return more than 1 value from function js

Solutions on MaxInterview for return more than 1 value from function js by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "return more than 1 value from function js"
21 Nov 2016
1//function that returns multiple values
2function getTopTwoColors() {
3    return ["blue", "pink"];
5var topTwoColors=getTopTwoColors();
6var firstValue=topTwoColors[0]; //get first return value
7var secondValue=topTwoColors[1]; //get second return value
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javascript return 2 values from functionhow to return multiple values from a function in node jsjavascript function return multi valuereturn 2 values javascriptmultiple return function jsreturn multiple values javascript es6return more than 1 value from function jscan i run two return values from a function in javascriptreturn multiple value object jshow to return multiple values javasciprtreturn multiple values in javscript functionjavascript method return multiple valuesjs return more than one valuereturn multiple values from function in javascripthow to return two values in jshow to return multiple value in javascripttwo parameter returning o one object javascriptcan you return multiple things in javascriptfunction return 2 values jscan a function return more that one value 3f jshow to access javascript function that return multiple objectshow to return two values in javascriptis it possible to multiple return method in a single function using javascriptjs can we return multiple 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