php ziparchive compress folder

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22 Jun 2018
2class FlxZipArchive extends ZipArchive 
4 public function addDir($location, $name) 
5 {
6       $this->addEmptyDir($name);
7       $this->addDirDo($location, $name);
8 } 
9 private function addDirDo($location, $name) 
10 {
11    $name .= '/';
12    $location .= '/';
13    $dir = opendir ($location);
14    while ($file = readdir($dir))
15    {
16        if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
17        $do = (filetype( $location . $file) == 'dir') ? 'addDir' : 'addFile';
18        $this->$do($location . $file, $name . $file);
19    }
20 } 
25$the_folder = '/path/to/folder/to/be/zipped';
26$zip_file_name = '/path/to/zip/';
27$za = new FlxZipArchive;
28$res = $za->open($zip_file_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
29if($res === TRUE) 
31    $za->addDir($the_folder, basename($the_folder));
32    $za->close();
35echo 'Could not create a zip archive';
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