python remove duplicate numbers

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showing results for - "python remove duplicate numbers"
06 Jun 2019
1# remove duplicate from given_list using list comprehension
2res = []
3[res.append(x) for x in given_list if x not in res]
25 Feb 2016
1mylist = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "c"]
2mylist = list(dict.fromkeys(mylist))
30 Aug 2018
1duplicate = [2, 4, 10, 20, 5, 2, 20, 4] 
07 Jul 2018
1word = input().split()
3for i in word:
4  if word.count(i) > 1:
5    word.remove(i)
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duplicate numbers how to remove a value if it repeats in pytthonhow to remove duplicates in set pythonremove duplicate in list python 2remove duplicates from list python without setif repeated item remove pythonremove duplicate string from array pythonduplicates in listredundent items pythonwrite a python program to print the elements in a given list without the duplicates remove duplicate list in pythonpython array duplicate removehow to remove duplicate elements from list in pythonhow to remove duplicate elements from a list in pythonhow to remove double list in pythonhow to remove repeated entire element in listhow to delete duplicated items with pythonpython list drop duplicatesremove duplicate values in python listremove duplicates in list words pythondrop duplicated values from a listpython list remove equaldrop duplicates in list with same namebest removing duplicates from listpython tuple remove duplicateshow to remove duplicates in list pythonremove repeated list pythonbest 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pythonduplicate values remove form listremove all duplicate string in list pythonlist remove duplicate python and addremove duplicate values from a list pythonhow to get rid of dupiicates in pythonhow to remove duplicates from a list in python without using setpython no duplicate listhow to delete duplicates in array listremove duplicate element of the list pythondoes remove removes duplicate values also in pythonpop dupliactes in an array pytrhonhow to remove the duplicate element in array using remove 28 29 pythonremove duplicates from list 1 if they appear in list 2how to collapse duplicates as one in a list in pythonlist remove duplicateprint the number after removing the duplicate in the listhow to remove duplicate values in listonline duplicate import remover pythondelete same elements in listpython list delet3e duplicatesremove duplicates from sorted array pythonremove similar elements from list pythonset will remove duplicates pythonignore repeating elements in set pythonhow to 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