postgres if else

Solutions on MaxInterview for postgres if else by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "postgres if else"
19 Oct 2020
1-- use postgress case
3SELECT name, continent, indep_year,
4    CASE WHEN indep_year < 1900 THEN 'before 1900'
5         WHEN indep_year <= 1930 THEN 'between 1900 and 1930'
6         ELSE 'after 1930' END
7         AS indep_year_group
8FROM countries
9ORDER BY indep_year_group;
03 Jun 2017
5     DO $$
7  a integer := 10;
8  b integer := 20;
10  IF a > b THEN
11	RAISE NOTICE 'a is greater than b';
12  END IF;
14  IF a < b THEN
15	RAISE NOTICE 'a is less than b';
16  END IF;
18  IF a = b THEN
19	RAISE NOTICE 'a is equal to b';
20  END IF;
21END $$;
25 Aug 2016
1if condition then
2  statements;
4  alternative-statements;
5END if;
queries leading to this page
how to use if statement in postgresqlpostgresql if then else ifpostgres procedure if andelse if in postgresqlhow to put if else in postgre sql querysimple function in postgresql if elsepostgresql pgsql ifpostgres else ifpostgresql run query in if statementhow use if else in postgresqlpostgresql if in selectif else statement postgrespostgres sql if else sql statementpostgresql condicional ifpostgresql if else statementplpgsql ifspostgres sql if statementselect if else postgresqlfunction if postgresqlif else sql postgresqlif statements postgresql 22psql 22 22 5cif 22if else in psqlif statement in plpgsqlpsql if then else statementif else postgresql functionpostgresql if orif statement in where clause postgresqlpostgresql iffif else in postgresql queryif on select postgrespostgresql if 21 3dpsql ifpostgre sql if statementhow to use if else in postgresql with selif statements postgreshow to use if in psqlif 2felse postgres selectif statement in postgresqliff statement postgresif then else postgresqlpostgresql select if 2felsepostgresql if whereadd if else to postgresql queryif else i f else postgrespostgresql where ifpostgresql if statements if en postgresqlpostgres if andpostgres if in selectpostgres sql ifpostgres if condition foundif statements in postgresqldo if statement in postgreslpostgres function if conditionpostgresql function if else examplepostgresql if statement in functionpostgresql if elsepostgresql condition ifif statement postgressqladd if else in post gres querypostgres function ifpostgres if else examplehow to use if else in postgresqlpostgresql ifif statement in psqlpostgres if fountpostgres where ifif then statement psqlif else pass in postgresqlpostgresql elifpostgres plpgsql if statementpostgres if else thenplpgsql if else if elseif on postgresqlpostgresql if statement in selectpl 2fpgsql if statementif postgresql examplepostgres if elseifpsql if then elseif statement postgresqlif statement in postgresql select queryelse statement psqlif in postgresqlpostgres pgsql ifif condition in postgresqlif condition in select statement in postgresqlpostgres if true elsepostgres select if elsepostgres elseifif statement plpgsqlif else postgrespostgresql else if examplepostgres case if elseif on query postgresqlif then statement postgresqlpostgresql understanding if elsepostgresql elsepostgress ifpostgres if conditionhow to postgresql if postgresql procedure if elseplpgsql conditionsif create condition in psqlif statement on select postgre sqlpostgres conditional ifpostgresql if clausepsql if statementplpgsql ifif statement into postgrespostgresql if inif else postgres functioncan you do an if statement if psqlif sql postgresqlpostgresql function with condition exampleif else condition in postgresql querypostgresql if else statementsif else plpgsqlconditional set postgrespostgres if then elseif condition where postgrespostgresql create function if elseif in postgresql functionpostgresql if selectposgres function if thenif else psqlif 7c 7c postgrespostgresql select ifpostgresql function if statementif else statement in postgresqlplpgsql stop procudure is condition is trueplpgsql if then end ifpostgresql if check is false do elseif lese in postgrespostgresql function if thenif else in sql postgrespostgres query if elseelse postgresqlpostgres elseif in postgresqpostgresql create function if thenif else contineu in postgresqlpostgres conditionsconditions in postgresqlpostgresql if else in columnif psqlif elseif plpgsqlpgsql if else syntaxif postgresqlrun for loop with if exists stored procedure psqlpsql 22 5cif 22psql select ifpostgresql if then elsepostgresql end procedure if thenpostgres if statementif condition in postgreshow to have if else in postgres querypostgresql proc if statementpostgres declare variable with conditionif with where psqlpostgres if exisits thenpostgresql if conditionsif then else pl 2fpgsqluse if in the postgres on whereelse if postgrespostgresql functions if statementpostgres if elsepostgresql function if then with conditionelse if statement in postgrsqlpostgres if statement in functionif statment if true postgresfuncrion postgresql if statementif where postgresqlpostgres ifelse if postgresql 7b 25 if postgresqlpostgressql ifelse when postgresqlpostgres function return based on conditionshow to write if statement in postgresqlif in where clause postgresqlif else condition on where clause postgresqlusing if else postgresif and elseif in postgresqlpostgre sql ifpostgresql select if else exampleplpgsql if thenif function postgrepostgresql stored procedure if elsewrite a plpgsql function if statement exampleif clause postgresqlif postgresqlpostgres elifprocedure if statement postgresif then postgresqlif else in postgresqlpostgresql if else into selectplpgsql if else 3f 3aif plsqlif condition in where clause postgresqlpostgres query if statementpostgresql if else select postgres function if elsepostgresql if else in functionpostgresql if exampleif statement postgrespg if conditionpsql if elseif pgsqlif else in postgresql function examplesif sql postgrespostgresql if 3d 3dpostgresql function else ifcodition name postgrespostgressql if statementpostgres if else ifif and psqlpostgres if notpostgresql create function if then elsepsql if in selectif select postgresqlpsql if statmentelseif in postgresqlpostgresql if statementselect postgresql if elsepostgresql view if conditioncan you use if else in sql postgresrun query using if else postgresselse in postgresqlput if in postgres where clauseselect if postgresif else in postgresql functionplpgsql else ifif in plpgsqlif or else execute statement postgresqlpostgres if statement body postgresql else if statementif condition postgresqlif postgresand if postgresqlif in postgresql selectpostgres function if else examplepostgres function ifpostgresql function if then exampleif in select postgresqlif statementin postgresqlpostgresql function if then with and conditionpostgresql if else query functionplpgsql conditional statementsplpgsql if statementpostgresql stored function with if statementif else in postgrespostgresql select if conditionplpgsql if elsepostgresql else ifpostgres then elsepostgresql write conditions as functionpostgres if selectif else in postgresql select querystored procedure postgres if statementpostgres single line ifpostgresql if else in select statementif in where postgresqlplpgsql conditional andhow to use if statement in select query in postgresqlif else condition in postgresql functionpostgresql if thenusing if else in postgresif then else postgresql queryselect if else postgresplpgsql and funciton if thenfunction if statement postgrespostgres if else in selectplpgsql if selectpostgres if statmenthow todo an if than in a check in postgresqlpsql if examplepostgres function using if elseif condition in psqlif statement in postgreshow to use if else condition in where clause psqlplsql select ifpostgres stored procedure if statementif statement psqlif postgresql functionif then in postgresqlpostgresql if else in selectif else in stored procedure postgresqlif else postgresqlif in psqlelseif postgresif query postgresql else in postgresqlpostgres if else statementpostgresql function ifpostgres if select 3dpostgresql if functionif else in postgres functionspostgresql if else functionif in equal in psql procedureelse psqlhow to if postgresqlpostgre if else in sqlset a variable value in psql based on if elsehow to use if in postgresqlpostgresql if elseif elsepostgres if thensql postgres ifif esle postgreshow to write a conditional statment in postgresql that runs different cade based on table nameif else functions postgresqlmultiple if statements in postgresqlif en postgresadd a if check in postgresqlpostgresql if else if endwhere if postgresqlhow to use nested if else in postgresqlpostgresql function if conditionpostgres run query only if condiition is trueselect if postgresqlplpgsql if from sqlcreate if else query in postgresql c 23pl 2fpgsql if statement comparisonpostgresql function if elsepsql if trueplsql ifif else if psqlif statement with boolean table postgresqlif else if in postgresql functionpostgresql if conditionpostgresql elsifsql if postgrespostgresql if statement in where clauseif else in postgre sqlpostgress where ifconditions postgresif statement in select postgresqlpostgres function if statementpostgresql if statement examplepostgres psql ifif else declare postgresqlif and else in postgresqlpostgres if else