python property

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08 Nov 2017
1class Number:
3    def __init__(self, number):
4        self.__number = number
6    def get_number(self):
7        print("Getting...")
8        return self.__number
10    def set_number(self, number):
11        print("Setting...")
12        self.__number = number
14    def del_number(self):
15        print("Deleting...")
16        del self.__number
18    nb = property()
19    nb = nb.getter(get_number)
20    nb = nb.setter(set_number)
21    nb = nb.deleter(del_number)
23n = Number(42)
26n.nb = 69
28del n.nb
30# Getting...
31# 42        
32# Setting...
33# Getting...
34# 69
35# Deleting...
24 Oct 2018
1class Person:
2    def __init__(self, name):
3        self._name = name
5    @property
6    def name(self):
7        print('Getting name')
8        return self._name
10    @name.setter
11    def name(self, value):
12        print('Setting name to ' + value)
13        self._name = value
15    @name.deleter
16    def name(self):
17        print('Deleting name')
18        del self._name
20p = Person('Adam')
21print('The name is:', = 'John'
04 Aug 2017
1class Person:
2    def __init__(self, name):
3        self._name = name
5    def get_name(self):
6        print('Getting name')
7        return self._name
9    def set_name(self, value):
10        print('Setting name to ' + value)
11        self._name = value
13    def del_name(self):
14        print('Deleting name')
15        del self._name
17    # Set property to use get_name, set_name
18    # and del_name methods
19    name = property(get_name, set_name, del_name, 'Name property')
21p = Person('Adam')
22print( = 'John'
01 Nov 2019
1Getting name
2The name is: Adam
3Setting name to John
4Deleting name
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