python if

Solutions on MaxInterview for python if by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python if"
20 Oct 2017
1usrinput = input(">> ")
2if usrinput == "Hello":
3  print("Hi")
4elif usrinput == "Bye":
5  print("Bye")
7  print("Okay...?")
16 Apr 2020
3print('What is age?')
4age = int(input('number:')) # user gives number as input
5if age > 18:
6    print('go ahead drive')
7elif age == 18:
8    print('come personaly for test')
10    print('still underage')
16 Oct 2019
1The elif statement allows you to check multiple expressions for TRUE 
2and execute a block of code as soon as one of the conditions evaluates
3to TRUE. Similar to the else, the elif statement is optional. However,
4unlike else, for which there can be at most one statement, there can 
5be an arbitrary number of elif statements following an if.
7if expression1:
8   statement(s)
9elif expression2:
10   statement(s)
11elif expression3:
12   statement(s)
14   statement(s)
27 Mar 2018
1if num<5:
2  print('Num less than 5')
3elif 5<= num <=9:
4  print('Num between 5 and 9')
6  print('Num more than 9')
10 Jan 2019
1if num==5:
2  print("Num equal to 5")
3elif num > 5:
4  print("Num more than 5")
6  print("Num smaller than 5 but not equal to 5")
23 Jan 2019
1def e(x):
2	if x == "Sunny" and x == "sunny":
3  		print('Remember your sunglasses!')
4	elif x == "Rainy" and x == "rainy":
5  		print('Do not forget your umbrella!')
6	elif x == 'Thunderstorm' or x == 'thunderstorm' or x =='Stormy' or x == 'stormy':
7      print('Stay Home!')
9x = input('What is the weather?')
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