python snakes and ladders

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08 May 2018
1#Heres a snakes and ladders game I made, felt the need to share it so others could play it too
3import tkinter as tk
4from time import sleep
5from random import randint
7root = tk.Tk()
9Grid = []
10for i in range(8):
11  GridRow = []
12  for j in range(8):
13    GridRow.append("Empty")
14  Grid.append(GridRow)
15Grid[0][0] = "End"
16Grid[7][0] = "Start"
19Grid[0][3] = [2,1,"S"]
20Grid[0][6] = [2,7,"S"]
21Grid[2][6] = [5,2,"S"]
22Grid[3][1] = [4,0,"S"]
23Grid[3][5] = [5,6,"S"]
24Grid[6][2] = [6,5,"S"]
27Grid[2][0] = [0,0,"L"]
28Grid[1][7] = [0,7,"L"]
29Grid[2][4] = [1,5,"L"]
30Grid[5][5] = [1,2,"L"]
31Grid[7][2] = [5,0,"L"]
32Grid[7][5] = [5,7,"L"]
35player1 = [7,0]
36player2 = [7,0]
38LabelGrid = []
40def updateGrid():
41  global player1
42  global player2
43  global LabelGrid
44  global Grid
45  for i in LabelGrid:
46    i.grid_forget()
47  for i in range(8):
48    for j in range(8):
49      root.grid_rowconfigure(i,weight=1,minsize=64)
50      root.grid_columnconfigure(j,weight=1,minsize=64)
51      Label = tk.Label(root)
52      Label.grid(column=j,row=i,sticky="nsew")
53      LabelGrid.append(Label)
54      if (i+j)%2 == 0:
55        Label.configure(bg="Black")
56      if Grid[i][j] == "Empty":
57        Label.configure(text="")
58      elif Grid[i][j] == "Start":
59        Label.configure(text="Start",bg="Sky Blue")
60      elif Grid[i][j] == "End":
61        Label.configure(text="End",bg="Gold")
62      else:
63        LabelText = "Leads to\nCollumn "+str(Grid[i][j][1])+"\nRow "+str(Grid[i][j][0])
64        Label.configure(text=LabelText,bg="Red" if Grid[i][j][2] == "S" else "Green")
66  p1 = tk.Label(root,text="Player 1",bg="Yellow")
67  p1.grid(column=player1[1],row=player1[0],sticky="n")
68  LabelGrid.append(p1)  
69  p2 = tk.Label(root,text="Player 2",bg="Blue")
70  p2.grid(column=player2[1],row=player2[0],sticky="s")
71  LabelGrid.append(p2)
72  root.update()
74def movePlayer(player,spaces):
75  global Grid
76  endSpace = player
77  for i in range(spaces):
78    if endSpace == [0,0]:
79      return endSpace
80    if endSpace[0]%2 == 1:
81      if endSpace[1] == 7:
82        endSpace[0] -= 1
83      else:
84        endSpace[1] += 1
85    else:
86      if endSpace[1] == 0:
87        endSpace[0] -= 1
88      else:
89        endSpace[1] -= 1
90  if type(Grid[endSpace[0]][endSpace[1]]) == list :
91    return [Grid[endSpace[0]][endSpace[1]][0],Grid[endSpace[0]][endSpace[1]][1]]
92  return endSpace
94Turn = 1
95Winner = ""
97Text = tk.Label(root,text="Loading")
98WaitVariable = tk.IntVar()
99Button = tk.Button(root,text="Roll",command=lambda: WaitVariable.set(1))
107while True:
108  Text.configure(text="Player "+("1" if Turn%2 ==1 else "2")+"'s turn")
109  Button.wait_variable(WaitVariable)
110  roll = randint(1,6)
111  Text.configure(text="Rolled a "+str(roll))
112  if Turn%2 == 1:
113    player1 = movePlayer(player1,roll)
114    if player1 == [0,0]:
115      Winner = "Player 1"
116      break
117  else:
118    player2 = movePlayer(player2,roll)
119    if player2 == [0,0]:
120      Winner = "Player 1"
121      break
122  Turn += 1
123  updateGrid()
124  sleep(1)
126Text.configure(text=Winner+" wins!")
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