python datetime difference in seconds

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showing results for - "python datetime difference in seconds"
21 Mar 2016
1minutes_diff = (datetime_end - datetime_start).total_seconds() / 60.0
14 Jul 2017
1from datetime import datetime
2import time
4datetime1 =
5# Wait for 1 minute
7datetime2 =
9difference = datetime2 - datetime1
10print(f"The time difference between the 2 time is: {difference}")
11 Jul 2016
1future_date = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 2)
2past_date = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
4difference = (future_date - past_date)
5Calculate difference in time
8total_seconds = difference.total_seconds()
9Convert time difference to seconds
08 Nov 2020
1import datetime as dt
3a = dt.datetime(2013,12,30,23,59,59)
4b = dt.datetime(2013,12,31,23,59,59)
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oythonhow to calculate the time 28in minutes 29 between two dates pythonhow to find time difference in pythondifference between two datetimes in seconds pythonpython two time differenceget time difference bewteen two time pythoncalculate difference in dates pythonpython time difference in hourspython work out the present between two timesget time difference datetime pythonpython datetime difference in secondsget differnece timestamp from date pythonsubract time pythonhow to find the seconds between two dates in pyhtontime difference between two times pythoncalculate time difference in pythonpython boto3 find difference in timestampdifference of time in pythoncompare time difference in python python datetime diff secondspython get time diff in seconds from datetimedifference between to times pythonpython get seconds between two datetimesseconds between two dates pythoncalculate difference between timestamps pythonconvert datetime difference to seconds pythonget date difference in pythonhow to find difference of date in pythonpython calculate time differencetime difference python in daystime difference in seconds pythontime difference python datetimepython date difference in hourspython difference between two dates in hourshow to find difference in two times in pythoncheck if difference in two times is greater than 1 hout pythonhow to perform time difference in pythonpython how to count seconds betweendiff between two time pythonget difference of time in seconds in python codepython get difference between two timeshow to make a difference in time pythonpython calculate time difference in minutescreate datetime from seconds pythonpython datetime diff in secondshow to get difference in time pythontake difference of time pythonpython time seconds differencepython datetime difference in seconds