python extract thefile name from relative path

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showing results for - "python extract thefile name from relative path"
15 Feb 2020
1import os
22 May 2020
1import os
2infile = "./../../../../_data/matrix_data/5mer_normalized.tsv"
4>>> "5mer_normalized.tsv"
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get file path in folder pythonget filename from full path pythonget filename from fileparsing a file name from a path string in pythonos 2cfilename python python path of file nameget file name of file form full path pythonhow to retrieve filename from the whole path of the file in pythonname of the file from path os pythohos extract filename from pathseparate os path basenamepython remove full path from filenameos python get filenameget file name only pytohnpython extract file nameget name of file os pythongiven a file location how can i get the file name pythonhow to get the path of a file using pythonposix path get nameextract filename from path pythonpathlib get file namehow to get image name from path pythonextract only the file name python from pathget file name from a path pythonget file name from path pythoget relative path python of filepython get directory and filename from pathpython get filenames frompathhow to remove filename from filepath in py using osget file path by 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