rounding off in javascript

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showing results for - "rounding off in javascript"
02 Jun 2016
1//There are meny ways of rounding...
2Math.floor(5.5) //Answer 5, it alwas rounds down.
3Math.round(5.5) //Answer 6, it simpily rounds to the closest whole number.
4Math.ceil(5.5) //Answer 6, it alwas rounds up.
6//You can do more things too...
7Math.floor(5.57 * 10) / 10 //Answer 5.5, the number turns into 55.7, Then gets floored (55.0), Then gets divied, (5.5).
04 Feb 2019
1var avg=10.55;
2console.log(Math.round(avg)); //Prints 11
20 Feb 2020
1Math.round(3.14159 * 100) / 100  // 3.14
33.14159.toFixed(2);              // 3.14 returns a string
4parseFloat(3.14159.toFixed(2));  // 3.14 returns a number
02 Jan 2018
1round of
22 Jan 2019
1200 minutes = 3 hour(s) and 20 minute(s).
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to round a number in jsreact roundrounding off in jsround number to nearest integer javascriptmake round jsround up number in javascripthow to use math round inround up or down based on closest whole number javascriptjavascript round numbersround 28 29 function in jsround to jsmath round javascriptroundoff in javascripthow to round off in javascript from decimals to the nearest whole numberhow to round in nodejsrounding function is jsjavascript how to roundround off the amount in javascripthow to round to nearest integer in jshow to round down a decimal number in javascriptround method in jsround of function in javascripttypescript round to nearest whole numberroundaccurately from javascriptround to int in javascripthow to round off a value in javascriptsolve javascript math roundingmath round jsjs how to round to nearest whole numbermath round jshow to round numbers in jquerywhat is roundoff function in javascriptjavascript round to nearestjs number roundingjavascript round varjavascript number round offjavascript how to round to whole numberjquery math round input after chabgereact js math roundjson scrypt round all var result numberhow to round up numbers javascriptround to integer jsround numbers jamath round in javascript inside prototyperound number to int jsjs round to 5angular round to nearest integernodejs rund up to 7round of the value in javascriptround formula jsround of number jsjs round of to integertypescript round upjavascript round the number in htmlrounding up in javascriptjavascript round of to lowestmath roungmath round javascirptmath round javascript uprounding figure to upper digit jsrounding of nubers in jshow to round numbers in javascripthow to get rounding number in javascriptround number in javascript or nothow to round to number with jshow to around an integer in jsround values in javascriptmath round jqueryround a value in jsrounddown in javascripthow to round off javascriptroundingfunction jsround float in javascriptround to 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jsusing math round in javascriptround function javascriptround value up jshow to round number in javscriptround off value in javascriptround 280 29 jsround the number 7 25 to the nearest whole numberjavascript math round to whole numberhow to use round in jsround numbers javascriptnode js rounding numbersjavascript round to nearest inthow to round a number to integer in javascriptjavascript round number to integermath round undefinedround number javascriptroud of function in jqueryround off from specific value jsjs round tojavascript math round tomath round javascript methodsjavascript accurate number roundingjavascript round to whole numnberjavascript for rounding numbersround of value jsdoes javascript round numbersround object in javascriptround to next integer in javascriptround off numbers in jsmath round off javascriptround to nearest integer javascriptround of in javascriptround off to whole numbers in javascriptjs rounduse round sql node jshow to does math round handles 2cround 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value round value in javascriptassign the value using math round javascriptjasvascript roundround to even number javascriptmath rounfround off decimal in javascriptrounding of number in jsround javascript to integerround offin jsjs rount numbersbest way to round in javascriptjavascript roubd round in jsjavascript round to closest inttypescript math round no decimal placeroundoff in jsjs round to numberhw to round number javscriptrounding up a number jsjs math roundjavascript make round a numberjavascript round numbefround function in node jsceil faster than round javascriptround number to next integer javascripthow to get round off value in jquery examplesrounding ints stored in objects hsrounding ints stored in objects jsjavascript round offjs approximate without roundinground of in jsjs round to integerjavascript round number javascriptjavascript math round numberrounding off in javascriptjs round nubmerjavascript force roundmath round 28mathround arraymath roudnround to whole number 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integer javascript round method to the meanround to the nearest whole number javascriptround down to integer javascriptjs round 000math round method in jsxround up to whole number javascriptround up jshow to round javascript valuemath round 5croundto jsrounding number javascriptround up number javascriptjavascript round funcitonround 28 29 jsround to int jsmath round js 27how to round of number in java scriptround up to nearest unit jsjavascript get next integerfunction to round numbers javascriptmath round in jsxnumber round off to integer javascriptjs round to nearest whole numberjs how to roundjs round up numberjavascript function to round off decimalround off number value in javascriptcheck new round javascriptrounding off numbers javascriptw3s math round javascriptround off number js functionjavascript number roundround off to integer javascriptrounding values javascriptjs floorjavascript round decimal to whole numberwhy does javascript round whole numbers without decimalsroundoff 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jqueryjavascript round to whole numberjavascript 2b roundhow to round numbers javascriptmath rounding jshow to round floatts in jsround the values in javascriptwhat does math round do in javascripthwo to round object to two decimal places using math roundjs round out valuedont auto truncate double jsjs round to next integermath 28 29 roundjavascript math round next integerbets way to round in javascripthow to round anumber to nearest integer in javascriptround to 0 decimal places jstypescript math roundjavascript rountround 28 29 in jsjavascript math to roundround number to nearest integer jsmake numbers round figure in javascriptround down a number math function javascriptjquery for rounding valuejs round funcitonjavascript round to 1 dpmath round to nearest float javascriptjs round offjavascript round 28 29rounding in htmlhow to math round in javascriptmake round the integer in jsround down to integer jsmaths round javascripthow to round variable javascriptround number up jsjavascript round up to integerround to nearest number jsrounding jshow to round jsmath round 28 29 javascriptjs round mathjs rounding functionhow to round a decimal in javascriptjs round valuehow to round up a number in jses6 math roundhow to round off decimal numbers in jshow to round numbers in js to the nearesthow to round number to nearest whole javascriptjs round up integerjavascript round 1000round numbers javascipttroundnumber jsmath round up javascriptround of function in jsw3schools javascript round the number 7 25 2c to the nearest integerround in node jsround off javascriptjavascript math round problemsround float jsround up integers jsround up a number javascriptround off number javascriptround off 0 4 to1 in javascriptround a number to nearest integer in jsjavascript 2b math roundround number javascript mathround off value javascriptjs round to inthow to use math round in javascriptround of number in javascriptround off funciton javascripthow to use round in javascriptjs 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roundjavascript rounding up non fractional numbersd3 round 28result formulahow to round to nearest whole number javascriptround 3 interger javascriptmath rounding javascript schooljavascript to have lower value from round offroundaccurately function java scripthow to approximate numbers in javascriptjava script functios to roundoffnumberhow to round off i my number increase 1 in javascriptroundoff jsjavascript math round to nearest 20round off in javascript decimalround to nearest 1 jsjs to fixed round downjs round off numberround javascript to whole numberjavascript round off to whole numberrounding up number in javascrip thow to round a number in javascripthow to round value jsround in java scriptround javascript round downjas math roundmath round javascript downround values jsjavascript round to whole integerround number javascript math the rounding simple in jsmath round javscriptround 28 29 function javasccriptround jqueryjs round to the nearest integerjavascript round off to 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node jsround a number jsjs round integrjavascript integer roundround function jshow to use round to in nodejsjs math round onlinemath roundin jsround to decimal in javascriptjs math round decimal placesround to nearest whole number javascriptroundup javasciprtjava script round numbersadd math round method in react htmlformater formate method roundof the number javascriptround out interger javascriptjs round places functionjavascript function to round off integermath round function in javascripthow to round off a number in javascriptround function is working with in javascriptmath round vuejsjavascript method to round to whold numberjavascript to round numberhow to use math round in jsmath round jswhat does round function do in jsbest way to round number in javascripthow to round the number jsnode js roundround value in javascript after 59 rounding javascript 3a 3bjavascript round to lowest number 5 round off in javascriptjavascript round to x deciround of javascripthow to round to whole numbers javascriptmat round in jshow to round values in jsmath round 4 dibest way to round price in javascripthow to round the value in javascriptrounding figure to lower digit jshow to round off in javascriptjavascript round math functionhow to round to nearest number javascriptrounding in javscriptjavacript math round 28 29how to round of number in javascriptjs decimal round up javascript round off using mathround value in1000 in javascriptround int javascriptdecimal round up javascriptround off in node jsround off in javascriptround methods jsjs round number wholeround to whole number in jsmath round 28 29 javascriptround whole number javascriptmath method to round a float numberwhy is javascript rounding up the last 3 numbersjavascript rounf functionjavascript convert round to integerhow to round int donw jsround to nearest integer reactrounding a number in javascriptrounding a number with mathrounding to nearest whole number javascriptjs rounding numbersrounding 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classesround to int javascripthow to round a number jsjavascript roundjavascript round up a variableround up method javascriptround to number javascriptjavascript math round 4 digitmath round min 1 decimalround out jsround a number of in javascriptjs method round uphow to round to 0 5 in javascripthow to round up in javascriptjavascript math round to integerhow to use the round in javascriptwhat is math round in javascriptround an float in jsmath round 28 29math round ahow to round value in javascriptjs method round javascript round to int numberwhat is the difference between math round and to fixed methods in javascripthow to get rounded value in javascriptjavascrpt roundmath round int jstrounding in jsjavascript reoundmath round vs math fixed javascripthow to round a nu 2cber in jsjavascript method round uopround to closest integer javascriptjavscript match roundnode js rounding numberjs round up to integermath round to int javascriptround value jsround number nodejstypescript round to 0 decimalsmath js vs math roundmath round to the closest upround up integer to lowest javascriptmath js roundround off in jquerymath round angularhow to round off numbers in javascripthow to cround numbers in jsround a price in javascriptround function in jsjavascript how to know if a number is rounded up o downjavascript rounding to nearest integermath roiundrounding numbers in jsjavascript round of numberrounding numbers js roundoff 28 29 javascriptjs round divisionelectron js round valuesround math in javascriptround off numbers javascriptjavascript roundround 2b javascriptdo not round off numbers in javascriptround decimal javascriptround off values in jsmath round to definenumer javascriptround to javascriptround result javascriptrounding values in javascriptmake whole numbers round to the nearest hundred in javascriptround the number javascriptround number javscriptrounded number javascriptjavscript round value to nearestjs math roundround function in javascriptmath round 28 29 function inncluding a variableround off value in node jsrounding up to jsjavascript round 0 decimaljavascript round numericnumber round jshow can i round a number in jshow to round numbers jsmath round in jsjavascript round 0 decimalsmath round function in jsfirefox does not support math roundtypescript math roundround off float int jsjs math round up from any dwhat function used like round in javascriptmath round javascroptmathjs math roundround a number in javascriptjavascript round off functiionround number to nearest 1000 jsjavascript ropundround number in min jsrounding in jsmath round int javascriptjavascript math roudnhow we can round the number in javascriptmath 2cround jstypescript arrondir numbermath round throw null in javascriptround off number in javascriptwhat is the math round method in javascriptadding rounding off to your function in javascriptjavascript math round stringhow to round off a decimal number in javascriptrounding off to a particular number in 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javascripthow to make round a number in jshow to round off the number in javascriptjs math roundround the number in javascriptmath round in nodejsround off deciman in jsmath round to number in javascriptjs round to whole number round off 28 29 javascriptmath round 28x 29how to roundup the value in jsmath 3bround jsround figure in jsround of a number in javascriptjavscript roundjavascript code to round a numberjavascript rounding to the number of digits in a numberhow to round off values in javascriptjavascript rounf offfhow to round calculation in javascriptjs round a numberjavascript round at integerround to even jsjavascript tofixed round up or downhow to round in java scriptround to place javascriptnumeral js roundinground numbers jsround number in jsround the number in jsreact round numberround decimal javascript to bigger valuejs round functionmdn math roundround price javascriptround 28 29 in javascriptrounded value in javascriptround off a number to the nearest 5 javascriptjava 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nearest integerjavascript function round to integerround node jsfind roundoff number javascriptjquery roundrounf mathmath round to next valueprice rounding javascriptjavascript function to round a integer vauemath round up 1 javascriptround number method jsjavascript rounding numbersround double to int javascriptjs round up decimaljs math round to integerround off number javascripthow to round in js to nodejs roundround uo jsmath round typescript 0 decimal placesround numbers up to the nearest integer javascriptround off values in javascriptconvert round value in javascriptdouble to in tjsrounding off in javascript