pyramid using c

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16 Nov 2019
2int main() 
4int i,j,n; 
6scanf("%d", &n); 
7for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++) 
9    for (j = 1 ; j <= 2*n-1 ; j++) 
11      if (j >= n-(i-1) && j <= n+(i-1)) 
12      { printf("*"); }
13      else 
14      {printf(" "); } 
Juan Diego
07 Jan 2020
1#include <stdio.h>
3int main(){
4    int i,j,n,;//declaring variables
6    /*
7    At first half pyramid
8    *
9    **
10    ***
11    ****
12    *****
13    ******
14    *******
15    ********
16    */
17    printf("Enter rows: \n");
18    scanf("%d",&n);
20    printf("half pyramid\n\n");
21    for(i=0;i<n;i++){ //loop for making rows
22        for(j=0;j<i;j++){ //loop for making stars. Here "i" is row number and n is total row number. so for making 1 star after 1 star you've to put variable "i"
23            printf("* ");
24        }
25        //printing new line
26        printf("\n");
27    }
29    printf("\n\n");
35    /*
36    making full pyramids
38        *
39       ***
40      *****
41     *******
42    *********
43   ***********
45    */
46    printf("full pyramid\n\n");
47    //the first loop is for printing rows
48    for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
49        //loop for calculating spaces
50        for(j=1;j<=(n-i);j++){ //to calculate spaces I use totalRows-rowNo formula
51            printf(" ");
52        }
54        //loop for calculating stars
55        for(j=1;j<=((2*i)-1);j++){ //using the formula "2n-1"
56            printf("*");
57        }
58        //printing a new line
59        printf("\n");
60    }
66    return 0;
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