replace method in php

Solutions on MaxInterview for replace method in php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "replace method in php"
10 Jul 2017
2//str_replace("Original Value", "Value to be replaced", "String");
3$result = str_replace("1", "2", "This is number 1");
4// Output: This is number 2
15 Sep 2016
2$mystring = "This is my string.";
3echo("This is the string before replacement: ");
6$mynewstring = str_replace(" my ", " ", $mystring, $count);
7echo("Now, this is the string after replacement: ");
10echo("The number of replacements is: ");
20 Oct 2018
2array_unique(array, sorttype)
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another text in phpfind replace string phphow to replace characters in string in phpsubstring replace phpphp replace characters in stringreplace quote phpphp string replace chaesphp find and replace in stringphp string replace all occurrences 5cgphp string replace charactersreplace 5c to 2f in phpstr replace array phpwhat does str replace in phpphp str lreplacestring replace with variable phpsustituir cadena phpphp function replace textreplace a string with another string in phpphp str replace onlinephp replace wordstr replace 28 27 2f 27 2c 27 27 2cphp string replacereplace word in a string phpphp replace a substring in stringreplace charachter in string phpstr replace pattern phpreplace all strings in string phpsting replace arrayfind and replace php codereplace string php functionphp replace with php string replace array valuesphp str replace 22php string functions str replacestr replace all php functionphp string replace function examplechange string in phpwhat is str replace in 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24text 29 3bstr replace 5cr phpfucntion to replace a word in phpphp replace 28 29replace part in string phpwhat does str replace return phpreplace string 5c phpphp str replace get replace valuephp str replace find complete wordstr replace php onlinehow to replace a string with another string in phpphp replace 27 5c 27str replace in phphow to replace 22 to 27 in phpreplace method in php