python write list to text file

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26 May 2018
1# define list of places
2places = ['Berlin', 'Cape Town', 'Sydney', 'Moscow']
4with open('listfile.txt', 'w') as filehandle:
5    for listitem in places:
6        filehandle.write('%s\n' % listitem)
26 Oct 2020
1color = ['Red', 'Green', 'White', 'Black', 'Pink', 'Yellow']
2with open('file1.txt','w+') as f:
3	for i in color:
4		f.write('%s\n'%i)
6with open('file1.txt') as f:
7	print(
10with open('file1.txt','r+') as f:
11	lines = f.readlines()
12	for line in  lines:
13		item = line[:-1]
14		list1.append(item)
15	print(list1)
18with open('file1.txt','r') as f:
20	listli=lines.split('\n')
21	print(listli)
22	# listli=lines.strip()
23	# print(listli)
23 Apr 2019
1with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
2    for item in my_list:
3        f.write("%s\n" % item)
28 Oct 2019
1# define list of places
2places = ['Berlin', 'Cape Town', 'Sydney', 'Moscow']
4with open('listfile.txt', 'w') as filehandle:
5    for listitem in places:
6        filehandle.write('%s\n' % listitem)
27 Oct 2020
1a_list = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
2f = open("a_file.txt", "w")
3for item in a_list:
4   f.write(item + "\n")
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