1from PyQt4 import QtGui
2from PyQt4 import QtCore
4class MyHighlighter(QtGui.QTextEdit):
5 def __init__(self, parent=None):
6 super(MyHighlighter, self).__init__(parent)
7 # Setup the text editor
8 text = """In this text I want to highlight this word and only this word.\n""" +\
9 """Any other word shouldn't be highlighted"""
10 self.setText(text)
11 cursor = self.textCursor()
12 # Setup the desired format for matches
13 format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
14 format.setBackground(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("red")))
15 # Setup the regex engine
16 pattern = "word"
17 regex = QtCore.QRegExp(pattern)
18 # Process the displayed document
19 pos = 0
20 index = regex.indexIn(self.toPlainText(), pos)
21 while (index != -1):
22 # Select the matched text and apply the desired format
23 cursor.setPosition(index)
24 cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfWord, 1)
25 cursor.mergeCharFormat(format)
26 # Move to the next match
27 pos = index + regex.matchedLength()
28 index = regex.indexIn(self.toPlainText(), pos)
30if __name__ == "__main__":
31 import sys
32 a = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
33 t = MyHighlighter()
34 t.show()
35 sys.exit(a.exec_())