rock paper scissors python

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17 May 2020
1import random
3rock = '''
4    _______
5---'   ____)
6      (_____)
7      (_____)
8      (____)
12paper = '''
13    _______
14---'   ____)____
15          ______)
16          _______)
17         _______)
21scissors = '''
22    _______
23---'   ____)____
24          ______)
25       __________)
26      (____)
29while True:
30    game_images = [rock, paper, scissors]
32    user_choice = int(input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors.\n"))
33    print(game_images[user_choice])
35    computer_choice = random.randint(0, 2)
36    print("Computer chose:")
37    print(game_images[computer_choice])
39    if user_choice >= 3 or user_choice < 0: 
40        print("You typed an invalid number, you lose!") 
41    elif user_choice == 0 and computer_choice == 2:
42        print("You win!")
43    elif (computer_choice == 0 and user_choice == 2) or (computer_choice > user_choice):
44        print("You lose")
45    elif user_choice > computer_choice:
46        print("You win!")
47    elif computer_choice == user_choice:
48        print("It's a draw")
09 Jan 2019
1import random
2while True:
4    print("\n-------------------------")
5    print("Rock, Paper, Scissors - Shoot!")
7    userChoice = input("Choose your weapon [R]ock, [P]aper, or [S]cissors: ")
9    if not userChoice in ['r','R','p','P','s','S']:
10        print("Please choose a letter!")
11        continue
12    if userChoice != "exit":
13        print("Your choice: " + userChoice)
14        choices = ['R','P','S']
15        opChoice = random.choice(choices)
16        print("Oppenent choice: " + opChoice)
18        if opChoice == str.upper(userChoice):
19            print("Tie!")
20        elif opChoice == 'R' and userChoice.upper() == 'S':
21            print("Rock beats Scissor,I win!")
22            continue
23        elif opChoice == 'S' and userChoice.upper() == 'P':
24            print("Scissor beats Paper,I win!")
25            continue
26        elif opChoice == 'P' and userChoice.upper() == 'R':
27            print("Paper beats Rock, I win!")
28            continue
29        else:
30            print("You win!")
32#code by fawlid
19 Sep 2016
1import random
2while True:
3    choices = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
5    Computer = random.choice(choices)
6    Player = None
9    while Player not in choices:
10       Player = input("Rock,Paper or Scissors?:").lower()
12    if Player == Computer:
13       print("computer:", Computer)
14       print("Player:", Player)
15       print("Draw!")
17    elif Player == "rock":
18        if Computer == "paper":
19            print("computer:", Computer)
20            print("Player:", Player)
21            print("YOU WIN !:D")
22        if Computer == "scissors":
23            print("computer:", Computer)
24            print("Player:", Player)
25            print("YOU LOSE:(")
27    elif Player == "paper":
28        if Computer == "rock":
29            print("computer:", Computer)
30            print("Player:", Player)
31            print("YOU WIN! :D")
32        if Computer == "scissors":
33            print("computer:", Computer)
34            print("Player:", Player)
35            print("YOU LOSE:(")
37    elif Player == "scissors":
38        if Computer == "paper":
39            print("computer:", Computer)
40            print("Player:", Player)
41            print("YOU WIN! :D")
42        if Computer == "rock":
43            print("computer:", Computer)
44            print("Player:", Player)
45            print("YOU LOSE:(")
47    Play_again = input("Play again?(Yes/No):").lower()
49    if Play_again != "Yes".lower():
50       break
28 Nov 2019
1import random
3game_list = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']
4computer = c = 0
5command = p = 0
7print("Score: Computer" + str(c) + " Player " + str(p))
9# the loop
10run = True
11while run:
12    computer_choice = random.choice(game_list)
13    command = input("Rock, Paper, Scissors or Quit: ")
15    if command == computer_choice:
16        print("Tie")
17    elif command == 'Rock':
18        if computer_choice == 'Scissors':
19            print("Player won!")
20            p += 1
21        else:
22            print("Computer won!")
23            c += 1
24    elif command == 'Paper':
25        if command == 'Rock':
26            print("Player won!")
27            p += 1
28        else:
29            print("Computer won!")
30            c += 1
31    elif command == 'Scissors':
32        if computer_choice == 'Paper':
33            print("Player won!")
34            p += 1
35        else:
36            print("Computer won!")
37            c += 1
38    elif command == 'Quit':
39        break
40    else:
41        print("Wrong command! ")
43    print("Player: " + command)
44    print("Computer: " + computer_choice)
45    print("")
46    print("Score: Computer " + str(c) + " Player " + str(p))
47    print("")
18 Oct 2018
1from random import randint
2t = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]
3computer = t[randint(0,2)]
4print("My Rock, Paper and Scissor Game!!")
8while C<5:
10    player = input("What's your move?  :")
11    if player == computer:
12        print("Tie!")
13        print(score)
14    elif player == "Rock":
15        if computer == "Paper":
16            print("You lose!", computer, "covers", player)
17            score=score - 1
18            print(score)
19        else:
20            print("You win!", player, "smashes", computer)
21            score = score + 1
22            print(score)
23    elif player == "Paper":
24        if computer == "Scissors":
25            print("You lose!", computer, "cut", player)
26            score = score - 1
27            print(score)
28        else:
29            print("You win!", player, "covers", computer)
30            score = score + 1
31            print(score)
32    elif player == "Scissors":
33        if computer == "Rock":
34            print("You lose...", computer, "smashes", player)
35            score = score - 1
36            print(score)
37        else:
38            print("You win!", player, "cut", computer)
39            score = score + 1
40            print(score)
41    else:
42        print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")
43    C = C + 1
45print('Your final score is: ' +str(score))
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