1This is the best online compler for python which I've used.
2Probably you will find it on the top of your search resluts too.
1w3schools has another compiler option
1from sys import stdin
2from collections import deque
4def beauty(n,m,s,x,y):
5 degree=[0 for i in range(n)]
6 graph={i:[] for i in range(n)}
7 for i in range(m):
8 x[i]-=1
9 y[i]-=1
10 graph[x[i]].append(y[i])
11 degree[y[i]]+=1
12 q=deque()
13 for i in range(n):
14 if degree[i]==0:
15 q.append(i)
16 count=0
17 ans=0
18 dp=[[0 for i in range(26)]for i in range(n)]
19 while count<n and q:
20 a=q.popleft()
21 count+=1
22 dp[a][ord(s[a])-97]+=1
23 for i in graph[a]:
24 for j in range(26):
25 dp[i][j]=max(dp[i][j],dp[a][j])
26 degree[i]-=1
27 if degree[i]==0:
28 q.append(i)
29 if count!=n:
30 return -1
31 else:
32 ans=0
33 for i in range(n):
34 ans=max(ans,max(dp[i]))
35 return ans