python sorted descending

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26 May 2018
1Python Code:
2import operator
3d = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
4print('Original dictionary : ',d)
5sorted_d = dict(sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))
6print('Dictionary in ascending order by value : ',sorted_d)
7sorted_d = dict(sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True))
8print('Dictionary in descending order by value : ',sorted_d)
10Sample Output:
11Original dictionary :  {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
12Dictionary in ascending order by value :  {0: 0, 2: 1, 1: 2, 4: 3, 3: 4}
13Dictionary in descending order by value :  {3: 4, 4: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 0: 0}
27 Jul 2016
1#1 Changes list
3#2 Returns sorted list
4sorted(list, reverse=True)
29 May 2019
1sorted_list = sorted(list)					# ascending (default)
2sorted_list = sorted(list, reverse=True)    # descending
11 Nov 2020
1sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)
3type(sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)) = list
01 Nov 2016
1var = sorted(old_var)
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list method python1 write a python program to sort 28ascending and descending 29 a dictionary by value python sorted which algorithmsorted list ascending pythonsort dictionary descending pythonpython 3 sorted 28 29python how to print sort listpython sort ascending falsepython set sort by valuesort python list in ascending orderordering list pythonarray sorted pythonsorted 28 29 python 3sort 28 29 in python desc 27what type of list can be sortedsorted reverse sort pythonis sorted descending pythondescending order in pythonsorting data in descending order in pythonpython sort revers orderarray sort 28 29 reverse 28 29 pythonorder list descending pythonhow to sort array in reverse order pythonpython key sortsorted work on list python 3fpy sort reverseascending pythonsort the dictinary acc to the descending for values in python python sort list by column descendingreverse ascending pythonhow to sort a list descending in pythonis sorted pythonsorted list pythonhow to do sort in pythonsort 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ascending order in pythonsorted or sort pythonpython dictionary sorted ascending descendingsort the list in reverseshow dict ordered by values in descending ordersorted functioon pythonlist sorted pythonhow to sort a list in reverse pythonsorted 28 29 in python 3 sort reverse pythonorder dictionaey byt value reverse pythonhow to sort a list in descending ordersort elements of set pythonpython key function sortinghow to reverse the order of a list in pythonsorted function in python 3 in detailhow to get ascending order in pythonpython order dictionary by value descendingfuncion sorted pythonsort function pythonarrange a listsorting dictionary on the basis of values in descending ordersort 28reverse 3dtrue 29pytho sortedhow to sort in python based on a functionsorted function pythoncreated sorted list in pythonpython how to use key parametersort syntax in pythonsort a list in python by reversed orderorder listsort 28 29 reverse sort 28 29 with return pythonpython sort list reversepython sorted importsorted of pytlist sorted method pythonsort in ascending order pythonsorted 28 29 pykey in sort pythonsorted 28 29 method pythonpython list reverse sortpython3 sortealphabetize in pythonpython invert list order sort 28 29 pythonpython sorted by decreasing ordersorting a sorted listsorted desc pythonlist in python sortsorted 28 29 definition pythonsort python stringpython sort a dictionary by descending valuepython sort dictionary by value descending and key ascendingsort function in python reversedescending order array python sort python reversepython sorted functiuuonssorting a list in descending ordersorted in reverse order pythonsorted list pythonsorted 28reversed 3dtrue 29 in pythonpython list sorypyhton sorted functionsorted 28keysorted funtion in pythonsort dictinary values from descendingsort a string in pythonsorted syntax in pythonpython sort stringsorted python stringspython sort list in descending ordersorting list in descending order in pythonhow to organize a list pythonpython set sortingsort python list reversepython 2asortedpython sort based on keyreverse sort arary pythonpython numbers list sortpython sor in descendingordered dictionary python ascending orderreturn sorted list pythonascending order sort in pythonhow to reverse a list order in pythonpython sort list of stringssort list by value python and reverse sortset sorted pythonsort a dictionary in descending order pythonpython arrange list in ascending ordersort dictionary values descendingpython sort 28 29is there is sorted function in pythonsorted pythonsorted in python by default ascendingpytohn sortedpython sort ascending orderorder list pythonpython sorted reverhow to reverse sort a dictionary in pythonsorted python methofwhere we use sorted 28 29 in list funhow to return sorted list in pythonsort list in python 3 in descending orderpython sorted a listpython sort a dictionary by value descendingpython sort in printsorted dictionary python descendingpython source code of sorted 28 29 functionsorted python como usarpython list sortsorted 28set 29 pythonmanually sorted pythonsorted function keyhow to make sorted function in pythonarray sort pythonpython in place sort reversehow to sort reverse in pythonhow to sort items in a list pythonreverse sort array pythonpython sorted nkeyhow to sort the string in pythonpython list descending orderorder list by value pythonpython sorted referencepython sort array reversesort a set pythonepython sort high to lowpython sorted orderis sorted in pythonpy organise arraypython list function sortedsort data in ascending order pythonpython return new sorted listhow to sort dictionary based on value in descending order pythonsort function reverese pythonascending order sorting in pythonlist sortpython 2 sort ascending orderpython sorted 22key 3dkey 22sorted function python parameterssorted 28 29 descending pythonlist ascending methods pythonpython3 function sortedpython sort list ahow sorted 28 29 works in pythonorder a list in descending orderarray sort method pythonsorted 28listpython sort by descending valuesort key function pythondef sorted pythonsort ascending order pythonsort keys by value python descendingsorted in python 3sort in reverse order pythonsorted function in python3python sortedlist 5csort list using functionsorted function inpythonpython peasonr sorted 3fpython order arraysorted list python descendinglist sortedpython order dict by value descordered list python methodspython sort dictionary values descendingsoretd in descending orf 3dder in pythonsort dictionary by value descending order pythonchange direction of sorted pythonwhat is ascending in pythonto sort 28ascending and descending 29 a dictionary by valuesorted in list pythonlist orderpython sort values in dictionary reverse orderpython sortsorting lists in descending orderpython use sortedwrite a python script to sort 28ascending and descending 29 a dictionary by valuehow to sort a list of dictionary by value in descending 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descending order pythonsort reverse order python listsorted list in pythonsorted descending pyhtondescending sort in python listsort list descending pythonsort dictionary in ascending and descending order in pythonpython sorted 5b 5dsorted list to descendingsorted 28 29n function in pythonhow to sort an array in descending order in pythonpython sort array descendingpython sort in inverse orderpython sort descendinglysort array descending pythonsort ist pythonsort python reverse directionpython how to sort a listsort function pysort descending order pythonsorted python list python list sortedsort python list in descending ordersorted method pytonsorted 28 29 pythonsort a list in pythonhow to sort list in python in descending ordersortedlist in pythonsort items in dictionary python descendingpython set sort descendingsorted en pythonsorted 28key 29how to print decreasin order in pythonsorted 28 pyhow does sorted 28 29 work in pythonwaht does the sorted funciton do in pyhtonpython 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