remove 1st column pandas

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showing results for - "remove 1st column pandas"
28 Jul 2018
1df = df.drop(df.columns[[0, 1, 3]], axis=1)  # df.columns is zero-based pd.Index 
22 Jun 2018
1df.drop('col_name',1) #1 drop column / 0 drop row
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drop df column examplehow to drop column in pandasdataframe pandas drop columnpython dataframe remove columnsdelete some columns pandasdrop columns 3d pandaseliminate some coluns pythonremove a set of columns in dataframe in pythonhow to remove column in pandashow to remove some columns from a dataframe in pythonremovr column pythonremove by index pandaspandas drop column by nameremove pandas columnremove columns in pandasremove column from a dataframehow to drop a rows in a column pandas pandas remove first item in a list in a columndelete column in dataframe pandashow to remove columns in pandasremove the column 27 23 27 and update the dataframedrop colums from dfdf drop in python functionhow to delete column in dataframepandas dataframe remove columnremoving columns in pandas with a name different thanpandas delete column 23pandas remove column from dataframedel in dataframedelete row from dataframedrping dataframe columns in pythondel column pandasdrop 1st column pandasdataframe coloum dropdelete columns pythonremove first column from data frame pythondf dropdrop index 0 pandasdrop columns with certain values pandaspandas drop column inplacepandas dropdrop a column from pandas dataframepd drop columnsdel first three columns in pandasdrop rows in specific column pandasremove rows from dataframeremove a row pandas dfhow to remove column permanently from dataframe in pythonpandas dataframe remove first column indexhow to drop the first column in a pandas dataframepython drop dataframe columnhow to clear all data in pandas column 5cn1 pandas how to deletedel columns pandas dataframeremove first character from column pandasdelete columns in data framedrop column in pandasremove column names from panda dataframe pythonpandas dataframe remove first columnpandas remove a columnpandas delete data in columensdelete a coloumnhow to remove column name from dataframe in pythonpython pandas delete columnpython dataframe remove one columnpandas delete data in columnsdelete column names pandas dataframehow to drop a column in pandas dataframedelete column pandas pythondelete one row in pandashow to delete a column in phytonpandas drop first columnremove column pandas dataframepandas drop ifhow to drop a coulmn in pandasremove first column in dataframe pythonremove 1 column from dataframe pythondrop column pandas by namehow to drop a column of a dataframe in pythonhow to delete a column in pandasremove first column dataframe pythonremove a col on pdremove first column in pythonpython pd drop columnremove columns pandashow to drop columns in dataframe in pandasdrop pandas columnsdrop columns dataframeremove some columns from df columnshow to drop a column pandasremove column in dataframeremove in dataframe pythondelete first value of column dataframehow do i delete columns in pandasdrop columns pythondrop iloc syntaxhow to drop columns pandasdelete column pythonhow to remove 27 28 29 27 in columns pandasdrop columns based on column name pandaspandas drop 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dataframe in pythonhow to extract columns from dataframe in pythoncolumn drop pandasdictionary remove columnerror dropping rows pandas dataframedrop collumns in pythondelete columns pandashow to delete a columnin pandaspandas drop column axispython dataframe delete rowspandas df remove columnsdataframe remove datapandas drop colhow to delete specifi columns in pandaspandas remove columns based on namedrop pandas columns by nameremove dataframe from the listdelete an entry in a row pandasdataframe drop values3 write the statement 28s 29 to delete a column from a dataframe pandas dataframe drop column by namedf 5b 27column 27 5d drop 28 29remove one column pythondrop rows pandasdf drop columnsdataframe drop first columndf drop column pythonpython pandas drop columns by nameremove out in one column pandasdropping first column in pandasdifferent ways to drop a column in pandasdelete column from dataframeremove column pandasremove column dataframepandas drop axis 3d1drop specific column 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columnremoving a column in pandasremove other column pandas python remove one column pandasdeleate a column in pythondrop column of dataframedropcolumns code in pythondf drop column axis 3d1del df pandaspandas delete values from columnremove some columns from pandas dataframepython df dropremove 24 from object dataframe columnshow to remove columns from pandas dataframepandas dataframes dropdeleting columns in pandaspandas drop column based on ilocremove a collum pandasdataframe drop columnpython remove a column from dataframepandas column name removehow to remove columns from a pandas dataframepandas drop vs del columndrop rows pandas indexhow to drop any column in python 27how to drop certain columns in pandasremove name and dtype from dataframepython pandas drop tableremove a dataframedelete a column in pandasdf delete columnremove column form data frame pddeleting a column from dataframe in pythonpandas dataframe delete column remove dataframe pythondrop a column in dataframehow to 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column with number pandasdrop axis python columnshow to remove alot of rows from a dataframe in pythonpython dataframe remove column namedataframe dropdrop collumn pandaspandas drop columns in another dataframedelete columns from a dataframedrop first column pandashow to drop the first column of a dataframe pandasdelete column pandas by namedelete the column name in pandasdelete columnsdelete columns or rows first pandasremove element from dataframe pythonremove dataframe from dataframeremove 1st column pandas