python get last key in dict

Solutions on MaxInterview for python get last key in dict by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python get last key in dict"
19 Jul 2018
05 Oct 2020
1lastkey = list(yourDict.keys())[-1] 
17 Jul 2016
1# import the right class
2from collections import OrderedDict
4# create and fill the dictionary
5d = OrderedDict()
6d['first']  = 1
7d['second'] = 2
8d['third']  = 3
10# retrieve key/value pairs
11els = list(d.items()) # explicitly convert to a list, in case it's Python 3.x
13# get first inserted element 
15=> ('first', 1)
17# get last inserted element 
19=> ('third', 3)
19 Jan 2019
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