rename row pandas

Solutions on MaxInterview for rename row pandas by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "rename row pandas"
27 Apr 2016
1# if the row value in column 'is_blue' is 1 
2# Change the row value to 'Yes' 
3# otherwise change it to 'No'
4df['is_blue'] = df['is_blue'].apply(lambda x: 'Yes' if (x == 1) else 'No') 
7# You can also use mapping to accomplish the same result
8# Warning: Mapping only works once on the same column creates NaN's otherwise
9df['is_blue'] = df['is_blue'].map({0: 'No', 1: 'Yes'})  
11 Aug 2016
1df.rename(columns={"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"},
2errors="raise", inplace=True)
29 Jul 2019
1df_new = df.rename(columns={'A': 'a'}, index={'ONE': 'one'})
3#         a   B   C
4# one    11  12  13
5# TWO    21  22  23
6# THREE  31  32  33
9#         A   B   C
10# ONE    11  12  13
11# TWO    21  22  23
12# THREE  31  32  33
16 Jan 2018
1>>> df.rename({1: 2, 2: 4}, axis='index')
2   A  B
30  1  4
42  2  5
54  3  6
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rename all columns pandas with listchange the rows names in pythonhow to change name of column in dataframe pythonrename columns pandas dataframerenaming row value in pandasrename column values pandaspandas dataframe change column titlesrename function pandaswhen i change all the column names only the first column name is changing in pandas why 3fpandas df change column namesassign column names in pandasdataframe column name change pythoncreate a df with column namespandas change add column namesset new column names pandaspd df renamedf rename columnspython dataframe define column namehow to rename a column name in pandaspandas how to change column nameset column names in pandanspandas change column namenew data frame name columnschanging dataframe headerpd renamename columns pandasrename row values in pandaschanging column name pandaspandas rename a column headerrename colum df pandasname columns in pandas dataframepandas reset column nameset columns of dataframe pandaspandas set colum namespandas rename columns with listrename elements in a column of a data frame using pandasdataframe column renamepandas g rename columnspandas change columnsrename all column names pandaspandas renamew 7eset names to pandas dataframerename a column in pythonrename the columns in pandashow to change the dataframe column name in the same df namereplace cloumn headersset the name of columns pythonpandas df rename column namerename column name of datasetrename column pandas dataframedataframes set column namespandas columns renamespecify columnname of dataframechange index name in pandas dataframealter name of columns pandashow to rename a dataframe column namehow to rename columns pandaschange column names in dataframe examplechange headers pandasrename columns pandas indexpandas dataframe name columnshow to change name of first column pandaspython pandas rename column headerrename in pandaspandas dataframe set column namespython pandas change column namehow to rename a column 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pythiondf columns rename in pythonrename panda columnhow to rename column name in the dataframechange df column namerename column pandas examplecolumn nmaes pandaschanging column headers in pandasrename index rows pandaschange column label pandaspython change name of columnmodify column pandashow to rename columns in a pandas data framepython df rename columnschange column name serieshow to change a column in a dataframe in pythonhow to rename row index in pandas dataframepython pandas rename column namesreset column names pandaschange column name in dataframe pythonchange column names in pandasreplace column names pandashow to change a column name in pythondefine dataframe with column nameshow to change the column name of a dataframe in pythondf rename in pandasrename column padnashow to change a column name pythonpandas rename column by indexchange specific colname pandasnaming columns pandashow to replace column names pandaspandas dataframe change column namespandas python how to change name of a rowpandas define column nameshow to rename column in pythonrename a dfpython pandas name columnspandas rename labeslhow to change column name in a dataframehow to rename column header in pandaschanging column name in dataframerenaming column name in pandashow to rename a column pandas dataframereplace column names with list pandasrename column oandaspd rename row valuespandas add names to columnspandas python rename columndataframe change all column titlespython rename columnpandas df make column nameshow to give column names in pandasrename cols in pandaschange columns names pandashow to change name of column in pandaspandas put column namepandas replace column namehow to change column names in pythonpandas column name changepython update dataframe colnameshow to change column name in dataframe pandasrename columnrename row values pandasrenaming columns in pandasrearrange column names pandaspandas change row valueset column name dataframe pythonpython specify column 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column header name in dataframepython change column namesreplace name column pandaspython give a name to indexpython rename colpandas cond renamerenaming column iof dataframehow to change the name of a column in pandashow to rename any column in pandashow to rename columns in pythonpython3 pandas rename columns for indexchange all columns names pandasrename in dataframe pythonset clumns pandasmake names columns pandaspandas define dataframe with column namesfor col in df columns replace column namerename unnamed column pandaspandas rename colschange column names of dataframeto set a column name in pdrename df columns in pandashow to name columns in dataframerename clumn on dataframechanging column names in dataframerename function in dataframerenaming dataframe columnspandas set column nameshow to change the column namesrename column old colnames to new colnames pandasset columns names pandasrename a column in pandaschange data frame column namechnage name of column pandaschange name of column in dataframe pandaspands rename columnsrename 3rd column pandasreplace column namepandas rename column namesrename col dfhow to change column name of a dataframe in pythonchange colnames pandaschange column name in pandas dataframecolumn rename in pandasname column index pandashow to change row name in pandas dataframehow to rename the column name of a dataframehow to replace column names in pandaschange dataframe column namehow to give certain column names pythonhow to change column name in pandashow to name in the col in pandashow to put column names to nameless columns in pandasset column 3d 22 5b 27how to make column name as row and give new name to column in pythonname a column in pandaspandas dataframe give column a namehow to change the column names in pandasrename column headers dataframe pythonchange all dataframe column nameschange the name of a column in a dataframemap column names pandaschange column names in dataframerename labels pandashow to rename a column in dataframe in pythonpython rename a columnchange column name in dataframe pandasrename dataframe column namepd rename pandashow to give name to column in pandaschange name of a column pythonrename pandas dataframe columnsdataframe change column namechange column names in pandas dataframerename column anme pandashow to change the name of column in pandashow to rename column name in pythonrename series column pandashow to rename a column in pythonpandas columns not renaminghow to rename column name in pandaspandas rename cloumnsrename the column name in pandashow to rename pandas dataframe columnsdata rename 28columns 3d 7b 27parity 280 means first child 29 27 3a 27pt 27 7d 2cinplace 3dtrue 29how to rename a column in pandasdf columns renamepython pandas change column headerdf columns renamechange row name pandasset column name in dfsetting the dataframe with column namesrenaming columns in dataframeset column names in pythonset column names pandasconvert names to a columndeclare column names in pythonrename a columnpandas change column namespd dataframe set column namespandes rename columnsrename rows values in pandaspandas give all column nameshow to set column name in pandaspandas dataframe change name of a columnrename dataframe columns in pythincolumn name pandaspandas rename columnsadd a column name to pandas dataframereplace dataframe column names with listhow to change header of dataframe in pythonas dataframe set columns namespandas reame colunname df pandashow to change pandas column nameset column names pandas dataframechange one column name in pandasrename row in pandasrenaming column names in pandas dataframepandas rename in pythonpandas rename column in placedataframe column names changerename pandas columns namepandas change columns namecode to rename a coloumn in pandaspandas rename colum how to set column name in pandas dataframehow to rename pandas columnrename dataframe columns pythonpandas dataframe renamerename column of dataframechanging column nameshow to set column names in pandasdataframe give column namespandas rename columns iwht list 27 5drename dfrename index values pandaspandas change colunmn naehow do you change column names in pandaspandas rename column with numbercolumn name change dataframerename column names of dataframe in pythonhiw to changfe the column name in pandaspandas replace headerpandas rename row valueshow to change th column name using pandasrename all column with list pandasdf renmaerename columns dataframechange labels on columns for numbers pandaspandas change columnpandas reanmechange col pandaschange the column name in pandaschange columns names plot pythonrename column header pandaspandas index change namepandas rename column using str methodpandas rename columns rename 28 29naming columns in dataframerename column pytongive column names in pandasrename dataframes column in pythonchange label name pythonpandas rename row valuepandas rename 28columns 3dhow to rename column indexrename a pandas columnhow to add column names in pandaspython2 rename columnhow to rename a column in dataframepandas rename one columnrename row in pythonrename columsn pandaspandas modify the column nameschange name of dataframe columnpandas how to rename columnspandas give column names while readingpandas change the name of a columnhow to set dataframe column namesrename column pandas pythonhow to rename column in pandaspandas replace vs renamepandas rename columnchange columns name pandasrenaming a row in pandasdatafram renamepd columns renamepython column labelchange column name by index pandasrename rows in pandas dr dataframe delete columndf column renamedf name pandasreplace name columnpython how to relabel a column name in pandaspandas rename variablesgove colum names pandasname columns to dataframe pandashow to rename one column pythonpython dataframe column name changerenaming a variable in python pandaspandas rename indexpandas read csv change column namescreate a new dataframe with column names and valueschange header name pandasrename header pandaschange coulmns names in pandaschange col names dataframecreate new df with column namesrename df columnspandas column nameschange dataframe column names pandashow to change name of a column in a dataframepandas rename values in rowspandas columns rename using listset column name pandashow to rename a column in a dataframepd renamepandas replace column names with listpandas changing column namechange row names pandas dataframepython petl rename columnschange a column name in pandashow to name columns in pandas dataframepandas rename labelspandas dataframe change column values by functionhow to name a dataframe columnepython dataframe rename columnschange all colmun names in pandaspd give column name to column number 5change domain name column in pandas dataframepandas change name columnrename column datasetdataframe set row value to column namerename inplace pandascreate a dataframe with column names pandasrename python pandasspecify column names pandaspands rename column nameshow to change a column name in pandaschanging column names in pandas df with a listsetting columns for a dataframepython rename row valuerename columnshow to specify name of columns in pandashow to change all column names in pandahow to change column name in a dataframe in pythonchange column name pandasrename column names pandaspd change a columnhow to rename one column in pandasdataframe change all column namesset column name in pandaspandas modify row rename column name in pandaspandas dataframe change column namechange the name of column in pandasrename column dataframe pythondataframe set column names pandasprint the column names of a dataframerename pandas columndataframe rename indexchange value row column pandaspython reset column namesgive column name pandasrename value row and column pandaschange column names pandasdmx give column names to dataframe in pythonrenaming a column in pandas dataframerename values in row pandasrename column of series pandasrename a column dataframe which already does not have a namerename in python dataframechange the name of a column in pandaspython how to rename columns in pandas dataframehow to give column name in pandasto rename the columnschange name column pandas dataframepython dataframe define columnnameset columns in dataframe pandaspandas change column name 0dataframe rename columnspandas rename a columnhow to rename column pythonput column names in pythonpandas modify the location of column namespandas change all column namespd change column namechange names of columns in pandasrename col names as making data framehow to name a column in dataframepd dataframe column renamerename colspandas set column names on importchange column name in pythonchanging col names of a dataframepd rename column namerename column name from 0 in pandas dataframedataframe how to change column nameusing list to change column name pandasrename column names pandas rename a clomundataframe rename examplerename a column in pandas dataframe rename pandasmodify column names in pandarename column dfchanging dataframe columns without mentioning columns namerename index column pandaspandas rename colchange column names pythonuse a row to rename columns pandaspandas rename column namecreating pandas dataframe with column namespython dataframe header change namesdf renamecolumns rename in pandaschange columns name with listhow to copy a dataframe in pandas with rename the column namerename one column pandashow change column name in pandasrename column namepandas rename column examplepandas dataframe set colum namesdataframe rename pandashow to change the data frame key in pandas to columnreanme column labels in pythonchange name column pandashow to change a column name in python dataframeset column names for pandas dataframepandas renamehow to rename column index to namepandas set column namesrename column panda python2change name of index pandas dataframepython pandas change name of rowhow to name column in pandaspandas set column names to dataframefunction to rename columns pandashow to rename columns in pandasrename columns dataframe pythonpandas rename all columnschange a name of a column pandasname columns in dataframe pythonpandas rename rowpandas set column names from listgive column names to pandas dataframe in pythonrenaming column in pandasrename column name in pandas pythonrename column in pandas from a listpython rename columnspython dataframe change column namechange name columsn pandasrename all column pandaspython change column name in dataframechange column name pythonchange the name of a column in pandas dataframedataframe add column namesrename column pandaspandas modify headerset column name of dfhow to change name column pandaspandas how to change the name of a columnpandas dataframe column renamehow to put column names in pandasname columns in pandaspandas dataframe renam columnchange selected column names pandasrename row index pandasrename column names in pandas dataframepandas give column namespandas dataframe replace column namespandas edit column namesrename columns pandas applyassign column names in pythondataframe assign column namespython df column renamehow to rename a column in a dataframe in pythonrename columns in pandasrename column names in pandaspandas rename columns namespd set column namesrename a column pandasrename dataframe columnassign columns name pandasdf chnage column nameschange column name in pandasrename a specific columns with iloc pandashow to change default column name of dataframe in pythonrename columns df pandaspython rename column headerhow to set columns names pandaspython df rename colchange column name dfpandas change column names by positionrename values of df in pandasset columnames to pandasrename comlumn pandaspandas dataframe rename columncreate dataframe specify column namesrenaming a column in pandashow to change all column names in pandas dataframepython rename column name dataframeset column names to dataframepython3 pandas rename columns use indexhow to change column name of dataframe in pythonrename columnpandasrename columns in dfhow to change the column name of a pandas dataframerename column name pandas dataframepandas modify header by functionrename df columns pythonchnage column name in pandas data framerename columns pandas pythonhow to change column name in dataframedataframe rename columnrename row pandaspython dataframe rename columnhow to change default columns name in pandas serieshow to give a name to a column in pandasdataframe renameassign names to columns pandashow to assign dataframe frames column namedf set column namespandas custom column namesrename colums pandaspython pandas dataframe column names by indexdf rename rowsnew column names dfchange coluimn name in pandasset specific name for df column pandaspandas dataframe colum renamecolumn name change in pandashow to edit column names dataframe pythonhow to assign column names to a dataframe in pythonchanging col names pandaspandas rename column of a seriesrename column dataframedf rename 28 29pd rename 28how to change column header python dataframehow to rename the columns in pandaspd rename columns rename 28 29 pandashow to rename column pandaspython change column namereplace name column forhow to change pandas dataframe columnhow to rename row in pandaspd dataframe rename pandasrename columns in dplrrassigning column names in pandasrename pandas columnsrename columns pd dataframechange pandas column nbanepandas raname rowschange columnb namesrename column name pandashow to rename an element in a row pandaspandas not renaming column rename in pandasrename column of a dataframe pythonpandas df set column namesrename columns name pandascreate dataframe with column name using setpython column renamegive column name from list to dataframechanging column names in pythonhow to rename the dataframe in pythonchanging column names in pandasrename all columns pandaschange name data frame pythonpandas renaming columnchange column nameshow to add column names in dataframe in pythonpd rename 28columns 3d 27colname 27 29how to rename the column names in pythonchange column name pandas with list how to change column name python dataframehow to define a dataframe names in a for pandaspandas rename first columnpandas colum header changes with another columnrename a columns in pandas dataframepython rename columns dataframerename cols pandaspython change name column dataframehow to change column names in pandasset column name for existing pandas dfdf rename columnspython dataframe set columndf how to change the row namerename columns using list pandaschange the name of the column in dataframechnage column names for dataframe inrdf rename 28columns 3d 29renaming columns with dictionary pandasset columns pandas dataframerename columns dfpython set column names of dataframehow to change column names in pandas dataframeset colnames pandas dataframepandas df set column namesreplace column name dataframepandas renamepandas rename columns dataframelabel column name list pythonrename column name in pythonpython pandas rename columns namehow to change dataframe columns name pandaspython set column names dataframechange names of pandas dataframepandas change headeradd column names to dataframemodify row values based on column name pandasrenaming the columns in pandasdata frame rename columnrename column position pandasrename a dataframe columnrename pandashow to change the name of the index in pandaspandas name columnspandas rename headersrename a columns in pandaspandas dataframe assign names to columns in pandaspandas set names with dataframedataframe rename columns pandaspandas renammepandas dataframe rename column namespandas rename row namepandsa rename columnesdf set column names by seriesrename column pandas dataframe pythonhow to rename a rows pandaschange col name dfchange all column names pandashow to change column name in python dataframecreat dataframe column namespandas best way to rename a columnpandas df rename columnhow to rename all columns in pandasrename element row pandasrename in python pandasrename column pandas using column nochange the name of single column pandaschange column names pandaschange name of a column in pandaschange all column names in pandasnew dataframe resel column namespandas dataframe assign column names by listhow to change column namespanda rename columndf rename 28columns 3d 7b 27a 27 3a 27b 27 7d 29rename column in pandas dataframepandas set columns nameschange name of column pandascolumn rename in pandas dataframechange the name of a column pandashow to change the column names in pandas from listrename values in a column pandaspython rename column in dataframedataframe pandas rename columnsset column names to dataframe pandashow to give column names to dataframe in pandaspandas update column namesset column column in pandasfunction change names for columns df pandasassign colnames to dataframe in pythonrename dataframe column names pythonchange colum names pandasrename column pandas with a listjava sql get column namesrename row pandas