sass import

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showing results for - "sass import"
09 Oct 2016
1@import "../../../theme/main.scss"
Ana Sofia
26 Aug 2016
1// When importing the master, you leave out the underscore, and it
2// will look for a file with the underscore. This prevents the SCSS
3// compiler from generating a CSS file from it.
4@import "assets/master";
6// Then do the rest of my CSS afterwards:
7.text { color: $accent; }
9// assets/_master.scss 
10$accent: #6D87A7;           
11$error: #811702;
16 Sep 2018
1@import 'path/to/file', 'other/file';
22 Jun 2017
1As of 8/2020 @use is only compatible with Dart Sass. 
2Check compatibility with documentation.
03 Jul 2018
2  @import filename;
18 Feb 2019
2  @import "reset";
4body {
7  font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
9  font-size: 18px;
10  color: red;
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import filesscss import or usescss importimport other scsss file 40use url sassinclude sass file 40include sassuse variables from another file in scssimport variables in scsshow to use mixin from another filesass can i still use 40import w not working sasssass import or useimport sas fileusing 40mixin from other filescss import propertieshow do you add an import statement sass 40import from local scssscss import with 7escss import filessass imprtuse import scsssass variables import exampleimport scss variables inta another scss fileimporting file for scssimporting scss files in another fileimport 22 2fstyle scss 22 40error sass not workingimport sass to cssimporting sass stylessass importsimport sass filescss import other scss fileimporting a file to sassthe 40import sasssass import other style sheet 26 not working in sasssass filesimport vs use in sasshow to import sass variablessass set an include in an includesass using variable from another filescss import classimport sass as 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how to use variable scss from another fileuse variable from another file scssimport sass in cssimporting scss file in scsssass load different variables config e2 80 a2 how can we import other css 2fsass files in sasshow to import scss file to csshow to import scss file into scssimport scss file in scssimport file scss works as csssass import vs usehow to use 40use to import other scss files into othreshow to import scss in scssimport scss from packagehow to import file in scsssass compile importsimport another scss in scssimport another scss in fileinclude a mixin from another file import files in scsssass math not workinguse vs import sassinherit variables scss from another filesass using is not import scss to scsssass import or use variablesimport scss variablesimporting variables in scsshow to include mixins in another directory scssscss import in scss 40use sass not workingsass 40use not workinghow to get a sass variable from another filesass importing scss filehow to use imported code in scssscss 40import 22import 22import into scsssass include importsass import css variablesimport statement scsssass html importpackage that compiles sasswhat does 7e means in sass importsass compiling not workingimport file variables from assets sassscss variables from different filewhy is my sass not working on my pagesass use variable from another filescss include not workingsass command not workingscss import file from outsidescss import scss filesimport mixin from another file sassimporting i sassscss include other filehow to import built in module in sassimporting sass with url linkscss import 7e 40import in sasssass partialshow to import sass in main scssimport file in scssimport sass variable to to other sass file sass styles not showing up in browserimport function in sassscss import another scsswhy sass notpartials in other files overriding scssscss import some another scss filehow to use variables in scss in another fileimport scss arscannot import scss filesass nothow to import variables in sasssass can i use variables in importsimport scss fiesscss import variable from another fileimport other sass in sassscss selector not workingimport files sassimport not working on sassimport sass file in sassimport scss to another scsssass 2a i importhow to import a scss filedo i need to import scssimport a var from another scssssass 40use as 2a not workingimport sass variableshow to use variables across files with 40use sassimporting sass variablessass import sass filehow to import module scss file in sasssass define global variable to access from another fileimport scss in other scsshow to use add or import scssscss import include useimport scssscss import 2a scsssass variables importhow to include a mixin in another scss filesass import file using usehow to import and export in sasssass import 5dimport to use scssvariable import sassimport sass file 5cimporting sass with urlimport scss filehow to compile sass automatically when import in mainimport scss 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scsssass import not workinginclude file scssusing variables in different file scssscss import variable from anothjer filesass not working after installimport use sasshow to import in sasshow to import sass finle in other sass filescss import variables from other filesass 40use does not workhow to import a mixin fileimport 22 22files in scssusing 40use to import files sasshover not working on scss 40import scss filedynamic import scsssass import oncesass should i import vars file to all others fileshow to import file in scsssass not workingsass include with variableimporting order for sass 40apply in sass not workingsass syntax importimport sass file into scss filescss file import from variableshow to import sass variables in other sass filesimport variables in scss with 40usehow to import css into sassimport another scss file in scsssass to css not working 40import urls sassimport scss variables in other scss fileimport mixin from another filehow to import files in sassinclude scsshow to import sass as dependencieshow to import an scss file into scsssass import another sass fileimport variables from scss filesbig sur npm install node sass not workingscss import mixin from another filedifference between 40use and 40import in sassimport inside scssimporting scss filehow use file import in sasssass use 3anotsass include variables filescss module import scssscss 40use to import webscss use variables from another fileimport sass file inside css filescss import file without includingimport sass filesimport scss variables into another scss fileimport without scssimport sass file as csssass import folderimport variables from another scss filesass import sass another folderimport variables from other file scssscss apply import to selfimport css from scssimport export in sass filesass is not working reactscss include fileimport sass in jsimport other scss filesscss import file csssass import variable functionscss create variable and importimport css file to sasscan i import css to sasshow to import sass modulescan you import css into scsshow import sassimport all scssimport variable from another scss filesass import variable from another fileimport css into scss 40useuse sass modules and variables from another filesass funcitons not workingsass how to convert 40import to 40usehow to import scss files in main scss fileimport sass file into anotherimporting sass cssscss import vs usescss include another scssimport variables from another scss to anothersass 40use not compining properlyimport sass from sassimport variable file scssimport css in scssimport 2a scssscss import filehow to import css file in sasssass include external css fileimport sass variable to jsimpot sassimport mixinscss import from another fileimport variable sassimport css in scss filescss import variables scssimport sass file in main filesass 40usesass import base folder not workimport component in scssvariable in scss for different file 40import sasswebpack sass importhow to import module scss in sassscss import module vs sassangular sass not workingimport 22sass 3amath 22sass 40use variableshow to import variable from another scss fileimport scss file in scss fileimport scssssass export and import filesass 40import vs 40usesass import asimport scss values import styles in sasssass import statementsass not working poperlyscss import based on variablehow to import mixin from another filescss import foldersass 40import syntaxscss file not working 40include not working sasssass new import 40import 28reference 29 sassscss import functionuse instead import sasswhy does sass does not working after some timesass variables other file without importingimport in scsshow can we import other css 2fsass files in sasssass import css fileimport scss file cssimport style sassimport module sasshow to import variables in scssfile import in scsssass 40use or 40importscss import 2ascss import moduleimporting in sass in html 40use not working sassscss import other attributessass use partialscan scss import cssimport other scss file in the main scss files 3c not working in sassuse mixin in other fileimport sasssass use variables from another fileimport of scss modulesscss use variable from another fileimport mixins scssimport sass in scssimport statement in scsssass variables in other fileprepros import scsscss import sass importsass css importimport class in sasshow to include mixin separate filemixpanel import datascss imports syntaxsass pass variables to other filehow to use one scss file variable in another filescss setup variable and use in another filecan we import use scss in css file scss import scss fileimporting css in scss 40use sass problemimport scss in scss filecss import scss filecorrect way to import a sass module issass import 7esass use instead of importsass import jsonstyle scss importimport scss to cssimport scss librarysass import allimport file to sass fileimport statement in sassscss variable from another fileimport mixin from same fileimport external https stylesheet sassscss variable for other filehow to import sass filesscss to css compile local with sass ubntusass import csssass import other fileimport function scsssass import urlsass import scsshow to import variables declared in one scss file to another scss filescss import stylescss import vs sass importuse variables from different file sasscan you import scss variables from another scss fileimport variable in sassimport a file in scssimport scss from anotherscss classname not workingdo you need to import sasshow to use variable of scss in another fileimport module sass 40import function in sassimport sass file to your project 40import vs 40use in scss 40use 40import sassimporting a file to sass and storing in variableimport files sass modules 40import 28 29 scssscss use in place of importimport sass variables in other files import scss file to another scsshow to import scss files in scssscss reference variable in another filesass import another scss filesass include variablesimporting within a class i sassimport variable from scss filesass use importimport css inside sasssass import