preemptive priority scheduling implementation in c

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28 Jul 2017
1#include <iostream>
2#include <algorithm> 
3#include <iomanip>
4#include <string.h> 
5using namespace std;
7struct process {
8    int pid;
9    int arrival_time;
10    int burst_time;
11    int priority;
12    int start_time;
13    int completion_time;
14    int turnaround_time;
15    int waiting_time;
16    int response_time;
19int main() {
21    int n;
22    struct process p[100];
23    float avg_turnaround_time;
24    float avg_waiting_time;
25    float avg_response_time;
26    float cpu_utilisation;
27    int total_turnaround_time = 0;
28    int total_waiting_time = 0;
29    int total_response_time = 0;
30    int total_idle_time = 0;
31    float throughput;
32    int burst_remaining[100];
33    int is_completed[100];
34    memset(is_completed,0,sizeof(is_completed));
36    cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
38    cout<<"Enter the number of processes: ";
39    cin>>n;
41    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
42        cout<<"Enter arrival time of process "<<i+1<<": ";
43        cin>>p[i].arrival_time;
44        cout<<"Enter burst time of process "<<i+1<<": ";
45        cin>>p[i].burst_time;
46        cout<<"Enter priority of the process "<<i+1<<": ";
47        cin>>p[i].priority;
48        p[i].pid = i+1;
49        burst_remaining[i] = p[i].burst_time;
50        cout<<endl;
51    }
53    int current_time = 0;
54    int completed = 0;
55    int prev = 0;
57    while(completed != n) {
58        int idx = -1;
59        int mx = -1;
60        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
61            if(p[i].arrival_time <= current_time && is_completed[i] == 0) {
62                if(p[i].priority > mx) {
63                    mx = p[i].priority;
64                    idx = i;
65                }
66                if(p[i].priority == mx) {
67                    if(p[i].arrival_time < p[idx].arrival_time) {
68                        mx = p[i].priority;
69                        idx = i;
70                    }
71                }
72            }
73        }
75        if(idx != -1) {
76            if(burst_remaining[idx] == p[idx].burst_time) {
77                p[idx].start_time = current_time;
78                total_idle_time += p[idx].start_time - prev;
79            }
80            burst_remaining[idx] -= 1;
81            current_time++;
82            prev = current_time;
84            if(burst_remaining[idx] == 0) {
85                p[idx].completion_time = current_time;
86                p[idx].turnaround_time = p[idx].completion_time - p[idx].arrival_time;
87                p[idx].waiting_time = p[idx].turnaround_time - p[idx].burst_time;
88                p[idx].response_time = p[idx].start_time - p[idx].arrival_time;
90                total_turnaround_time += p[idx].turnaround_time;
91                total_waiting_time += p[idx].waiting_time;
92                total_response_time += p[idx].response_time;
94                is_completed[idx] = 1;
95                completed++;
96            }
97        }
98        else {
99             current_time++;
100        }  
101    }
103    int min_arrival_time = 10000000;
104    int max_completion_time = -1;
105    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
106        min_arrival_time = min(min_arrival_time,p[i].arrival_time);
107        max_completion_time = max(max_completion_time,p[i].completion_time);
108    }
110    avg_turnaround_time = (float) total_turnaround_time / n;
111    avg_waiting_time = (float) total_waiting_time / n;
112    avg_response_time = (float) total_response_time / n;
113    cpu_utilisation = ((max_completion_time - total_idle_time) / (float) max_completion_time )*100;
114    throughput = float(n) / (max_completion_time - min_arrival_time);
116    cout<<endl<<endl;
118    cout<<"#P\t"<<"AT\t"<<"BT\t"<<"PRI\t"<<"ST\t"<<"CT\t"<<"TAT\t"<<"WT\t"<<"RT\t"<<"\n"<<endl;
120    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
121        cout<<p[i].pid<<"\t"<<p[i].arrival_time<<"\t"<<p[i].burst_time<<"\t"<<p[i].priority<<"\t"<<p[i].start_time<<"\t"<<p[i].completion_time<<"\t"<<p[i].turnaround_time<<"\t"<<p[i].waiting_time<<"\t"<<p[i].response_time<<"\t"<<"\n"<<endl;
122    }
123    cout<<"Average Turnaround Time = "<<avg_turnaround_time<<endl;
124    cout<<"Average Waiting Time = "<<avg_waiting_time<<endl;
125    cout<<"Average Response Time = "<<avg_response_time<<endl;
126    cout<<"CPU Utilization = "<<cpu_utilisation<<"%"<<endl;
127    cout<<"Throughput = "<<throughput<<" process/unit time"<<endl;
134AT - Arrival Time of the process
135BT - Burst time of the process
136ST - Start time of the process
137CT - Completion time of the process
138TAT - Turnaround time of the process
139WT - Waiting time of the process
140RT - Response time of the process
142Formulas used:
144TAT = CT - AT
145WT = TAT - BT
146RT = ST - AT
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