python add multiple columns to pandas dataframe

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29 Mar 2019
1# Basic syntax:
2df[['new_column_1_name', 'new_column_2_name']] = pd.DataFrame([[np.nan, 'word']], index=df.index)
3# Where the columns you're adding have to be pandas dataframes
5# Example usage:
6# Define example dataframe:
7import pandas as pd
8import numpy as np
9df = pd.DataFrame({
10    'col_1': [0, 1, 2, 3],
11    'col_2': [4, 5, 6, 7]
15   col_1  col_2
160      0      4
171      1      5
182      2      6
193      3      7
21# Add several columns simultaneously:
22df[['new_col_1', 'new_col_2', 'new_col_3']] = pd.DataFrame([[np.nan, 42, 'wow']], index=df.index)
24   col_1  col_2  new_col_1  new_col_2 new_col_3
250      0      4        NaN         42       wow
261      1      5        NaN         42       wow
272      2      6        NaN         42       wow
283      3      7        NaN         42       wow
30# Note, this isn't much more efficient than simply doing three
31#	separate assignments, e.g.:
32df['new_col_1'] = np.nan
33df['new_col_2'] = 42
34df['new_col_3'] = 'wow'
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