php is int

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showing results for - "php is int"
13 Aug 2019
1//is_numeric — Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
2is_numeric ( $variable ); // returns true or false
15 Apr 2017
2	//true
31 Nov 2016
1$a = 5; //returns true
2$a = "5"; //returns false
3$a = 5.3; //returns false
23 Jun 2016
1// to check the input integer validation we can use is_int() function
5$x = 10; //returns true
6$x = "123"; //returns false
7$x = 12.365; //returns false
8$x = "ankur"; //returns false
28 Jan 2016
1// Check if variable is int
2$id = "1";
5  throw new Exception("Not Int", 404);
8	// this variable is int
21 Aug 2016
1is_int(mixed $value): bool
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