round off value in javascript

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showing results for - "round off value in javascript"
13 Jul 2018
1//There are meny ways of rounding...
2Math.floor(5.5) //Answer 5, it alwas rounds down.
3Math.round(5.5) //Answer 6, it simpily rounds to the closest whole number.
4Math.ceil(5.5) //Answer 6, it alwas rounds up.
6//You can do more things too...
7Math.floor(5.57 * 10) / 10 //Answer 5.5, the number turns into 55.7, Then gets floored (55.0), Then gets divied, (5.5).
09 Jan 2019
1var avg=10.55;
2console.log(Math.round(avg)); //Prints 11
30 Sep 2016
1+3.5 => +3.0
2-3.5 => -4.0
4+3.5 => +3.0 using Math.floor()
5-3.5 => -3.0 using Math.ceil()
21 Jul 2017
1round of
16 Oct 2018
1200 minutes = 3 hour(s) and 20 minute(s).
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hwo to round object to two decimal places using math roundjava script math roundjs how to round downhow to round off value in jsround javascript numberhow to use round to in nodejsjavascript number round offround values javascriptround off floating point number in javascripthow to round a decimal in javascriptrounding of in jsmath round syntaxrounding off numbers to the nearest whole number jsjavascript floor behaviorjs round to nearest whole numbertypescript math roundjavascript round defectjavascript round to nearest whole numberhow to round off a decimal number in javascriptjavascript method round uprounding floats in javascriptround a number to nearest integer in jsjavascript round off usingjs rounding numbersrounde up js numberrounding off javascriptnodejs math roundround to place javascripthow to get round off value in javascriptjavascript num roundjavascrip math round upjavascript method whole numberhow to round to nearest 50 javascriptmath round int javascriptround down without 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