python import data

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22 Jan 2018
1# Basic syntax:
2with open('/path/to/filename.extension', 'open_mode') as filename:
3  file_data = filename.readlines()	# Or 
4# Where:
5#	- open imports the file as a file object which then needs to be read
6#		with one of the read options
7#	- readlines() imports each line of the file as an element in a list
8#	- read() imports the file contents as one long new-line-separated 
9#		string
10#	- open_mode can be one of:
11#		- "r" = Read which opens a file for reading (error if the file 
12#			doesn't exist)
13#		- "a" = Append which opens a file for appending (creates the 
14#			file if it doesn't exist)
15#		- "w" = Write which opens a file for writing (creates the file 
16#			if it doesn't exist)
17#		- "x" = Create which creates the specified file (returns an error
18#			if the file exists)
19# Note, "with open() as" is recommended because the file is closed 
20#	automatically so you don't have to remember to use file.close()
21# Note, if you're getting unwanted newline characters with this approach,
22#	you can run: file_data = instead
24# Basic syntax for a delimited file with multiple fields:
25import csv
26with open('/path/to/filename.extension', 'open_mode') as filename:
27	file_data = csv.reader(filename, delimiter='delimiter')
28    data_as_list = list(file_data)
29# Where:
30#	- csv.reader can be used for files that use any delimiter, not just
31#		commas, e.g.: '\t', '|', ';', etc. (It's a bit of a misnomer)
32#	- csv.reader() returns a csv.reader object which can be iterated 
33#		over, directly converted to a list, and etc. 
35# Importing data using Numpy:
36import numpy as np
37data = np.loadtxt('/path/to/filename.extension',
38				delimiter=',', 	# String used to separate values
39				skiprows=2, 	# Number of rows to skip
40				usecols=[0,2], 	# Specify which columns to read
41				dtype=str) 		# The type of the resulting array
43# Importing data using Pandas:
44import pandas as pd
45data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/filename.extension',
46				nrows=5, 		# Number of rows of file to read
47				header=None, 	# Row number to use as column names 
48	            sep='\t', 		# Delimiter to use 
49	            comment='#', 	# Character to split comments
50				na_values=[""])	# String to recognize as NA/NaN
52# Note, pandas can also import excel files with pd.read_excel()
21 Jan 2017
1import pandas as pd
3df = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Product List.xlsx') #place "r" before the path string to address special character, such as '\'. Don't forget to put the file name at the end of the path + '.xlsx'
4print (df)
22 Jul 2016
1you should be in the same dir as .py file 
3df = pd.read_csv('your_file_name.csv')
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in pythonimportinh xlsx into pythinopen excel with pythonimport csv using pandasimport data python excelread data from csv in python using pandaspd read csv exampleimport csv file into python pandaspandas get data from csvread data file in pandaspandas csv dataframepandas to import csv filepython import excel functionpython take input from excelhow to insert values into an excel pythonview a csv file pandaspandas csv reader pythonread data from csv file using pandas 5cread file excel pythonpandas csv exampleopen xlsx file pythonread csv in pythonpython migrate xlsx sheetoutput excel sheet data to a file used by pythonhow to import excel dataset in pythonhow to read excel sheet in pythonpython pandas open csvload csv to dataframe pythonpython pandas read csv filehow to read from excel in pythonhow to read a csv file in python using pandasread csv pythonhow to code for excel in pythonread xlsx file in pythonpython import file to edit excelread a xlsx file in pythonpython import 22 data 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python read csv file in python pandas examplepd read csvimport data on pythonopen a csv file in python using pandasimport xl library pythonpandas load dataois read csv a dataframeupload csv from computer pandasimporting an excel file into pythonpandas read a csv file in collumnsload online excel sheet in pythonhow to read a csv file as pandas dataframe 3fpython read file to pandaread excel files in pythonread file pandasimport data from excel to python pandasread a pd dataframe as csvdf 3d pd read csv pythonload df pandasopen an excel file in pythonpython3 pandas read csvopen csv with pandasopen excel application with pythonpython how to import excelexample of reading a csv file in pandashow to read an excel file in pythonhow to read excel from pythonhow to read from excel file in pythonread a csv file in pandasexcell file pythongetting data from excel file pythonhow to read a csv file in python without pandasconnect excel with pythonxlsx read pythonhow to load csv file in pandasimporting data in pythonimport xlsx pythonimport data in pandas from csv filehow to extract data from csv file in python using pandashow to import csv file in python using pandasimport xls into pandasread excel file spyderopenpyxl read excelhow to create dataframe and import csv into it pythonexample csv file pandashow to open excel with pythonpanada read csv typewhat is importing data in pythonpython panda read data fileshow to read csv file in using pandasload csv dataset in pythoncsv file to df pythonpython imprt csv into dfpython import csv to pandas dataframecsv reader to pandaspython import excel filehow to import data file in pythonpd read csv read a file from desktoppython csv read into data framepandas import csv into tablereading csv file to pandas dataframepd read csv pandashow to import data into pythonimport csv file in python pandas list load geodataframe pthonhow to import a python file into an excel cellcsv read pandasopen file with pandas pythonhow to import 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pythonpandas csv readusing pandas to open excel fileread a csv with pandasimport excel with pandas pythonimport csv python pandaspython pandas reading data from csv filepandas get csv formatimport xlsx into python in jupyter notebookhow to import excel file in pythonhow to import data from a file in pythonread in csv file pandaswhat should we install to read excel file in pandashow to read dataset from a csv file in pythonpandas read data from filereading excel file in pythonexcel to pythonread dataset with pandashow to read csv file in python pandashow to load data into pythonread excel file pythonopen csv as dataframe pandasloading xlsx in pythonfile handling in python in xlspython excel loadload dataset in pythonread row in csv pandashow to read csv file online into pandashow to create a pandas dataframe by reading the csv fileload csv file in pythonpython dat to excelpandas read file into dataframehow to get excel data in pythonhow to import jupyter file in excelload data 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