python list of tuples

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11 Jan 2018
1#List of Tuples
2list_tuples =  [('Nagendra',18),('Nitesh',28),('Sathya',29)]
4#To print the list of tuples using for loop you can print by unpacking them
5for name,age in list_tuples:
6  print(name,age)
8#To print with enumerate--->enumerate is nothing but gives the index of the array.
9for index,(name,age) in list_tuples:
10  #print using fstring
11  print(f'My name is {name} and age is {age} and index is {index}')
12  #print using .format
13  print('My name is {n} and age is {a} and index is {i}'.format(n=name,a=age,i=index))
21 Jan 2019
1#A tuple is essentailly a list with limited uses. They are popular when making variables 
2#or containers that you don't want changed, or when making temporary variables.
3#A tuple is defined with parentheses.
02 Oct 2020
1import string
2fhand = open('romeo-full.txt')
3counts = dict()
4for line in fhand:
5    line = line.translate(None, string.punctuation)
6    line = line.lower()
7    words = line.split()
8    for word in words:
9        if word not in counts:
10            counts[word] = 1
11        else:
12            counts[word] += 1
14# Sort the dictionary by value
15lst = list()
16for key, val in counts.items():
17    lst.append( (val, key) )
21for key, val in lst[:10] :
22    print key, val
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