in csstransform scale and positionrotate property in csscss transform rotate turntransform translate y csshtml transform characters from x formaltransform y in csstrancelatex transition naem csshow to rotate a div csstransform 3a scale 280 8 29 3brotatey 28180deg 29 csstransform scale 1 1 what transform in css dotransform scalee csstransform css pixel in stringscale up css animationtransform scale y table csshow to shift x y csscss animation rotate center point w3schoolsgrow css effecttransform default csscss transform rotate 180scale html csstransform w3scss transforms what iscss transform increase sizecss transform rotate scalecss skew x and yrcss rotate divtransform rotate inline csstranslate effect on text cssscale with transition csstransfrom css cssrotate and translate in cssrotate 28 29css transform 3a scale 28 29 3btransform move csscss rotation propertytrasnlate csstransform 3d 22scale 28x 2c y 29 22css rotate lementhow to hover over 1 thing and it scales an another thing scales down cssspin 180 csshow to put rotate something csshow to transform csstransform translate scale csscss for rotatewhat is transform style in csscan i make a button vanish in csstrasformation css scaletransform scale width2d transform in cssbutton hover transform scale csstranslate skewed element htmlcss transition to enlargejavascript style scale transform 3a scale 280 2c3 29 3bstyle transform scaletransform css can i userotate image in bootstrap mdntransform scale property csscss scale w3schoolshow to make something rotate using csshow transform works in csstransform rotate inline stylecss transition rotatehow to rotate with csscss scaleytransform property in css css transform degreetransform rtanslatecss transform rotate from centercss transformationstranslate size csstransform 3a scale 28 29 csshow to make an element grow with easin 2fouttransition y axis csscss mozilla transformrotate objects using css3css transform y positionhtml transform rotate 180transform 3a rotate 2890deg 29 3b css examplesdiv css rotatetransform rotate property in csstanform cssposition 2c transform csstransition grow csscss growwhat is the transform in csstranform scale in csson hover grow divhow to write rotate and rotatey in csstransition transform rotate cssmdn css transform3don hover scale a button effectscss tranform scalehover transition sizetransform values into a scalerotate deg in csshow to scale a element coming from 0 85 to 1rotate html cssskew auto cssscale animation csscss transform scale up and downcss transform propertiescss translation for bootstrapgrow buttonrotate 90deg csstransform 3a scale 281 3 29 3bstyle 3d 22transform 3a rotate 2890deg 29 22tilt in cssrotate i csson hover transition scalehow to make something grow on hover cssrotate element in csswhat is transform scale transform 3a scale 282 2c1 29 meaningscale everything linearly csshow to css transformcss translate xcss scale objectcss scale transitioncss transform 3a rotaterotate in degerees in csshow to have scale and rotate in transform cssscale css w3schoolsskew css transformw3schools transform csscss transform and rotate rotate in cssscale smooth cssscss rotatetransform rotate set back to strighttotate image csscss translationhtml transform rotate 2890deg 29transvform csstransform property example in csshow to skew text csscss transform scale 1css scale size in placebigger animation when hover cssrotate style csstransform rotate and transitioncss translate 25css transform scale cssscalex csshow use transform htmltransform scale sizescale hover animationtransform roatatetransform translazte cssdiv transformation csstransform css browser css animation skewrotate with transform csscss transform move ywebkit rotatetransform div on hovercss transform using csscss hover scale animationscale a div examplehow to scale cssroate degrees transformscss transform coloerrotate 180 deg csscss transform meaningw3school css3 transform linescale orgin cssw3schools text rotationis transform good for placing elements in htmlcss transition list to growtransform 180 cssdiv angle csscss transform scale come fromcss scale 25scale size in csshover css grow css hover grow rotation cssanimation transform rotate cssscale transition button csstransform rotate over itself csstranslate css rotatecss scalex 28 29transform scale 28 29 csstransition css rotatescale transform in csstransform rotate with position relativeincrese width with fade animation on hover cssrotating plus image using trnsform and rotate in csscss transform w3turn img csscss translate and rotate separatelytaranslatexin csshow to use transform translate x in csshtml transformtransform 3a rotate 28 29 3btilt fill csshow to make an html div scale in left directiotransform scale csscss transform translate xcss scalerorate csstext transform rotate csstransform in css propertytransform translatex csshow transform in csstransform x cssstranslation transform csscss rotate anti clockwisetransform translate property in csstranlate icon csstransform rotate degcss transform translaterotate from a extremity transform cssbutton grow on hover cssrotate in clockwise direction in csstransform 3a scale 28 7 29tilt section block cssrotate 28 29 in cssskew element csstransform translate button csstransform 3arotate 28 29 3btransform scale property in csscss animation scale in and out on hovertranslate css transformtranslate animation cssdoes skew and translate work together csswhat is transform does in cssinline css transform translatehow to rotate a image using csshow to trasnform images in csshow to rotate and translate in csscss roatescaley transformcss transform rotate pointscaler transformtransform css widthtransition to scale csscss transition transform rotatecss transform 2ccss scale widthon transformrotate code csscss translate imagehow to rotate a div using csstransform properties css css rotating imagewhen is transform translate in csstransform tag in csshow to change css transformcss image scale effecton hover scalehow to use translate and rotate csstransform scale stylestransition transform css scalegrow element on hovercss translate animationscale 280 29transform rotate point csstransform 3a csstransform css parameterscss hover resizehow to use translate in css for x and yscale text on hoverwhat is css transformchange angle of div cssscale 28 29 csssadd grow in animation csshtml transformationshow to do transform translate and transform rotate csshow to rotate elementincrease scale in csshtml css transformcss scale x and ytransform rotate css divsize scale in cssw3 schools css transformwhat does transform translate dotransition scale incsswhat does transform property in css dotranstition transform rotate csstranslatex css3trasformation css transform css 5cwebkit transform translatecss rotagetranslate y css mozillarotate an component using css 360 degcss transformation scaletransform translate rotate csscss transform ywhat css transformcss grow div on hovertransform scale in scsscss transfor 2ccss scale element on hoverhtml ng stylecss transform attributeskew shape csscss webkit transformscale top on hover csscss rotate 90transform scaleanimation rotate csshow to use css transformcss rote 1turnhtml make video element grow with divtranform roate csscss trasnform scalebox styles transformcss transform scale hoverrotate image in csscss scale up entire elementtransform style cssscale transitioncss transfor traslate and rotatewhat is transform and translate in csstranslatey in css in transformrotate a div transformtransition transform scalerotaion csstransform method css 40transform 28sacle in cssall transform csstransform css rotatechange scale of element jscss rotate around a pointcss rotate codescale width cssproperty css transformcss transform scale and positiontransform degrees csscss property transformicon rotation csstransform details in csscss transform positionrotate svg icon css w3schoolstranfsorm cssscale text on hover csscss transform rocss transofrm rotatetransform vertical cssscalle in csstransform 3a rotate stylestransform scale 281 29 rotatey 280deg 29 one line csscss degcss scale divrotate 45 do csstransition grow in csscss hover effects transformcss transformation rotatescale css propertyscale csscss skalehtml transform elementstranslate diagonal 2d csstransform in csshow to transition css rotaterotate using css propertyrotating an element in cssidentify the transform property rotation in htmltransform css propertiescss rotate imgtransform 3a scale 280 97 29 3bcss transform make biggertransform rotate centertransform translate rotate 90 degreeshow to rotate an element in cssis transform scale able to be different then 1 2c1 2c1transform 3a scale 284 29 3bcss rotate browser supportwhat does the transform 3a translate 28 29 3b do in csselement grow on hover javascriptcss overall scalebutton grow csstransform scale 281 5 29translate property in phpjavascript skewhow to rotate svg icon using jquerycss transform elementtransform 3a translate cssscale 3atransform csstrnasformn trnaslate cssall transform properties csstransform 3a translate 28 29css transform scale automaticallyenlarge objects on hover csstransform scaleyrotate i tag csscss transform scale downtransform yhow to use rotate in csstransform in css yourotatey in csshow to use transform in csstrasnform skewtransforme properties in css 3fscale css hoverhtml transform roate css 28 27transform 27 29transform 3arotate 2845deg 29css javascript zoom transition on elementrotate counter clockwise csscss transform rotaterhtml rotate elementstransformation in htmlcss rotate boxcss transform translate rotatetransform css mozillatranslete csshow to make things rotate csstransform scale method csscss transition y axisfunction with css transformcss hover to scaletrasnform cssrotate 23d csscss transform rotate turn w3how to use rotate function in transform property in csscss rotate xtransform left csspicture transform csswebkit transform scale cssscale on hover cssfrom 7b transform 3a rotate 280deg 29 3b 7d to 7b transform 3a rotate 28360deg 29 3b 7d in csshow to rotate a div in csscss hover grow objectrotate element csstransfrom skewrotate in css w3schoolsrotate in transformtransform scale css examplewhat is transform scale in csstransform site 3aw3schools comscale type csscss animate hover growrotate from right cssscale x and y in csscss transform rotatezscale transition cssrotateme csscss scale and translatecss button scale on hovertransform 3d 22 rotate 2810deg 29 22css scale widthtransform images csshtml rotate div w3schoolshtml css transform templatehow to tranform size in htmlhow to transform scaleycalculate transform csshow to rotate text in htmlhow to use translate and rotate in csstransform an d move csstransform rotate css alternativerotate transform speed csscss transform rotate3d exampletransform 3a scale 280 5 29 3bhow to make button grow with text cssbecome bigger when hover react transitionwidth resize transformcss transform supporttransform scale css easecss cscalescale x attributestransform none cssscale works on which dimensions in transformtransform 3ascale 282 29 3btransform translate rotatecss scale 28 29xtransforme csstransform content csstransformx scalecss smooth scale on hovercss scale elementcss transform rotate horizontaltransform translate css how it workstransform rotatery csscss skew 28 29 browser supportskew css examplecss transform rotate and translatesimple tilt cssscale using html csschnage scale csshow to rotate objects using css3 3f a object rotation 3a 30deg 3b b transform 3a rotate 2830deg 29 3b c transform 3a rotate 30deg clockwise 3b d rotate object 3a 30deg 3btransform syntaxrotatent cssscale ease csstransform skew bootstraprotate3d css w3schoolsrotate div 180 degrees csscss transition skewincrease element size on hover cssicon rotate 100 in csstranslate and skew in cssmake object bigger css scaletransform rotate css3yogurt css rotatehover and scale cssscale in transition in cssposition transformcss transform optionson hover scale down csscss transform rotate 28180deg 29css tranform ycss transform an image in anglecss transform 25translate in csstilt section csscss hover increase size with animationtransform css w3agngle rotation in csshow to transform div in csstype scale cssskew css imageperfect transform on hoverdiv transform rotatetypes of transform in cssrotate deg cssx 2cy in cssall types of transform in csstransform rotate css jscss transform rotate righttransform 3a scale 281 2 29 3bcss 2b stretch on hoverscale on hovermake element bigger on hoverhow to rotate image in html w3schoolsrotatey cssskew transform csstransformation methods csstcss rotateinline transform rotatehtml5 transform parameterrotate 180deg cssx translate in csstrform roate csscss image rotationtransform csscale 3r cssimages transform csscss transform 3arotatecss transform scale and translatetransform scale csscan i use transformwebkit transform initial css how transform p tag htmltransform is scaling downy axis property in csstransform scale 10 5 to 1 2f2 cssmouse over animation grow javascriptbutton grow widthrotatey transform in csstranslation rotation scalingskew divcss rotate angletransfom csswhat is the value of 25 for translate csswhat is transform translate cssscale in scale outtranslate x cssrotate in csstranslate in all directions in csscss scalex make smallertransform 3a rotatey 28 29translate from 0 0 csstransform scale applytransform rotate css animationcss ttanslaterotate csstranslatex csscss image scale up on hovertranslate css to htmlcss animation to make biggercss transform sizehow rotate a div csscss transition transform scalehow to use translate in csstransform scale transitiontransform 3ascale 280 5 29how to image rotate in cssscale effect page heighthow to apply translate and rotate csscss transform 5dcss translate scaletransform size on hoverscale 0 to 1 on hover transitioncss translate w3ctranslatex meaning in htmlcss trasnformhtml rotate image 45 degreescss scale animationscale and translate cssturn 28 29 cssrotate element using csshow to tilt a box in csstransform scale 28change scale csscss flipcss transfformtransforme rotate csstransition css scaletransition x csstransition scale in cssscale transform css mdncss rotate fully twicehow to use translate rotate in csscss transform rotate animationskew in csstransform css rotate pointtransform 3a scale 281 5 29 3brtoate in csscss style rotatehow to rotate img cssstyle transform 3d 22rotatescale on hover with transitionnon transform csswhat are rotate csshow to scale in css a image 1 5 xcss transformy and transformtransform skewcss x transformroatte csshow to transformrotate border cssrotate img csscss turn valuescale with csstransform property of csstransform 3a scale 281 29 3bcss scale propertytranslate a div csslink translate example cssrotate elements cssrotate using translatetransform 3a skewx 2830deg 29 3bcss animation transform scalecss traslationsrotatation csstransform scale 5ccss skewjquery hover element scalevalue for scale in transformtransform css4css grow on hoverscale css transformcss transition xcss scaling button hover effectscss animation transform 3a scaley 28 29transform translate function in cssexpand on hover css transitioncss transform tratransform css tutorialtranslate rectangle shape csstranslate in transform csscss size scalescss trabsofmrcan i not transform a in htmlrotate div in csscss3 rotationrotate element with css and did not back to defaulttilted div cssminimize scale transform csscss transform auto rotatehow to transform scale in csstransform tilt csscss transition transform grow texttransform 3ascale 282 29 3b will 3fcss ms transform translatescaling effect iimage csscss animate scale hoverrotate using css without transformhover grow animation csstransform sclatransformers 3d csstransform 3a translate in cssrotate css3increase scale cssscale in animation cssrotating a div in csstransform scale and translatecss transform scale in domimage transform scaleelement style transform rotatehow to rotate div in cssransform 3a scale 280 29 3bhow to rotate image with csstransition animation scale cssskew text csschange scale when hoverhow to use transform in htmlmake element bigger on hover csssmooth scale cssrotate css tagposition using transform csswhat is transform property in csstransform scale alternativetransform 3a skew csscsss scalehow to use transform 3a scale in csstransform 3ascale csshow to block transform in csscss scale slightly transform styleshover increase size csscss rotate transformimage scale transition csshow to rotate i elementtransform x and rotate csstransform 3a 1s 3b csscss element rotatecss transform nonetranslate stop and then rotate csstransforms csscss transform scale smalltransform scal proprtiesscale cstransform x and y cssrotate angle csstransform ycss function rotation transformationcss transform scale and strechcss transform translate x and yhow to work transform cssall tranform properties witth exampletrasform csscss animation clockwisediv hover scale trasitioncss transition scale on hovertransform scale css hoverrotate div bootstrap 4grow size csscss card hover grow smoothscale property in csstransform css cscss button grow codetransform css shorthandcss transform rotate transitionscale up animation csstransform in cscss transform degtransform 3a scale 1css transform translate and skewcss transform rotate tooltransfom cssscale up in csstransform rotatecsscss transform 28scale 29css make text grow on hovercss grow button sizetransform cssdetail transform effects css 3ca 3e transform htmlcss rotate 90 degreescss transfomr sclaetransofm translate cssrotate 28 csscss transdoerm scaletransform rotate 3ftransform element cssrotate image csscss transform syntaxcss how does transform workhow to transform when hovercss trasnslatexrotate css property 5crotate image css drotate 2d csstransform x csscss scale styletranform rotate csswhy we use scale 28 29 in csscss transation from totranlate csscss transofrm skewscale in transform cssbutton transform cssimage rotate with csstranslate css w3schoolsanimate css increase size at hovertransform 3a scale 281 05 2c 1 05 29 3btransform scaley cssweb translate rotation exampletransform htmlrotate css degtransfrom csshow to transform translaterotoate css buttontransform rotete cssstyle 3d 22transform 3a translatex 280px 29 3btransition for scale csstransform scale animation csscss transform scss transform translateytransform properties in csstransfor scale andcss webkit translatortransform turn cssresize on hover csswhat the use of transformcss transform imgrotate 180 cssscale down htmltransform cssscss property scaletransform 3a translate csstransform 3a translatex 2812 29 3btransfer vertical csstransform scale 280 95 29translatex in degtransform 3a scale 281 1 29 3bcss rotate 90degtransform rotateygrow on hovertransform scale javascriptcss tranform exampletransform scale css sizetransform rotate translate csstransform syntacx in cstransform 3a rotate 28200 29 in csswhat is the transform property in cssrotate sign 2b to using csstransition rotate htmladd transform csstransform 3a scale 28x 2cy 29css transform 3ascalecss change scalecss rotate 1 turncss transform rotate and move rightrotate html elementhow to create a tilt in csscss rotate image counter clockwise 90 degreescss rotate functiontransform hover growcss transform scale generatortransform rotateh tmlcss transform scale 1 1rotate translate csspropriete transform csstransform 3atransalatex csscss rotate leftcss ransformscale down button when hovermake image transition bigger when hovered csstranslate function in csshow to transform rotate csstransform x from in csscss transform rotate3dcan i apply skew and rotate property at the same time in htmlrotate images csstranslate 2c rotate csstransform rotate and scalemake bigger when hover csshow to do mitpel transform in cssrotate meaning cssposition transform csscss totate imagerotate 2b csstransform 3a sacle 281 5 29 3bcss make object bigger on hovertranform rotateimage rotating cssdiv transform scaletranslate 28 29 property in cssmanually scale cssscale in css hovertrasform scale csstransform 2c trabslate e rotate no cssskew image csstransform skew css transform 3a translatey in csshow to make a button grow in csstransform rotatezhow to use scale csstransform css rotate 180hover button scalerotate css propertycss transform scale function css make element bigger on hovertransform 3a scale calctransform traslatetransition transform scale cssscc scalerotate modal csshow to make box rotate using cssrotataion csstransform examples cssrotate transform in csstransform transition scaletransform 26 scale csswebsite scaling cssstyle rotate in csscss div rotatecss scalletranslatex in degreeicon rotate csstraslate in csscss skew and rotatetransform propertierotate a div cssrotate function csstranslate with rotate cssscalex 280 29transform 3a scale 28 29 3b cssrotate div in html css 28 22transform 22 29how to scale pixels in csshtml rotaterotate icon csstransform rotate 28180deg 29 3bimage rotate csstransform scale button csscss rotate elementtrainsform cssrotate the image csswhat is matrix in csscss webkit transform scaletransform sclasecss transform csscss transform rotate generatortransform rotatecss transform allows you togrow hover effect csstransform value cssjavascript css transformrotate right csshtml style transform scalejavascript css 28 transform 3ascaleturn image csstransform 3d 22scalehow to rotate the icon using cssmake large on hovercss transform translate textobject position transform csscss scalezscale to zero csscss animation grow transitioncss transform movetransform rotate cstranslate 3a transform 2810deg 29 3bhow to transform div element in htmlhow to add important in css transform rotatescale card on hover with transitiontransform rotate css w3 schools2d rotate in csstransformer rotatecsscss transform translate yrotate function in csscss skew uphover scale cssrotate on csssyntax css transform 3a rotatetransform css rotate animationhow ot make button grow in csstransform scalecss rotatingcss rotate element 180css transform w3schoolstransalte csstransform scale x csstransform 3a translate in htmltransfrom and translate in csstransform rotate y csshow to use rotate property in csstramslate shorthand csstransform property in csscss transform javascripttransform scale 3dtransform values csscss property rotationcss transistion rotatescaling in csshow to create rotate csscss rotate element 90 degreescale in html cssratate cssgrow icon on hovertransiation and transform csstransform in csscss tiltcss scale animation w3schoolscss3 transform propertieswebkit transform csstransform in htmlscale css htmltransform scaleycss how to scalehtml css translate deg how to rotate a div about top in csshow to rotate transform csscss transform rotate centertransform 3a scaley 280 29grow button cssrotate transistion cssgrowing div hover animations csscss transition for scaletransform 3arotate csswhat tranform do in cssrotate text to y axis csshow to make button grow on hover in csssign convention in translate in cssscale 28 1 29 csstransform translate css exampleimage rotation csshow to translate and rotate cssrotate css 90 degreescss transormrotate text w3schoolstranslate 3a rotate csscan i use transform rotatetransform css stylegrow button sizecss transform translationtransform shrink csshow rotate image in cssrotate center csscss transform and scalescale rotategrass grow on hover csshow rotate function work in csscss image transform scaletransform css scalecss rotate casingcss transform rotate valueshow to transform the imagein cssstyle translate csshow to do translate and rotate separately in csstransformers csshow to rotate box htmltransform 3a scale 28 29transform rotate tool csscss transfrom rotate3dtransform rotate javascripttransform scaley 280 29 meaningtransform and translate csswhat is scale in csscss transform rotate translate bothwhat does transform do csstransform property in css definescss rotate onlinecss scale happnes oncew3 css text rotationtransform translate csstansform csstransfrom css scalehow to use the css skew propertytransform scale and rotate cssstyle rotate csstransform translate css propertycss hover scale biggertransform translate in csstransform 3a scale 280 29 3bcss transform imagewhat is transform do cssstretch transform image csstranslate y csstransform value of cssrotate and translate cssstyle transformwhat is turn in transform html csstransform rotate css generatortransform scale 281 5 29 csstransform scale in cstransition scale on clickhow to make a button grow on hover4 degeree in transfrom rotate csstext scale hoverchanging angle of divrotate a line csscss transition scewcss scale hovertransform scalecssstyle transform rotatetransform css rotatez examplecss how to change transformtrabslate csstransform scale 281 1 29skew a div csstransform property css rotate style tranform 3d 22rotate 2890deg 29 22css translation transformtransform 3a translate 28 29 csstransform scale with positionhtml trasformed page backgroundcss rotation parameterscss how to rotate imon hover scale cssscaley in csswhy we use transform scale in csshow to make button grow in htmltransition rotate csstransform 3atranslate in csscss translatex scalescale in cssfunction css transformtransform scale on a 3ahovertransform scale css propertyhow to change scale in csstranslate x css w3css webkit transform translatetransition on rotate csscss rotatoegrow effect when hoover csstransform an image cssskewed css w3css scaletransform css3what is rotatey 28 i 29 in csscss transform biggerannimation css tranform rotatetransform scale 28 29rotate css atteibutescale on hover with transition cssdifferent transform attributes csstable transform csscss product miniatures degrees 90css square auto rotatecss transform rotate goes upreact inline css hover grow scale effecttranfrom cssrotate style in cssrotatez csscss how to get a hover over to growhtml transform tagtransform 3a scaley 281 2c1 29 3bimage transform scale and translate cssmake traform csscss rotate and translate javascripttransform rotate browser supportimage rotate html csstransform 3a scalex 280 29 3bbutton transform scalejavascript transform elementtranslate html csscss transform 3a translaterotatew csstransform w3 school csscss perspective rotatehtml transfrom rotatetransform rotate in css transform 3a scale 281 05 29 3b exxample fortransform degreecss transform caniusescale rotate cssskew and translate csscss translate yhow does transformer work csswith css translatetransformy csstranslate scale rotaterotate with translate csscss hover grow effecttcss transformhow to use transform and translate in csscss animation transform rotatehow to use scale in csscss transfor skewgrow div on hovertransformation size of element csscss making button growtransition x y cssscale css aniamtionstyle transform 3d 22 rotate 2810deg 29 22 inlinetransfromation csscss transformtransform scale 281 2 29what are transforms csstransform 3ascale 281 5 29how to rotate object csshow to make an image grow on hoverrotation css animationcss calc in transform rotatetransform shorthand csslet button grow csshow css transformcss transformmouse hover to scale image lisertranslatex in csstransform translate 28 29 csshow it workstransform css propertytransform size csstransform 3a scale 281 29 csstransform 3a scale 281 29what does translate do in csscss transform 2 propertiestransform scale resolutionchange sclae csscss transformecss translatey degtransition excale csscss variable transform rotaterotate degrees cssrotating div csscss transform y axistransform 2b to csscss w3schools rotatetrasform and translate in csshtml style rotatecss change on rotatecss transform scaletransform scale 02d translate csstransform 3a scale 281 2c 1 29 3b 5ctransform xy cssscale card on hover scsshow to rotate with angle text in csshtml elements scalinghow many transform use csstranslate image csscss amatrixtransfom in csstransform divtransform x y cssscale 28 29css transform 3a scaley 281 29transform property csscss transform property w3css transform rtateroate csstransform translate text cssrotate contenct csscss transition scalerotate an html elementtransform scale effectstransalatey cssadd css transform with querybootstrap transform skewcss rotate ycss transform 2b 3dcss can i use transformtansform size csscss scale also change widthcss translate div positiontransform size on hover cssscale 281 5 29 csscss transform rotate degreesrotateo trtasnform cssall transform values csscss 90 degreestransform translateicon translate csstransform scale in csscss rotate propertyhow to appy skew animation on textms transform csstransform scale syntaxskew transformscaleh 5d htmltransfor scalecss image transformcss rotate meaning of transform csstransform rotate time cssrotate an element csstranslate 28 29 cssov hover grow object sizetranslate rotate csshow to rotate icon in cssskew css w3schoolsall transform in csscss rotote propertytransform rotate change positioncss transform make image biggercss trnasform propertytransform scale css usageturned item csscss rotatez exampleset the scale value of a transformpage translate cssrotate right cscss trasnlatezbox rotation csshow to make a button grow on hover in cssmouse hover grow csstransform scale propertyhtml css how to make a numeric scale transform csstransform image csshow to use translate cssrotate a element by 20 degrees csshtml rotae scale csstransform css property rotate 180 degreescss transform rotate durationchanging the scale on hover smoothcss style scalestyle 3d transform scaletranslate 2dtransform skew css examplecss how to center transform rotatecss translate x and yrotated tripazium csstranslate css 3dtransform in css w3schoolstranslate degree csstransform scale and translate csscss scale effecthow does transform work csscss skew divjavsacript scale css to the containertranform postion cssscale transform cssrotate element using transformhow to transform button in csstransform rotate 29 28meaning transform cssrotate an image csscss rotate itemstransform roate csstrnasformtransform rotate pxtransform x in csshow to used transform matrix in cssget transform of element csshow to increase size of object on hovertranslate scale css hover effectshow to translatey on htmlwhat is transform translatetransform tranzisition csshow to rotate an img csscss transform 90to rotate image in html and csstransform 3d 22scale 28sx 2csy 29 22css rotateymake button grow hoverhtml transform scaletransofrm roate csscss code to rotate imagecss skew propertieswhat do transform and translate do csscss translate transformtransformation rotation csstransform 3a translatex csscss matrix transformtransform css defaultcss scale sizescale propertyscale 28 29 in csshow to scale up in csshow to make button grow in csstransform rotate in place csstranslateion cssscale 1 csstranslate 27 csscss rotation stylerotate 28 29 csshow to do a smooth scale effect in csswebkit transform defaulthow to translate degree csstransform write csstranslatey csstransform 3a scale 0grow hover overcss transfohow to make a tag grow on hoverrotate div csswhat is transfrom in cssrotate 90 cssscale hover css timew3school transform translatecss transform 5ccss transform ozelloyitransformation scale csshover function css growcss grow hover effectscss rotation distort imagescale up on hover csscss trasform rotatetransform css rotate cancelhow to rotate image in html csstransform 3a scale 280 1 29 3bcss 2c transform widthstyle scale html 5css transofrm image rotatetransform rotate propertycan i use scale down csstransform propertys cssrotate translate reflect csshow to make a div grow on hovertransfor translate csscss transformyangle div csscss scale downtransform attributes csscss for 90 degress rotatehow to animate on hover with scaletransform html cssrotate something cssuse transform in cssgrow div hover animationw3schools css transform translatescale in html and cssscale in transition cssransform translate htmlhow to rotate an image cssusing transform rotate csstransform scale 282 29 csshtml css transform rotatehow to give transform out in cssrotaten in csstransform rotate css w3schoolsscale transform scalescale element on same pointtranslate css animation w3schoolrotate 26 translate in csstransformation in csstransform scale css low scalingtransform scale 5dcan i use css transformtranslate 90 cssgiven below are two images suppose you have image1 in your web page and you want to transform it into image2 using css transform and rotate which of the following css rules can be used for this 3fcss transform tilthow to tilt in csstransform 3arotate style html2d transform csstransform in css google searchhow to check the rotate property of csstransition scalecss translate with rotate css transformcss hover size scaletransform translatex meaning w3schoolscss rotate dictransform functions csstransferm scale based on width and heightwhat is the transform in cssstranslate 3a property in cssmozilla css transformtransform css scaeltransform rotate throught its own csscss transform rotate adn translateon hver grow csscss transform 3askew rotate csstransform rotatearoundx axis tranform image csscss transform translatextranslate css and transformtransform 3ascale 283 2c5 29css grow when hovercss transform 25 25css transform scale and translatexhow to change the transform translate value in csstransofr rotate cssusing transform css with scale and translatetranslate x and y to a specific pointtransform 3a scale 280 29 csswebkit translate ytrnasform 3askey csswhat is scaler transformcss hover translate and scalecss rotation animation w3html css rotatescalez in cssincrease size using scale csskind of transform csscss scale 10 25 biggerrotate animation csshow to use rot in csscss webkit transformtransform 3a translate propertyapply tranform csstransform 3a scale codecss translate rotaterotate object on plane of screen csstransform syntax csshtml transform rotategrow image transition csstransform w3ccss element roatecss transform propertycss rotate generatecss rotation animation w3schoolstransalet imge htmltransform transition css zoom outrotate on place cssrotate css positionscale div css animationtransform calculate with scalerotate 180 degrees csstranslate and rotate in cssmatrix csswhat is transform translate in csstransition scale csscss transform translate and rotatestretch elements on hover cssscale and rotate csscss to rotatetranslate text csscss text grow animationis transformers good for placing elements in htmlcss image grow on loadwhat do transform translate in cssrotate content cssusing transform in csscss transform 3a 28 30 25 2c30 25 29img transform csscss transform grow 3ahover from centertransform translateyauto transformer button animation csscss change element scale on clickrotate straight csshow to scalecss y transformtransalatre csstranslate csstranslform 180 csstransform translate parametersbootstrap transform translatetransform scale css transformn csscss transformpositioncss object rotationtransition rotatetransition on scaletext grow cssrotate with css elemetnstransform rotate 2890deg 29 css css transform rotate unitscss transofrmtransform trasnlate csshover effect scalecss transforms mdbtransform optionsset scale css htmlcss transform property with skew method to skew element along the given anglecsss transform rotatetransform 3a scale 22scale csfml 22w3schools css rotatecss hyue rotateobject grow right csscss transform 3a rotate 2890deg 29 3b meaningcss rotate sectiontrasform attributes csshow to add ransform in colorcss trasnform translate scale css 28 transform 3ascalecss design for scale datatext rotate csstranslate element csscss rotate rectanglewhat is transform translatex in csshow to make button grow on gocefcss rotate translate reflecthow to add rotate in cssusetransform cssrotate 45 csshow to rotate image csscss rotate indefinitelycss ransform rotatecss rotate iconcss make div swell on hovercss transform skew w3css scalcss hover size increasewhy transform css property is usedrotate css function examplescss trandormcss transformation sitestext grow on hovertransforme csstransformation cssrotate css xyrotate divtransform animation csstransform rotate 28180deg 29 cssuse transform skew property with javascriptcss trransofmr rotaterotate ini csshow to make button get bigger on hover csstransform translate x and yhow to rotate an image using csscss transform 5d 5ccss transfrormcss scale nav element on hoverwhy are css transform property used forcss on mouse hover growtransform 3a scale csscss transform rotate rdcss turn rightwhat does transform scale do in cssstretch a div css transformcss animation grow sizeuse of transform in csschange scaling piont cscss rotate 180css transform syntax 3bhow to rotate image using csscss to rotate imagescale 2c rotate 2c translate csstranslare size csstransform properstyle 3d transformcss 2b text translate 2b rotatejs css transform rotatetransform scale transition csscss rotate containertransform scale on hovertransform 3a scale 28150 25 29css transform scale classscss scalescale x andy in csshow to rotate something csscss transform rotatetransform translat cssskeu csscss turn divs aroundtransform 3a rotatey 28180deg 29 3b none csscss scalexangular rotate divhow to rotate objects using css3 3fhow to rotate object in csstransform css translateycss aniamtion translatecss rotating itemwhat is for scale csstransform rotatey csshow to rotate element in csscss swell on hovertranform in cssthtml transform rotate 2b180 rotate cssdiv skew cssw3 schools css rotatetransform 3ascale 282 29transform scale 1 2c1 2c1css transformscalehow to change the x scale of an image in csstransform translate xtransform translate up csstransform scale smooth csstransform translatetransform 3a scale 280 29 3b 5ccss transform 3a translate 28 29 3bwhat does transform mean in csshow to apply many transform property to html elementtransform css translaterotate from center csstranslate css animationtransform trasnalte ycss transform rotate calccss transform rotate variablecss for img 90 degress rotatestyle transform rotate javascripttransform 28translate 29how to scale image smoothly on hovercss transform scalecss how to use transformthis css transform to javascriptrotate with csshow transform scale workstransoform cssscale in css transformcss rotate with translatecss turncss transform rotate varscale css on hovertransform 3a scale 28scale down an element and trnslate to top of pagecss grow elementrotat elementcss rotate infinitelytransform rotate property definitionrotate transform csssyntax transform csstransform and move csshow to scale out from a point in csstransform and scaleusing scale csshow we can rotate in cssscale withtransform cssscew csshtml image transformtransform scale css on hoverhow to make the div grow when hover in csshtml scaletransform 3atranslate propertycss how to rotate items in container transform rotatetransform origin rotate csstranslate transform in csshoverable scale csscss transition make biggertransfor 3a scale 282 29scale on hover animation reacttransform in html scalezhtml css translate and scalehow to scale in csstransform y csscss scale transformcss hover scalerotating image in csstransform html translate 28x 29transform css divcss translate messes up rotate animiationposition transformcss rotate 180degcss rotate2d transform css proprtyhover grow effect csswebkit transformcss hover smooth enlargecss3 transform translatescale div csstranfsform csshow to rotate a div with csstransform css animationshow scale aniation on hoverhow to make css zoom grow in and outcss translatey scalerotate transform time csscss tranform 3a translatexcss animation rotate transformusing transform in css is pulling imagetransform scale css handletransform and translate in csshow to use scale property from javascriptiv rotation cssrotate rightin csshove grow csscss change rotatecss change anglerotate css codetransform css syntaxcss rotate clockwisehow to resize size with scale in cssuse transform csscss rotatehow to rotate in csscss tranaslate y rotate cssimage hover scale transitionadd scale effect csstransform rotate csscss image rotatehow to make things bigger on hoverhover growrotate div using cssscale function csstransform scale htmlcss translate y axistranslate in css w3schoolsws css rotate transformhow to make transfrom 2b in in csstransform 3a scale 285 9 29 3b csstransform 3ascale 28 29transform skew css supportcss transform scale and translate togethercss rotate translateunderstanding transform and scaletransform rotate css playgroundtranslate with part of div show cssanimate scale css scale in csscss scale with on transformcss rotating iconshow to rotate csscss rotatezcss transitions scaletranslate transfrom csstransform transilatez csstransform scale 1 1button grow on hovercss jquery rotaet height widthtransformtransform rotate in csscss transform y objectcss scale animation dangerousscale recaptchacss transform scale x and ycss transform from tohtml rotate sectiontranslate 3atransform cssbigger size on hover csstransformers background cssimage rotate htmltransform 3a csscss tranform rotatediv scale down cssrotate the object css 3atransform 28transition css transform rotatew3 schools transformwhy is css transform property used fortranfrom translate cssdegree csshtml on item hover make it largertilt div css css rotationscss transform 28x 2c y 29trasform rotate csswebkit transform css3 animationcss transformhover resize nav element without effect allfilter scale csscss transform styletransform scale leftcss rotate from centertransform scale downtranslate property in csstranform 3atranslate cssw3 schools transform rotaterotate css transformtransform 28translate 29 csstranslate ytransform 3a scale 28 8 29 3btransform rotate nonegdegrees csscalc in scale 2c transformtransform rotate positioncss how to set transform propertyrotate slowly csshover scalecss transform 23 css translaterotate without using transform css css transform functionscss transform scale smoothcss translate supportcss transform rotate resethow to transform in csscss transform translate scaletransition css scalcss translate 28 29transform scale 28 29 html what does it docss button growtransform 3atranslate csscss calewhat does transform do in html and csstransform css movecss all transform propertieshow to apply scale in cssscal on hover cssrotate css w3schoolsjs and css transformhow to use transform scale in csshow rotate div in csscss transformsscale up 20 25 on hover csstransform the axis of a div cssskew css propertyhow to move rotate in html and csswriting css at scalecss rotate xyhtmnl css transformshow to use transform 3a scale 28 29 csstransform 3a scale 282 29 3bcss skew texttransition transform css rotategrow animation on hoversclae transition csstransform scale hoverscale on hover css animationbutton rotate csstranslate transformrotating an image in csstransform 3a initial csscss angle off a button rotateskew w3csscss rotationhow to use clockwise notation csstransform en csscss transform skezcss transform rotate and scalebutton grow css hoverccss transformwhat is transfrom translate csscss trasnalte transformrotate and translate 3d csstransform scale cssscale object cssuse of transform and translatescale the divmaking scaling smooth in csscss rotate and transformon hover css element grows in sizescale transtion csscss transform 3a translatexpicture rotate in html w3schooleach transform csshow to add transform to text in csstransform 3ascale property of csstranslate and scale csscss transform scaleyhow to turn an image csscss animation rotatewhat does transform rotate docss rotate objecttransform translate x csscss x y axistransform 3a rotate csstransform css scewtransform in cssstransform 3a scale 282 2c 0 5 29 3bcss style transform rotateturn using csstransform x increaser javascriptmove item to the right css transform w3 schoolshtml css scalerotate by csstransformer style cssflip orientation of div cssanimation transform csscss scale text on hovercss change transform based on widthcss img roateall transform tag in cssstatic rotation csstransform tranlatetrasform in csshow to use transform rotatewhat does scalez work for in csshover transform scaletranslate transform cssw3school css transformcss gradually increase sizetransform scalex webkit transformtransform scale scsshtml scale on hoverrotate element 90 degrees csscss transform scale and rotatetransform rotate slowly htmlhtml transform translateparameters of translate in csscss transform scale easesmooth transition css on hover scalewhat does transform scale 280 29 doesrotate element htmlwhat is webkit transform in csstransition skew csshow to rotate an object using html and csshow to rotate in htmlhow to change the rotation of somthing in htmlrotate 45 degrees clockwise csscss rotate divtransform get bigger csstrnasform csscsss transform matrixcss apply transformtransform 3a rotatey 28translate scale csstranslate in 25 in csstransform w3 schoolscss rotate element 180 degreestransform rotate and scale csstransform css valuescss transform scale xcss best scale transitionshow to use transform css3 propertyscale to top on hover csscss transaltextransform rotate in htmlcss transform rotate 2845deg 29animation rotate w3schoolscss translatetranslate w3schools css rotate csscss grow effecthtml how to rotate divtranform scalehtml trasformationcss on hover transition scaletransform rotate and translate in csshow to do rotate in csscss property translatecss translate propertytransfrom in css rotate propertytransition scale csscss transorm rotate sizetranslate in 25 cssjavascript transformtransform examples csstransform rotaterotation csstransform translattransform scale 281 2c1 29css transfromtransform rotate and transfertransform all property data sheetstyle transform scalecss property to rotatestyle transform cssscale attribute htmlrotate image 45 degrees css transform csshow to give transform in htmlcss rotate i tagsscale cssscss hover transition enlargetransform cssrotate item csswhat is the use of transform in csscss rotate imagehow rotate work in csscss3 scaletransform css buttonon hover grow object sizerotate text in csscss transform stretchscale css animationchange angle in csscss scalecss scale upw3 css rotatecss rotate interpret 360 as 0transform for mozillacss trnasform shorthandtransform rotate speed csshtml translate rotatetranslation in cssscale out css on hoverscale animation card csson hover grow csshow to tilt image in csscss scale functiontransform list cssposition and transform csscss scale easyimage transform cssms transformcss ways to rotate image in placetransform 3a translatex 28 29 3brotate tag csstransform scalezhow to use transform cssscalehow to use rotate functioncss transformascss transform trotatewhat does transform 3a scaley 28 1 29 docss translateycreate css scale in cssgrow effect csshow top rotate an image using csstransform rotate javascript cssbutton get bigger when hover csshow to scale out annd in css style transform rotatehow to change angle of div in csstranslate in css 5ccss transform property listtransform 3a rotate 28 29css rotate transform and translatehow to slant text in csshow to use transform translate in cssdiv rotate csstransform scale noneincrease size on hover csstransform example cssmultiple transformers in series csstilt your font to transformation csscss transform shrinktransform and scale csstransform scale translaterotate element 180 degrees csstransform translate scale rotation csscss cannot scale and translatecss rotate and translatecss scale examplewhat does transform do in csstranslate y in cssstransform csscss on hover growscale 20 25 csscss transform properycss transform scale propertytransform propertytransform translate htmlrotate in inline cssscale hover cssrotate 90deg di csscss scalttransfrorm cssgrow on hover csscss degreesgrow scale csstransform change sizescalled but now out of view csstransform rotate and translate w3how tp rotate an object css translate and rotate together cssanimation scale csswhat is translate in cssbootstrap transformcss scale xyscale transformrotate img in csscss rotate itranslatexy csscss hover smooth scalehow to make an image change size hover with animationhow to combine rotate and translate in csstransform scale background css hovertransform spin csscss scale oin hovercss degreeset scale csscss transform skewcss scale on hoverrotation css 5ccss hover to make icon grow a biggertext jumping out of box on scale hover csshow to css translation rotate and speedcss size transformtransform scale on hover csscss transform animationx axis css skewtranslate 28 29 in csscss transform rotate moves imagetransfrm csshtml style transformtransform scale from tophtml css hover growtranslate css3transform scale 281 29how to make something scale in csscss rotate centertext angle csscss transform rotate tutorialcss hover button growtransform with traslate x and ycss button hover growtransform translatexscale 50 csscan i use transform scale 5ctransform 3a rotate 2830deg 29how to make items increase in size on hovertranform property in cssskew using html csscss transform translate and scalecss data transformtransform rotate add degrees cssall transform property in csstransform 3a scale 281 2c0 29 cssright transform valuecss transform rotationtranslate css propertytransform translate cssimg css tranformatortransform to up divtransform resize csstransform and translatebootstrap transform nonemake button grow and shrink cssgilde transformcss transform 3a scalecss turn 90 degreescss scew textcss scaleon hovertransform 3a scale 281 1 29 3b support 40hover grow csstransform scale 280 5 29 csstransform rotate on click cssscale item on hover csstranslation csscss3 transform rotate propertycss transform examplehow to rotate an imager with csscss rotate buttontranslate div csswhat is the transform property 2c and how does it work csselement style transform 3d rotateangle in csstranslate 3a transform cssrotate background image css w3schoolsbackground color rotate css examplecss transform examples transform rotate cssscale element csscss button grow effecttransform from to cssproperty for scaling in csshow to use transform property in cssnormal css tags to javascript css transformerhow to rotate text in csstransform use rotate and translate csscss transform scalexrotate a button csshover function css grow effectcss transform xskew rectangle cssrotating in cssrotating row of items cssrotate elment cssscale div on hovercss image transformscss translatextransform degree csstransformation rotate 180 cssscale animation html csstransform rotation csscss transition ycss scale down divgirar deg csscss rotatextransform translate ytransform used css w3schoolswebkittransform in csscss scale 1css transform scarotate css explanationmake things rotate csscss translate scale hoverhow to rotate a shape in csstranslate 28 29 css propertyusing skew with javascripttransform scale 28 29css transform 3atranstlate inputcss hover increase sizecss rotetrotate element by csshow to scale transformtransition scale css w3schoolscsss transition rotatetotating div cssanimation rotaion property in cssrotate transform transitiontransform css gfrom tow3schools com css transform animation 3dscale widthscale 280 29 csshtml make div scale2d translate in csscss rotate cssskew property in csstransform values in csscss grow transitiontilt cssreact scale text on hovercss transform rotate anglecss transfrom examplestransform scale rotate csscsss transformtransform xhow to change the transform value in csstransform 3a scale 28 29 3bcss demo transformscale 280 5 29 in csstransform in css style decrease website scale size csscss transform 3a scale 28n 29transform translate 28w3 css transformtransform on rotatew3w translate cssdefault transform html unitcss transform scale 281 2 29how to rotate border in csshover grow csscss transform resizehow to rotate image in csscss how to rotate divrotate transition csshow to scale div csswhat is transform is used for in csscss translate and rotatetrasnform 3a scalehow to scale in csstransform 3d 22scale 28 29 22scal csstransform translate and scaleskew cssrotate button cssrotate content of container csshow to rotate in transformtrasnlate meaing in csstransform rotate animation csscs scalecss div angles transformtranslate and then rotate cssdskew in csswhich transform value scale the element 3fscale 2d csscss animation scaletranslate 3a rotate 28180 29 3bcss translate 2frotaterotate css oninecss div transformtransform text css translatetransform a csswebkit scaling methodscale up 20 on hover csstransacform csshow to transform div in a divscale csstransform all propertytranform propcss roate imagehover scale text csslearn transformation in csstransform scale examplescss tranformimge rotate csstransform and rotate csscss make button grow on hoverposition transform css meaningcss hover expand animationcss hover bigger animationhtml rotate itemsmooth grow and shrink in hover in csshow to use transform rotate in csstransform css meanslant div css w3schoolsrotate opint with csswhat is transform in cssrotation example using csscss ratate imageraise on hover csstransform 3d 22 rotate 2810deg 29 22 inlinew3 rotatetranslat csstransform 3ascale 28 2a 29translatex 28 2a 29 3b for bird container csstranform csstransform expamletranslate css 25rotation in cssonly transformable elements csscss3 rotatehow to add rotate and translate in csstransform 25 25 csshow can i rotate and display information csstransform scale and resizetransforms scale csstrnasform 3askewx cssgrow text on hover csscss grow icon on hoverrotation in 2d cssw3schools css transformtransform 3a rotate 2845 29 3btransform proprty in csshtml css translate deg all css scalexyhow to transition rotate csstranslate x and y csstransform shape css templateshtml css how to do translate and scaletransform position csshtml rotationtransform 3a scale 282 2c 0 5 29 3b left to righttransform 2d csshow ot transform cssskew div csscss rotate3css transformation animationtransfrom scaleshift axis of divtransform 3a translate meaning in htmlscale 28 29 csstransform 3a scale 281 6 29how to tilt a div in csstransfomr csstransform 3a translate 28 29 3bcss transform freakyrotate in css3 examplerotate transformcss transform rotate continuouslytransform rotate propertierotate using cssmozilla firefox tranform csshow to scale with csstransform moving property in csshow to make button grow on hovercss transform translate to page sizeimage turn css syntaxgrow effect on hover csstransform rotate and translaterotare csscss transform rotateytransform translate and skewcss hover effects growtranslate and rotate csscss translatex 28 29scale 0 5 csstransform rotate css codropshow to increase transform in cssscale css